A Good Day to Fight

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A Good Day to Fight

A Good Day to Fight


So, yesterday America, or rather the healthy part of America, celebrated Independence day, while the sick part of America continued looting, robbing, murdering, destroying statues, and generally speaking, continued to fight against actual Independece of United States.

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Let us talk about hot topic of Optics , how it works, how it affect our strategies, and how we could come to some agreement.
On social networks there were a lot of discussions about optics, about preferred strategy – you know, like whether it was better idea to stay home and avoid, as they say, giving media desired pictures of “right-wing threat” , or mb it was actually a good idea to show up and to remind, that leftists are not the only power here.

Probably one of the most dangerous misconception is the belief, that freedom basically, is the same as comfort, safety and stability.
You will oftentimes hear people, media, politicians or NGO-s judging freedom by the level of comfort citizens have.
But this leads to a situation, when freedom is traded for these things.

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If you are afraid, if you feel weak and unimportant, if you believe, that everything is out of your reach, and you are just an object of some powers, some historical waves – then you have no inspiration to fight, no cause to keep your allegiance to.
Everything happens without you. That is your role. Be happy, because crisis. Don`t question – because crisis.

Now, from the political point of view - Is there anything else to wish for? Permanent crisis and frightened citizens, who feel like they have nothing to say in these events.

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Probably all of you have been baffled by mainstream conservative/right- centrists\republicans stance on immigration, where they play tough guy on illegal immigration, but suddenly are total lunatics in what regards legal immigration.
What does this show – is how deep and strong is the hold of neo-Marxist paradigm and fear caused by it, when a healthy and sane view on your people`s wellbeing and future is considered a taboo, and Is replaced by pseudo-legalist position based purely in the concept of legality of immigration – so, basically, in a paperwork.

Transcribed version

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The balance between governing classes and society is based on families and their jurisdiction, limiting jurisdiction of rulers, and creating an opposite pole of power.
The real multipolar world could only exist while drawing powers from an institution outside of man made legislation, outside of purely political systems.

From autonomy of family stems possibility of autonomy of a citizen, and this is why family jurisdiction is always one of the first targets for attacks from socialist revolution.
Because autonomous family generates difficult to control citizens. It creates a parallel world, which competes with socialist tyranny.

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Evil will rarely openly introduce itself as a spawn of hell, so it will never be "that moment" for resisting. It will always be unclear, because evil hides, masquerades, uses disguise, and it relies on your uncertainty.
Therefore it is never "too early" to fight it.

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Was USSR a collective regime, and whether it was natural.
Short answer no - USSR had synthetic collectivism, shaped by government, which makes it very different from any naturally occurring collectivism.

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Modern day liberals, partocrats have very similar mentality as Freemasons -“ we are enlightenment” , we are light-bringers” - this mentality alone is leading them into forming isolated clubs, societies or classes (let alone all the other goals of such organizations)
Behind their talks about freedom and enlightenment, hides huge ego and willingness to make other people listen to them in awe and believe them without doubt.

One of the most frequent ways to twist or to distort the nature of democracy, is to present it as a regime of procedures and formalities.
This is very handy for those groups, having enough resources to control and influence those procedures.
The problem is, that formalities were never a soul or the expression of the true nature of democracy, and they were never a good measurement of it.

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Why fear-mongering is so effective in forcing people to give up on their rights?
If you have no reference point OUTSIDE of your guaranteed comfort and wellbeing – you lose ability to overcome fear. As fear becomes the most powerful factor in your life.

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One thing is clear – no virus in this world is ever gonna be as sinister and deceitful as your typical beloved government and self-proclaimed prophets of progress and no virus in this world is ever gonna be as stupid as masses of cowards, who have no other meaning in their life except for staying safe and alive.

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As I am going to release several videos about strategy and tactics of right-wing activism, I would like to, let say, lay a foundation for them in this video.
Because in order to understand strategy and its meaning, you have to see, why does it have certain form or specific goals.
And to understand this, we have to talk a little about culture and how it works. As we can`t make any cultural changes without knowing what and why we are doing.

Transcribed version of this video

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Establishing goals and ideas for next videos, because this is what you do, when you don`t have a proper video ready :D Sneaky me.

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In this video we will be discussing anti-consumerism, simple (trad) life and downshifting from right-wing perspective. What is viable, what is not, and where to start, to bring some order back to life.

Transcribed version of this video if you prefer reading:

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Today I would like to talk about Capitalism in right-wing worldview.
Capitalism is oftentimes one of those “love or hate: topics in right-wing sphere.
You find both haters and fiery proponents of capitalism. This leads to lots of discord and attempts to exclude another point of view and group of people from what we would call a right-wing sphere.
Are there ways for reconciliation? Is there a possible common ground?
And where is the place of capitalism in a healthy society?

Transcribed version of this video if you prefer reading:

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In this video I would like to address some of the issues and possible causes of discords, and give my opinion on when attacking someone on the same political spectrum may be a good idea, and when it is destructive behavior, that leads to creating of highly toxic atmosphere.
Plus some advises on community building and strengthening bonds and unity between right-wingers.

The case of Epstein shows, that anti-pedophilia, is the last issue, where society can show its principles, without being called nazi or bigots.
Epstein might be dead, but we have to remember- that out of the long list of destructive pathologies , pedophilia is pretty much the last thing, where hate is legal. All the other pathologies were successfully legalized and are protected by the state, media and NGO.

Again, another unplanned video, this time in response to El Paso shooting , or rather in response to the reaction that followed that shooting. It is not about tragedy, it is about the ways some ppl are using it.

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Also, check out my blog - https://agooddaytofight.home.blog/
where i post transcribed versions of videos, if you prefer reading.
(obviously, you will miss some of visual materials, but still might be useful for some people)

In this quick video we will discuss latest Twitter battle (Stefan Molyneux VS feminists and white knights) , and whether we should be brutally honest, when we talk about serious dangers and issues, like women fertility, depression, childless life etc.

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Also, check out my blog - https://agooddaytofight.home.blog/
where i post transcribed versions of videos, if you prefer reading.
(obviously, you will miss some of visual materials, but still might be useful for some people)

In this video, a certified expert on Victimhood Calculations, will review a difficult "gay vs muslim" encounter, that happened in UK recently.
We will destroy bigots along the way, and will defend diversity!

Hopefully, you also strive to be a lovely person, who rejects all the bigoted nationalists, but sometime difficult situation arises, where you are lost, on what to do, whom to support etc.

This video is perfect example of solving problems!

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on Twitter: https://twitter.com/agooddaytofight

on gab.com: https://gab.com/aGoodDaytoFight

on minds.com: https://www.minds.com/agooddaytofight

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHHi1GDSzFcEAqR3qvZZQUA

Also, check out my blog - https://agooddaytofight.home.blog/
where i post transcribed versions of videos, if you prefer reading.
(obviously, you will miss some of visual materials, but still might be useful for some people)

So, EU has got a new Euro commision president , a former German ministry of defense, Ursula von der leyen.
Many have raised doubts whether such important position should be held by a former minister, who was hardly renowned for successes , but rather opposite.

What do you think about new president of European Commission?

for transcribed version visit my blog

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on gab.com https://gab.com/aGoodDaytoFight

on minds.com https://www.minds.com/agooddaytofight

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHHi1GDSzFcEAqR3qvZZQUA

Welcome to my channel! A channel for everyone willing to stand for his family, country, nation. And most importantly - to fight against our own weakness, apathy, depression or ignorance.

Saying to "fight for your family or your country" or "against communism" - still leaves you wondering, what choices to make in real life, where to go, what to learn, whom to support, how to improve - therefore it inevitably leads us to a greater discussion, on how to develop yourself, how to build communities of like-minded people, whom to trust and whom to avoid, how to build relationships, and how to be a decent human being, worthy of your ideas and values, worthy of your ancestors.

This will be the core of this channel, supported by sarcasm and fun, because quite frankly, it would be too painful to observe this clown world, while being 100% serious all the time.

So, tune in for the following topics and discussions
- Ideas and ideologies reviews - conservatism, counter-revolution, nationalism, reaction, anarcho-capitalism and many more)
- Personal growth - what to read, what to learn, how to become stronger both physically and mentally.
- Lifestyle - what it means to be nationalist or socio-conservative in real life
- Books , useful sites and channels reviews

- Cringe compilations
- Being woke and stunning
- Satire and honk-honk


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

23 videos

Category None

Welcome to my channel! A channel for everyone willing to stand for his family, country, nation. And most importantly - to fight against our own weakness, apathy, depression or ignorance.

Saying to "fight for your family or your country" or "against communism" - still leaves you wondering, what choices to make in real life, where to go, what to learn, whom to support, how to improve - therefore it inevitably leads us to a greater discussion, on how to develop yourself, how to build communities of like-minded people, whom to trust and whom to avoid, how to build relationships, and how to be a decent human being, worthy of your ideas and values, worthy of your ancestors.

This will be the core of this channel, supported by sarcasm and fun, because quite frankly, it would be too painful to observe this clown world, while being 100% serious all the time.

So, tune in for the following topics and discussions
- Ideas and ideologies reviews - conservatism, counter-revolution, nationalism, reaction, anarcho-capitalism and many more)
- Personal growth - what to read, what to learn, how to become stronger both physically and mentally.
- Lifestyle - what it means to be nationalist or socio-conservative in real life
- Books , useful sites and youtube channels reviews

- Cringe compilations
- Being woke and stunning
- Satire and honk-honk