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Based on a True Story! British Supremacy on the High Seas, Before the Yanks got Cheeky! HIS-Story... when white men were NOT held in contempt! Just a movie for my White Kindred flesh brothers... who like movies without any TAINT of Dindu Nuffin, Non-white Crap! This is a drink Beer and get serious with GOD movie... with No niggers innit! Hail Almighty Christ The Almighty Great I AM! \o/

Based on a True Story! Gordie Howe... who makes Nolan Ryan and his 110mph fastball pale in comparison! HIS-Story... when white men were NOT held in contempt! Just a movie for my White Kindred flesh brothers... who like movies without any TAINT of Dindu Nuffin, Non-white Crap! This is a drink Beer and get serious with GOD movie... with No niggers innit! Hail Almighty Christ The Almighty Great I AM! \o/

Based on a True Story! Lake Placid Winter Olympics and Herbert Paul Brooks Jr. HIS-Story... when white men were NOT held in contempt! Just a movie for my White Kindred flesh brothers... who like movies without any TAINT of Dindu Nuffin, Non-white Crap! This is a drink Beer and get serious with GOD movie... with No niggers innit! Hail Almighty Christ The Almighty Great I AM! \o/

Another subtle reminder that FE should not be in the "Gehenna" section of Christogenea forums....

'Just sayin'......... *chuckle*

'Still waiting for that podcast on Joshua 10!


'Still 'Loving YOU!........ in Almighty Christ!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

'Just a thought that I had gotten from the "Gentile" series... and simply want to share with my kindred flesh!

The amazing thing about my brother, Bill... is that... the more I listen to simply ONE (1) of his podcasts... the more I get out of just ONE (1) podcast!

Sometimes I wonder if even my brother, Bill... understands the POWER that is being funneled through him.... Bill... a servant of Yahweh Almighty... whom I dearly sense as a "conduit"... in whom our Dad seems fit for now to use for the present.

Bill........ you vex me, dearest brother!..... in a good (Godly) way!

Make of it what you will, my family in Christ Yahshua!

I speak my heart... as Dad changes it... and I am not to be held accountable for the changes that Dad changes me over....

Try to keep up...

It won't be long now.... and we'll all be along soon... in Yahweh's Permissive Will!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

In this three (3) part series, I have humbly and respectfully taken excerpts from my brother, Bill... and his notes, in which brother Bill comments on, from our dearly departed Israelite kindred flesh brothers, Bertrand Comparet and Clifton Emahiser.

The entire Podcast and notes can be located at:

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 6, Israel in the New Testament, by Bertrand Comparet, with Commentary

And the the original MP3 podcast at:

I have extrapolated from this message and created a three part series into how it is imperative to put to rest... ETERNALLY... that falsehood of the utterance... "Gentile"!

Make of it what you will......... but Dad won't be MOCKED.......... much longer!

Hail Christ I AM \o/

In this three (3) part series, I have humbly and respectfully taken excerpts from my brother, Bill... and his notes, in which brother Bill comments on, from our dearly departed Israelite kindred flesh brothers, Bertrand Comparet and Clifton Emahiser.

The entire Podcast and notes can be located at:

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 6, Israel in the New Testament, by Bertrand Comparet, with Commentary

And the the original MP3 podcast at:

I have extrapolated from this message and created a three part series into how it is imperative to put to rest... ETERNALLY... that falsehood of the utterance... "Gentile"!

Make of it what you will......... but Dad won't be MOCKED.......... much longer!

Hail Christ I AM \o/

In this three (3) part series, I have humbly and respectfully taken excerpts from my brother, Bill... and his notes, in which brother Bill comments on, from our dearly departed Israelite kindred flesh brothers, Bertrand Comparet and Clifton Emahiser.

The entire Podcast and notes can be located at:

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 6, Israel in the New Testament, by Bertrand Comparet, with Commentary

And the the original MP3 podcast at:

I have extrapolated from this message and created a three part series into how it is imperative to put to rest... ETERNALLY... that falsehood of the utterance... "Gentile"!

Make of it what you will......... but Dad won't be MOCKED.......... much longer!

Hail Christ I AM \o/

MUST WATCH! The proclivity in which Hollywood endeavors to present a clear image of FICTION.... simply makes me either LAUGH... or... when I witness my kindred flesh RUSH to the medium... makes me go full-on Face/Palm! Dear Father... I now know what I had done... and so... how much longer must I bear my siblings... in the face of what I... had... DONE?

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

It's sort of odd and curious... and as much as I get tossed off as a day-dreamer... it is even more funny how much I am mocked for being a believer that the "earth" that my Dad created is flat all throughout!

But I digress!

YOU believe in the JET FUEL HOAX.......... ROFL............

But here is my point... and in that after watching this video... if one doesn't question everything they have been instructed to believe... then... well..... it could be any shape at all........

Air-PLANES Fly... NOT air-CURVES fly.............. but has anyone ever considered the FUEL..............?

This video will rearrange your mental furniture................................. and EXACT questions in which the Passive/Aggressive Covert NARCISSISTS will not answer........... ON THEIR LIFE!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

The Parting Glass.......... ah yes......... We'll All Be Along Soon! Non-white beasts never ever do this... and not one of my kindred flesh can attest... that non-white beasts can INTROSPECT! THEY DO NOT! THEY ONLY GRAPPLE and CLING............. to that which we should be separating ourselves from... THE UNCLEAN - Ezra 9!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

It's sort of funny for me now... this "SHAME and BLAME"game... when I raise myself up off of my comfortable cushions and look around and realize... and I realize... the the only ones bitching about ME... are those... who are NOT of ME... and my kind! ........ Go figure!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/.................. Dad is coming................ CAN YOU SENSE IT?

Make of it what you will!

I liken Bill and Vertigo Politix as kindred flesh... but with the caveat that Vertigo Politix COMPLAINS......... and that my brother Bill EXPLAINS.................. BEFORE one gets to the "complaining"stage!

I get a lot of "hits" when I post any Vertigo Politix videos........... and that is fine and dandy!

My wish is to combine Vertigo Politix and Christogenea Identity into ONE.................

Where One "complains" and my dearest brother "explains"... if ONLY one takes the time to make the time to........... Liste........................ well.............. it really isn't important now, at this time........ issit?

The "chess board"... in my humble view... is pretty much SET.......... hence the enemy's BOLD assertions and cheeky endeavors............ over ONE RACE!


Oh DEAR................. how time flies!

The "Thief in the night" is ONLY for those who find themselves wanting....... lacking candle oil........

When you LOVE someone............ then you are always expectant of them.........

When you SHOULD HAVE LISTENED........ then "THINGS" come as a surprise! *chuckle*

Again....... My, oh MY.... how FAST time flies!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

This is an upload of mine that I want to elucidate how THEY promote bad and good...

ENTERTAININGLY.... to your wee bern.......... "Hey dad.......... C'MON and watch a movie with us Dad............. how they promote OUTRIGHT the bad... and then the good... and then how bad isn't really THAT bad... and that there is SOME GOOD... in BAD... *chuckle* Well... YOU DECIDE how THEY MOCK YOUR CHILD-LIKE MINDS!

Monsters Inc... it's about how making a child's scream gives power... but then when the monsters get it into their heads that making a child laugh gives 100-Fold... they change their tactics........ still being Fallen Angel Bastard Seed Spawn..... monsters... and then develop a marketing scheme to APPEAR "Human"... and present themselves as "Human"... to these wee bern wee ones... if ONLY THEY JUST CAN GET RID OF DAD... first!

Trannie-Story-Time and Adamic white children LET'S gather 'ROUND~......... *chuckle*

Monsters Inc.......... Trannie-Story-Time and Adamic white children LET'S gather 'ROUND~......... *chuckle* and DAD GO AWAY................
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In closing........ the movie, "Monsters Inc" reminds me of today.... It began with them scaring you... and then they changed instead to making you LAUGH.............. with entertainment............ Monsters being silly..... to gain your laughter and subsequent trust and acceptance!

Oh my... how DELIGHTFUL........... these monsters are so "cuddly" and "conscientious"

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Excerpts from:
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 30, 2023, # 425 ( Dane Wigington )
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Asking myself... "What will it take"?... has simply been put from my mind, as I witness the descent into Sodom... and witness my kindred flesh not repenting... but rather instead rushing headlong deeper towards, and into, the Ground Zero that will soon be as if it never were!

Gen 18:20  And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; 

Gen 18:21  I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know. 
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My kindred flesh forget perhaps how grievous things will become prior to our Dad's return...

The Death Warrant issued in this upload is simply one of the many warnings that are all around us and echoing daily... not for the bastards among us, because they are collateral damage bastard spawn... but all simply because of the hatred and envy that the Fallen Spawn have against Adam Kind and Isaac's Seed...

What is coming will seem like a bad dream... unless my kindred flesh wake up... and repent and turn back to their own kind and reject the Unclean!

In closing... stop watching the events and politics of men... and start watching the weather and its symptoms, because it is climate SYMPTOMS... not change! No Web-of-Life on earth!... no people, no nothing!

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." - Brother Peter, after the flesh! 

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Identifying the scripture which Scatterers use to turn apostate... my kindred flesh:

Act 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Key Notes:
"Here it should become evident that whenever the Bible discusses “the nations” it intends only those nations descended from Noah, listed in Genesis chapter 10, and originally all of those nations were of the same race. An example of “the times before appointed” in relation to the Genesis chapter 10 nations is found at Jeremiah 46:17, where the implication is that Egypt was finished as a nation, and although in Roman times the Greeks in Egypt maintained a high level of civilization for several centuries, history surely proves Jeremiah correct concerning the Egyptians themselves. Another example lies in Daniel chapter 2, and the vision of a succession of world empires given there, along with the parallel vision described in Daniel chapter 7."
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This upload excerpted from:

The Race of Genesis 10
MP3: • 2h 1m

Excerpt beginning with verse 26 of Acts 17!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Explaining the scripture which Scatterers use to turn apostate... my kindred flesh:

Act 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Key Notes:
• That Clifton Emahiser has taken the case for the Bible's Message being undeniably exclusive to the House of Israel and the House of Judah ONLY... NO OTHER RACES... as deftly asserted by William (Bill) Finck!
• That the word "Testament" is legally the same as covenant... as in Last Will and Testament, and the Old and New Testaments have beneficiaries clearly stated in the texts and contexts... as Mr. Finck will elucidate on and assert with absolute truth.
• That the word, "blood" in Acts 17:26 is not found in the ancient Greek manuscripts used to translate the Bible... and that this word was added by men, and not God.
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This upload excerpted from:

The Clergy Claims God Committed Fraud, and Adultery! A Review of a Paper by Clifton Emahiser
MP3: • 1h 18m

Excerpt beginning with verse 26 of Acts 17 comes at the end of this upload, but the prelude leading up to it is imperative to listen to, in order to get the true context of the Bible Message being for one race and Kind only!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Since the Fall in the Garden... Jacob/Israel has continually fallen back to that echoing cry, "Adam... Where are you"?

But it won't be long now, till our curses and bondage will be lifted and removed for eternity, and our calling will be granted in full to us... and we will fulfill our roles in which we were called... in Isaac's seed.

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Explaining the scripture which Scatterers use to turn apostate... my kindred flesh:

Act 17:26  And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Key Notes:
• Defining "all nations and men"!
• That "blood" is added, by men or devils, in the Masoretic Texts, and is not found in the ancient Greek texts used in the translations
• That the verse should correctly begin, "And he made from one, every nation of men, to dwell upon the face of the earth..."
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This upload excerpted from:

Book of Acts Chapter 17 - Christogenea Internet Radio 10-25-2013

Excerpt begins at 1h 4m of the original podcast, beginning with verse 26 of Acts 17!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Key Points:

• All Israel Is Saved - Not All Israel Believes

• Born With A Burden Of Doubt

• All Christians for 2000 years have suffered with a burden of doubt

• Christians are raised wondering whether they will be accepted by God at the end of their lives

• Perpetual Doubt is sewn in our minds from infancy

• Causes men to turn away from their community (apostasy by Scatterers)

• To Be Repentant in this life of our sins and Forgiving towards one another in this life for our sins
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Reference: Unity and Divisions - William Finck at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People in Kentucky on June 21st, 2015

MP3 Podcast here: ... for Isaac's Seed in these SOS times... because the "lamp shops" are closing down... and soon enough there won't be any "Lamp Oil" to purchase!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Others have claimed that these are the Kingdom of God, however it is clear in the text that these are only the first-fruits of those whom He has purchased – the first-fruits of the children Israel and, as it is evident in Chapter 7 at verse 9, they are followed by an innumerable multitude who were clothed in white garments. The promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be an innumerable multitude, as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore, and not a mere hundred and forty-four thousand (Genesis 22:17, 32:12 et al).

Excerpted from:
Revelation Chapters 14 through 16 - 03-18-2011
MP3 Podcast: • 1h 16m

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/


A no nigger... no "Jew" pure white man movie... and better yet... a TRUE TO LIFE Story!

The Isaac Seed Pure WILL... when challenged!

Grab a beer and your bible and on your iPad

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/


Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
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Since Monsanto began selling their patented 'Roundup Ready' genetically modified (GM) seeds they have sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement. Their heavy-handed investigations and ruthless prosecutions have been nothing less than an assault on the foundations of farming practices and traditions that have endured for millennia, including one of the oldest, the right to save and replant crop seed. Michael White, a fourth generation farmer and seed cleaner living in the northeast corner of rural Alabama never imagined that he would become the target of the conglomerates aggressive legal tactics. But unlike other farmers in his area Michael refused to give in to Monsanto and in doing so became one of only a handful of farmers to maintain the ability to speak publicly about his case. This is his story.
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Now Monsanto/Bayer... owners of over 90% of all agricultural crop seeds in the world... and ALL organic seed patents... giving them the power to shut down the mere commerce of God's originally created organic seed and make it a criminal act to preserve God's originally created organic seed in any way!

And now take mRNA recombinant gene/seed therapy on hominids... much less Isaac's Seed generations of what is now today classified as White People!

Everything today... in the crisis being pulled over our white, kindred flesh eyes... seems to always have to do with something or another about CHANGING OUR SEED......... Geoengineering SRM aerosol spraying of toxic nano-particulates into our biosphere and breathing column... mRNA Recombinant gene therapy.... Genetically Manufactured Organisms... Frog DNA in Tomatoes to make the skin more resilient and beautiful... and the list of SEED Changing goes on.... RACE-MIXING........ SEED!

In Isaac shall thy seed be called!
- - -

Ezr 9:1 Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

Ezr 9:2 For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers (Isaiah 56 SLEEPING DOGS) hath been chief in this trespass.

Gen 1:11  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself... (and not genetically be tampered with)!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/

A message that I happened upon... which struck me of one thing... an awakening... an awakening which begins with shock and rage... and then the realization of the inability to fulfill the desires of the rage... making one sense helplessness and vulnerability... and having to make a choice on how to ... well... die... when that moment of confrontation comes to either stand down or ... NOT stand down... and compromise! ............ logically speaking.... REPENTANCE comes before entering in BATTLE! ... a Last Will and Testament... of sorts... with the ALMIGHTY!

And so... I haven't really anything critical to say about this person's opinion... but it sure did get me to thinking..... and I also invite my Isaac Seed KINDred flesh to also be subject to this one person's view... and apply critical thinking.

God is real... IS_REAL........ and will not be mocked much longer!

Make of this what you will... KINDred flesh brother... and only Dad can "connect" my sentiment in the spirit... because the physical is pretty much FUBAR!

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/


Created 1 year ago.

64 videos

Category None

White, European, Identity Israel Christian of the True Geocentric Creator.

Opponent of the "Water-Benders"... the Heliocentric Free-Masonic Illuminati Lies and Deceptions since about 500 years ago.

White, European, Identity Israel Christian RACIST in the manner that I love my RACE and HATE ANYTHING THAT THREATENS IT in any way!

Enemy of anything that Yahweh/Yahshua Christ, I AM did not create nor takes credit for creating... and also hates... and will soon destroy all of that Tare infestation and its works.

Striving to love Yahweh/Yahshua Christ, I AM with all (ALL) my heart, mind and soul... leaving zero percent room for love of any kind, for any kind, not of my kindred flesh kind... meaning I hate devils and bastards with a hate.

Striving to love myself as commanded, as a means to love my kind after kind neighbor (of the genetic herd or flock) in a manner of "Do unto brothers as I expect brothers to do unto me".

Praying for the Blood Scent of my kind, that my Father brings me to them and them to me through open discussion and asking questions... to put iron against iron.

I am the enemy of Narcissism and all of its foul symptoms, behaviors, thought and soulless existence.

Portions of this "About" statement will be added/edited/deleted without warning, as I pray that my Father leads me, in His Permissive Will... and blesses me with the wisdom to know the difference between his desires and my desires.

Hail Christ, I AM! \o/