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pretty self explanatory.

I have 0 plan to ever monetize, I make these for fun and stress release so if you enjoy the content and are happy there is an alternative platform for free speech please consider donating to Bitchute. I freely pay for editing programs a bronze bitchute account and donate time to making these videos just because I wish to see alternative platform flourish I hope viewers are willing to give a few buck to an add free pro free speech platform like bitchute.

Jacob KIKE Frenkel goes one CNBC trying to explain why the Goyims meddling in their stock market is bad and how the KIKEs are going to protect and rescue use from ourselves. No KIKE you're just mad the Goyims took you guys for billions for the first time in U.S. stock history finally beating you at your own rigged casino game.

I have 0 plan to ever monetize, I make these for fun and stress release so if you enjoy the content and are happy there is an alternative platform for free speech please consider donating to Bitchute. I freely pay for editing programs a bronze bitchute account and donate time to making these videos just because I wish to see alternative platform flourish I hope viewers are willing to give a few buck to an add free pro free speech platform like bitchute.

We either stop destroying the quality of our culture in order to appease leftist equity outcome demands or lose it forever.

If you enjoy news and dank memes follow me at:

I have 0 plan to ever monetize, I make these for fun and stress release so if you enjoy the content and are happy there is an alternative platform for free speech please consider donating to Bitchute. I freely pay for editing programs a bronze bitchute account and donate time to making these videos just because I wish to see alternative platform flourish I hope viewers are willing to give a few buck to an add free pro free speech platform like bitchute.

European ethnicity only makes up 10% of they global population and non Europeans are flooding western nations, if nothing is done the demographic will completely change sending our genetics and culture to die in the sands of time. The people create the culture and quality of life, lose the people and you lose both. Environment has largely shaped the evolution of different groups, no amount of progressive virtue signaling will ever alter the thousands of years of separated genetic evolutionary selection that took place based on location and environment.
The instrumental at the beginning is Hans Zimmer - Epilogue "Main Theme" - Crysis 2 Soundtrack, the on at 3:40 is Apashe - Lord & Master
The song at 4:45 is Mannerbund - By God We'll Have Our Home Again

I have 0 plan to ever monetize, I make these for fun and stress release so if you enjoy the content and are happy there is an alternative platform for free speech please consider donating to Bitchute. I freely pay for editing programs a bronze bitchute account and donate time to making these videos just because I wish to see alternative platform flourish I hope viewers are willing to give a few buck to an add free pro free speech platform like bitchute.

When progressives burn, loot, and murder that's just justice but when conservatives march on capital and just try to occupy the building and grounds they are domestic terrorist.

If you enjoy news and dank memes follow me at:

A compilation of some of the weird things I'm seeing around the whole Nashville explosion.
Loudspeaker warning played in reverse. Are you having a very good sleep? Are you having a merry Christmas morning?

If you enjoy news and dank memes follow me at:

Western Michigan Portage restaurant owner defies orders and opens indoor seating.

Follow me at:

Project Runway 3/28/19 S17 E3 almost one year before covid mask mandates and lockdowns.

Being black conservative in Antifa America.

Antifa/BLM think they can just shut down random roads.

Youtube has deleted the copy that was put on Youtube so I'm putting a copy on here for people to share around.

Just upgraded Greene's song with with imagery of whats going on in our country today.

Just upgrading Greene's song with imagery of whats going on in our country today.

I didn't see any good videos of the KEK song Do you hear the people ree so I figured I would make one.

A mesh of Sam Harris's pod cast on BLM, the stats he mentions, and some memes to keep it entertaining. I also added Tom Macdonald's song "politically incorrect" in its entirety into a part of this video. Tom I hope if you see this you're not upset and understand this is me trying to pay homage to you for helping logic minded people communicate our message through your artistic abilities that more emotional based people are able to connect with.

For years intelligent people have been warning us that individual educators in our schools were trying to create postmodern Marxist radicals to fight about a narrative of putting every person into groups of oppressors and oppressed based solely of their inherent characteristics. They have woven a completely bullshit narrative barely using historical half-truths to create this entire view of the world that forces every unique individual into a group based on their inherent characteristics, then each group gets assigned oppression points with straight white male being the least oppressed and biggest oppressor of all other groups, whereas a handicapped black trans immigrant would be considered the most oppressed by the straight white male. The people in this video tried to warn us for years about what was coming and now the radicals have been fully activated and are trying to tear down the history of the west in all the western nation right now as we speak. This must not be allowed to happen, throughout all of history whenever a group or ideology took over another, they would destroy all historical monuments and documents to erase that knowledge. Those that forget or fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it and it looks like we are going to repeat the mistakes of the 20th century but on a much larger and deadlier scale.

Sorry seen this news today and watched that episode the other day and couldn't resist lol. I hope you enjoy.

video form the shooting that took place 6/19/2020

Mains stream media and brown shirts i mean blue check mark twitter are literally so ignorant they don't understand memes or satire.

This is a compilation of the footage at the shooting in chronological order.

Boondocks 2006 s1e9

From boondocks 2005 s1e4

LOL left as zero understanding of statistics and why you look at per capita. Not to even mention HE completely ignores the other 50% of the data. He doesn't understand why you don't look at total because per capita helps you understand the statistical odds of a specific thing happening.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

27 videos

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