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1/16/2020 Court, record, cord, cor, heart. For a reign ment, but my mind is not so easily reigned in.

My heart is light as a feather..i walk in the Creator’s Law.

i.d, concealment, estoppel, full stop.

2/20/20 No paperwork “filed”, just the spoken whirds used. They switched the “judge” and “prosecutor” because the bodies at "a reign ment" were in estoppel...

12/19/2019 Does thou really know your rights? Or are you just faking.. How does man contract with one who is unidentified?

i.d., concealment, estoppel...full stop.

Easy, no? Does thou have the guts to require a cop to provide driver license to thou? Step one, in contracting, lol.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

3 videos

Category None

Man all ways...slave no more! lol