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Viruses are not contagious.

Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan's neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress. The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.

They took people out in the woods and discovered their bodies were emitting blue tooth signals with MAC addresses. All of these bodies had something in common.

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

Presenting DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

Kristen Meghan Is a Former Air Force Pilot Turned Chemtrail, Geoengineering Whistleblower. (Full Interview)

Kristen Gave a Ground Breaking Presentation of What She Had Discovered About Geoengineering, Chemtrails While Serving Her Country. This Brave Young Lady Has Put Her Livelihood and Life on The Line for Us.

Watch And Listen to Her Incredible Insider Story❗️

They've been telling us all along 👍 Includes a snippet of X-Files... What year was that?

"Please note, testing used with patient permission and difference in account numbers is an individualized identifying number for that specific sample that the lab inputs into their system that day. All patient identifying info has been removed for privacy reasons."

Find Dr. Nathan Thompson:

If you've been paying attention to the contents of the vaccine and the meat being contaminated with poison like gr@phene oxide then you should already be trying to detox from this junk and protect yourself from transmissions to avoid radiation toxicity which mirrors flu-like symptoms.

Black Oxygen Organics Humic/Fulvic Minerals is the best protection and detoxifier out there in my opinion. It provides the body with over 72 trace minerals and other plant-based essential nutrients that we are not getting from food due to depleted soils. It helps to rebuild the mitochondria and oxygenates the blood, which in turn removes parasites, fungus, biofilm, and candida. It also detoxes both radiation toxicity and heavy metals effectively.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice and I can't give medical advice. Seek a licensed physician for medical advice. This is for informational and educational purposes only based on my own personal experience and testimonies of others. With that said, I hope it helps you.

Credit to Mike Adams and Judy Mikovits for this one. Check out Mike Adams here: and support Judy at:

*No Isolation of the Virus
*The Declaration of a Novel Coronavirus is a Fallacy
*Patents on Coronavirus Sequences were sought as early as 1999
*First coronavirus vaccine patent, specifically s spike protein was filed by Pfizer, Jan 28, 2000
*Cv is a lab-engineered phenomenon
*Proof of direct collusion between CCP those who built it
*Lab results prove that each jab contains 15 billion nanoparticles of Graphine Oxide

Dr Jeffrey B@rke Curriculum & Masks Are More D@ngerous Than D3lta. Del B!gtree TheHighWire

Original video taken from:

"Join us at this roundtable discussion as we learn more about:
- The difference between sh3dding vs transm!ssion
- Patient reports on patient symptoms after being in contact with recently v@cc!nated individuals.
- Recommendations from the Pf!zer reports and clinical observations on how long to potentially "distance" oneself from those recently v@cc!nated.
- What's going on with "m@gnetism" and v@cc!nation?
- What is the tr@nshuman agenda?"

Dr. D@vid E M@rtin shows the p@tent trial.

Credit to Cor0na Au$schuss - Ausweichkanal

"Covid-19 means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence”, and 19 is the year in which it was created.
Covid-19 is not the name of the virus. It is rather the name of the international plan for the control and reduction of populations,
which has been developed over the last decades, and launched in 2020.
What reactivates the virus, is the immune ground in which it finds itself weakened by former vaccinations.
What they intend to inject inside all of us, is going to be the most terrible vaccines of all.
It is literally a descent into hell, with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of the population.
Do not take the tests: they are not reliable.
I have always said it and I will repeat myself, just like many test producers also affirm:
None of these tests are able to accurately detect the Sars Cov-2 virus. They only detect an infinity of small harmless viruses
or cell debris which are naturally a part of our microbiota.
The people tested will increasingly appear positive in tests, about 90%.
This is their goal, and this is why they started the testing process with children.
On may 11th, no television, nor newspaper, or Italian/Berlusconi broadcast announced that France mass testing was being imposed in schools.
There are about 700 thousand tests every week. However, nobody, unfortunately, broke the news.
So once your child gets screened, the whole family, and all immediate contacts, will be forced to be screened.
Pay attention (Italians) … Listen.
Do not listen to the charlatans, the ignorant, who reject the truth.
I remind you that we are not sick. We are, on the contrary, just healthy carriers of this virus.
Having this virus does not necessarily mean that you are sick: you are healthy and fine. But everyone will appear, pay attention, positive in the tests.
In fact, they make you repeat the tests 2 or 3 times. All public facility employees, especially in the health care sector, take these tests every month.
All they need to obtain is this: Make everybody believe that they are sick. Being positive means being labeled as harmful.
Refusing the detection of the virus, is the only key to avoid being vaccinated.
Once vaccinated, we will all be sick, weakened, and we will certainly be lead towards our death. The only solution to save our humanity (…)
is to make people truly understand that they should not be tested.
Do not get yourself tested, do not give them what they lack of, do not fall into their trap.
I am telling you this because at least you won’t be able to say that you haven’t been warned.
Covid-19 means “program of mass extermination”.
Don’t get yourself tested, it’s the only way to save yourself.
On television, these bastards won’t ever tell the truth. Also politicians behave completely dishonestly.
Nevertheless, the Italian Health Deputy Minister is himself a doctor.
Colleague, you must only and deeply be ashamed of yourself.
Most non-vaccinated people will cease to exist for society. You will not be able to travel without a vaccine, you will not be able to go to the cinema,
and in the future, you won’t even be able to leave your own house. This is already happening in some Chinese cities.
And Spain is one of the main test driver countries along with Argentina and all Latin countries.
Everything has already been set up and activated in all companies and Media for mass vaccination.
I prefer death, absolutely not vaccination.
I salute you."

Flu Shots, De@dly V@ckseens, 3rd Strand DN@


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

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