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Not sure which of these clips is real or not, but decide for yourself what's really going on with Antartica?

from instagram: antoniotheleo
what is this exactly?

things that make you go hmm

Sounds like Arabic being spoken, and the red dirt is definitely showing that it's somewhere in Africa. What is going on?

Found in Cave around Nazca Lines

CNN's Anderson Cooper show: Nancy Pelosi saying she's "more Reptilian and cold blooded"

Is it a "coincidence"? me thinks not.

from: Darrell Gable

why is FEMA rummaging thru citizens stuff before the citizens are even allowed to go back to get theirs?

How the automobiles near ground zero look eerily like the cars in the Maui fires. No door handles, no glass, hmm

A possible undiscovered cave full of ancient Egyptian items.

real clip of a UFO or is this some sort of hoax, let me know what you think in the comments.

hmm is this how Maui fires got started?

the blue roof houses that never got burnt up in the Maui fires, not even the grass or other lawn items got burnt.

What is this?

A person or a creature or?

A pro-Trump video

Lady in Maui talking about what she saw

Covid is more than you or I will ever know


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

19 videos

Category None