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These clips of Hitler's speeches have English subtitles and provide the German side in Hitler's own words

A short link to "The Truth about WWII) with English subtitles:

Full version in German only (almost 5 hours):

An English translation of 'Hitlers Krieg' (from a German perspective and made in Germany 2009) samizdat documentary by Alphart Geyer.

Translation, narration, sound mixing, over-dubbing of the original soundtrack by Justice4Germans (2011)

Original German version available at:

Originally published by Dutch14 on Bitchute (This account is no longer available on Bitchute for whatever reason) in a longer version; here it is once again reproduced from the Bitchute Channel: Horst Muller. Thank you for preserving it!

Horst Muller Bitchute Channel:

Oswald Mosley (1896-1980) was a British Nationalist Socialist of the WWII era. He was one of the greatest thinkers, orators, political organizers of the 20th Century.

Having served in WWI, and seeing what a senseless waste of brother vs brother young loss of life it was, he wanted and campaigned for Peace prior to the outbreak of WWII. He campaigned on a united European model, except that each European Nation would be inhabited by its own culture, sovereignty, borders, race which is the basis for the wide range diversity in our ecosystem.

Here info on Edward Mosley can be found here:

Adolf bypassed the central bankers by passing Germany's issued currency: Labor Treasury Certificates


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

5 videos

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