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Join is this Friday 7th June at 21:00 CET or 20:00 GMT or 15:00 EDT

With H. L. Tinsley and Joseph Oliveira to talk about crowdfunding, its uses, merits and demerits.

You can find out more about Holly:
And also about Joseph:

See you then!

My honest review of King of the Forgotten Darkness, the forthcoming novel by American author Erik Goodwyn.

#erikgoodwyn #fantasy #fantasybooks

You can find out more about Erik and his work over at his website:

You can also check out his mental health channel over @theimaginarium

You can also check out my interview of Mr Goodwyn over here:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

My honest review of Angel of Storms, book 2 in the Millenium's Rule series by Australian author Trudi Canavan.

#milleniumsrule #trudicanavan #fantasybooks #fantasyseries

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines.

A fairly unscripted conversation with Erik Goodwyn, M.D., author of the forthcoming novel King of the Forgotten Darkness from Roundfire Books.

#fantasy #theimaginarium #erikgoodwyn #roundfirebooks

You can find out more about Erik and his work over at his Youtube channel: and at his personal website:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

A live discussion of the seminal The Incal graphic novel, by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean Giraud a.k.a. Moebius.

#theincal #jodorowsky #moebius #graphicnovels

You can find out more about Susana and her work over at:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

The Incal discussion with Susana Imaginario from @denofthewyrd on Friday 10th at 21:00 CET or 15:00 EDT.

Interview of Erik Goodwyn MD, Friday 17th at 21:00 CET or 15:00 EDT.

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

My honest review of the seminal graphic novel The Incal, by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean Giraud a.k.a. Moebius.

#theincal #moebius #alejandrojodorowsky #graphicnovel

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

Link to @StrangeBrainParts video on The Incal:

Link to @ArtShutter video on The Incal:

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines

A conversation with Joshua Bilmes, chairman of Jabberwokcy Literary Agency. I this conversation with talk about Mr Bilmes' career journey, the role of an agent and try to pry out of him some advice for aspiring authors.

#literaryagent #joshua bilmes #fantasybooks

You can find out more about Mr Bilmes and his agency over at:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

Save the date, April 12th at 21:00 CET or 15:00 EDT

Joshua Bilmes, chairman of Jabberwocky Literary Agency in conversation.

#jabberwocky #literaryagent #fantasybooks

My honest review of Dead Beat, book 7 in the Dresden Files series by American author Jim Butcher.

#dresdenfiles #jimbutcher #fantasybooks

You can reach me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

All imaged used under the Fair Use Guidelines.

Some news for the channel, plus launching my new podcast, plus an interesting read along with Susana from @denofthewyrd .

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines.

My honest review of The Dragonbone Chair, by American author Tad Williams.

#tadwilliams #dragonbonechair #ostenard #fantasybooks #fantasy

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines

My thoughts on the whole Leaving BookTube situation

#leavingbooktube #booktube #booktuber #booktubecommunity

All images under the Fair Use Guidelines

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose.amazing.worlds

A brief video exploring the concept of Magical Realism and the reason why it is NOT part of the fantasy genre.

#magicalrealism #fantasybooks

You can contact me::
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines

My honest review of Thief's Magic, book 1 in the Millenium's Rule series by Autralian author Trudi Canavan.

#trudicanavan #milleniumsrule #fantasybooks #fantasy

Check out my Black Magician Trilogy review:

Check out my Traitor Spy Trilogy review:

You can contact me
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

All images used under the Fair Use Guidelines.

A free flowing with RPG and computer game designer legend Sandy Petersen.

#rpg #callofcthulhu #doom #ageofempires2

You can check out Sandy's youtube channel:

And his game store:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

Tim Powers ranking all his novels published to date.

#timpowers #baenbooks

My interview/conversation with two time World Fantasy Award and Phillip K. Dick Award winning author Tim Powers.

#timpowers #baenbooks #philipkdick #fantasybooks

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds

Save the date!

Join me for a livestream with Sandy Petersen, creator of the Call of Cthulhu rpg and designer of the mythical computer games DOOM, Quake and Age of Empires II.

February 23rd February at 21:00 CET, 15:00 EST 12:00 PM PST

#sandypetersen #callofcthulhu #doom #ageofempires2

Tim Powers reflects on his relationship with Philip K. Dick as an aspiring author.

#timpowers #philipkdick

My honest review of Ashes of Man, book 5 in the Sun Eater series by American author Christopher Ruocchio.

#suneater #christopherruocchio #baenbooks #fantasybooks

You can check out my interview with Mr Ruocchio:

You can also check the discussion of the book with Ian from @bnbbooks1794 and Susana from @denofthewyrd here:

You can contact me:
email: [email protected]
Instagram: jose_amazing_worlds


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

50 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Amazing Worlds, where I give honest reviews of the latest fantasy and horror books that I read and comics I am currently collecting.
All my views are totally personal and unbiased, because with a full time job and two children, I do not have time to not call a spade a spade.

I am not trying to follow trends, chase subscribers or aspire to be a youtuber, just to share my sincere opinions on some of my interests and connect with people on a subject I really enjoy and spend a considerable amount of my time in.

Whether you agree with my opinions or not, like or dislike, please leave a comment so that we can appreciate the books we love or dislike from a different perspective and learn to appreciate different points of view.