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Attention, You're black!

Gay, simped for trannies. Though he continues to deny this to this day Vault has, at one time during the Chaos Era e-dated a tranny because he “was lonely at the time”. There is an ongoing debate on whether or not this is a joke. Vault is a vehement defender of the Southern Confederacy during the American Civil War although he owns no Confederate memorabilia himself due to his father being a gay, nigger loving Democrat voter. He eeks out his living having no income to speak of and drinking his days away, mostly Everclear and Vodka although he once was so desperate he resorted to drinking actual fucking Listerine mouthwash for about three months straight. Yeah, this isn’t a joke. He’s actually done this.

Danchert was an ancient Polack philosopher born in Rifnsjdzig during the Ayoo period. In Rifnsjdzig, he founded the Academy, the Dan Academy to be specific! a philosophical school where he taught the philosophical doctrines that would later become known as Danism

We discuss the probable Phrygian, Greek, and Indian connections, the genetic and cultural overlap with the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, the little-known Frisian retaking of Rome, the seemingly anciently related Phoenicians who chose to walk a very different path.. and quite a bit more.

The Kubrick Stare is really quite simple to pull off. You simply do the following:
Tilt head down
Look up beneath eyebrows
...and voila! Instant super-creepy look!
It generally signifies that the character in question is either really, really pissed or really, really deranged, and the person they're looking at is really, really Raped


1 like=1000 Donetsk children devoured by Zelesky

Haroldians is the name designated to the group of shitposters, fags, degens, incels, neo-nazis and general sub-human filth that reside within Harolds realm after his rebellion. The Haroldian culture and nature can be traced back to pre-Massacre days in Austins server with many seeing Harolds server as a revigorated version of Austins which became very much dead after the New Years Eve Massacre followed by the Second Nuking. Some very High Tier Moderators and Admins in Harolds server used to be “Austinians” as they later came to be called.

its from the vine by King bach and In this humorous display, it depicts a man opening a package of mints and the instant reaction of his piers around him whom are eager to partake in the consumption of the mint flavored treats. This idea is nonetheless reinforced by having a dog, which by the way would normally be unable to fathom the concept of an acquaintance sharing his mints, and to add on the typical dog would have no clue as to what a mint is, to also attempt to indulge in the consumption of the Icebreakers Coolmint candy.

i was banned from Japan for making the double bomb joke :}

Bingo Bango Bongo, I don'wanna leave the Congo
based channel below

Два кроки попереду. Я завжди на два кроки попереду. Це був найбільший соціальний експеримент, який я знав. Безумовно, найбільший соціальний експеримент у всьому моєму житті. Це привабливо, це переконливо, це захоплююче, бути свідченням, спостерігати за всіма цими нездоровими, неврівноваженими дезорієнтованими істотами, які блукають Інтернетом у пошуках історій. У пошуках ідей, конфліктів, суперництва. Де люди розвивають особливе бажання до безпосередньої взаємодії. Де люди відчувають причетність до історій, а отже стають продуктом впливу. Спраглий від відволікання, від невитраченого часу, від тьмяного способу життя. Псувати їх розум, одночасно стимулюючи їх. Це блискуче, але це також небезпечно. Це небезпечно.

this day The brave Haroldians Defeated the Wretched Austinians, very based, maybe even Zased


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

14 videos

Category Entertainment

If the Erotic barber has a million fans, then I'm one of them
If the Erotic barber has only 5 fans then I'm one of them
If the Erotic barber has only 1, then that's me
If the Erotic barber has no fans, then I'm dead
If the world is against the Erotic barber, then I'm against the whole world
It's crazy how much I love Adolf Hitler