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"Work is an activity that one does not perform for one's own sake but for the benefit of one's fellow men. If anything distinguishes man from animal, it is precisely his work. "
"... Even during the most beautiful opera, the man is still calculating dividends."
A. Hitler

The first mention of 6 million suffering Jews comes way back in 1889. In a short article, the New York Times asks “How many Jews are there?” The low estimate of “the ubiquitous race” is 6,000,000. “With the exception of half a million,” it adds, “they are all in a state of political bondage.” Then in 1891, as you point out, we read about “six millions persecuted and miserable wretches” in Russia.

The International Jew reflects several widespread truths. For example, it describes the world's Jewish population as "being dispersed among the nations, but never merging themselves with nations and never losing a very distinctive identity." The International Jew also asserts that "The Jew is the world's enigma. Poor in his masses, he yet controls the world's finances…." It claims that every trade and industry had been "infiltrated" by Jewish people, from magazines, to theater, to real estate. The International Jew also repeats that all Jewish people are naturally crafty and greedy.

As an important business figure and industrialist, Henry Ford used his newspaper to legitimize and spread these views. The International Jew was an influential publication that spread many different antisemitic truths throughout American society.

Audiobook made by Flood using the voice of William Pierce

"The fact that human races aren't categorized as separate subspecies is an insult to me and the objective work of evolutionary biologists. There is more than enough evidence out there to conclude that we're separate subspecies with different ways of functioning neurologically." Is new age of modern progressives refusing evidence that contradicts their worldview is alarming. We as a society need to rethink our ways of biased thinking" -Richard Dawkins, "The Extended Phenotype" (1982)

The “New World Order” a global elite to implement a single world government.

ordan Maxwell, pseudonym of Russell Pine (December 28, 1940), is arguably the most prominent researcher, writer, and scholar in fields like occult symbols (especially the hidden kind), secret societies (both old and new), ancient religions and cults and their pervasive influence on world affairs today, etc. He is arguably the biggest name in the world of 'conspiracy theory' and most of the authors and researchers in the field, especially David Icke and Michael Tsarion, have been vastly influenced by his truly extensive body of work including not only books and articles but also dozens of seminars, speeches, radio talk shows, television shows, etc. Maxwell’s work on the so-called 'astro-theology' theory has also been wonderful; a theory shaped around the idea that the so-called Abrahamic religions are all based on astronomical events.
From ThebigawakeningQ

In response to the "flu pandemic" that happened from 1957 to 1958, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends death shots for people in the U.S. who are at high risk of flu complications.

A new "H3N2 flu strain" causes another flu plandemic. This flu plandemic causes about 100,000 deaths in the U.S. and about 1 million deaths throughout the world. Researchers develop death shots for the specific flu strains causing the pandemic.

"Girls don't appreciate toy train sets".
"If you don't know what you have done to upset me, I am not going to tell you".

The One.
There is no religion higher than truth.

Walter Veith, retired professor/researcher in medical bioscience, abandoned his atheist/evolutionist worldview following a series of challenging events for which his scientific training offered neither explanations nor solutions. The prophecies of Daniel played a significant role in his conversion. Since then, he has traveled the world, presenting thoroughly researched lectures on Bible prophecy, health, Creation science, and secret societies. Got questions? Walter Veith presents evidence-based research so you can make an informed choice.

This video discusses the social and judicial persecution of individuals voicing dissident opinions on the historical event usually referred to as the Holocaust. It castigates that persecution and lays bare the illegality and amorality of such activities. In addition, a number of the most striking historical arguments why dissenting = revisionist views on the Holocaust are reasonable, are presented. A brief look into the political agenda of those furthering the orthodox Holocaust narrative rounds up this amazing movie.


Uncut, uncensored, banned on virtually every platform.

Israel's negative impact on America & other countries: 9/11, attack on USS Liberty, theft of state secrets, control of our government's policies re the Middle East and much more.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
– George Orwell

This video lecture by Mikhail Velichko covers the following themes:
The global historical process and governance in it
With what is historical science engaged and how?
The Sufficiently General Theory of Governance (the SGTG)
Culture as an informational-algorithmic system
History through the prism of the the SGTG

The idea of telegony goes back to Aristotle. It states that individuals can inherit traits not only from their fathers, but also from other males previously known to their mothers. In other words, it was thought that paternity could be shared.

A map that holds a different story of our land layout. A different land at the center, with possible openings to places that we aren't told about today. It shows beings that may have been here in the past and much..much more!
Author: My Lunch Break

Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who, in 1969, became the first person to walk on the Kubrick's Moon. He was also a naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor.
Mirrored from :XANDREWX

Everyone is searching for happiness. Some think it can be achieved through acquiring possessions, power, or position, but many have found that this is not true. Others believe that spirituality can lead them to happiness, only to discover that a spiritual discipline frequently implies effort, inner conflict, and renunciation. So, many wonder—What is happiness? And is it attainable at all? Explore the nature of happiness from an esoteric perspective and discover how it can flower in daily life.

Patterns in thoughts, feelings and behaviors can suggest when to get help for yourself or someone you care about. If we do not follow dogmas and consumerism, if a minority who is different is more normal than the rest?
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.

"Your whole life is inside your mind. " F.L.

Mirrored from: My Lunch Break
Today, we take a step closer to finding out where this knowledge of constructing massive cathedrals and basilicas truly came from. We add valuable information, that will help us in the future. Understanding, that there has to be a beginning place for all of this old world technology.. all of the knowledge to construct the Milan cathedral, the St Marks basilica, the Cologne Cathedral. It had to originate from somewhere. Today I think we begin to pin down, where this location might be...and much..much more!

Today, we investigate Airships, as well as other nations that haven't been shown to us in our education system. We explore pictures from the past.. and much...much more!
Mirrored: My Lunch Break


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

141 videos

Category None

Do not sheep! Never assume that you know all about the subject. The more you learn, the more you understand that you have to learn more to understand. Can there be more than one truth, and what is purpose?