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This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Hrafnsmál ("raven song") is a fragmentary skaldic poem. It largely consists of a conversation between an unnamed valkyrie and a raven;

Hrafnsmal-The Words of the Raven Lyrics

Have you heard of the king?

He who lives in kvinn,

Lord of all norwegian lands,

He who rules deep set-keels,

Reddened spears,

And bloody shields,

Tar-soaked oars,

And foam-flecked sails.

Loaded were they with warriors,

And shields of whitened hue,

Western spears i know there were,

And frankish swords all anew,

Berserks howled and bit their shields,

As battle dawned on the waves,

Wolf-men wailed and cried aloud.

Waved their spears up high,

Glad they are now,

As battle nears,

Arrows range high,

And oars they swing,

Fetters are broken,

Oarlocks crushed,

Setting forth for the lord.

Of the berserkir,

I would know more,

Those who feed on blood,

How one deals with,

Such battle-brave warriors,

Those who wade through men?

Of the berserkir,

As battle dawned on the waves,

Wolf-men wailed and cried aloud.

Waved their spears up high,

Fetters are broken,

Oarlocks crushed,

Setting forth for the lord.

Professor Eske Willerslev voices on his latest DNA work on the early peopling of Europe.

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Hross (Horse) Lyrics

Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.1
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace, the steed's toil.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
With three eyes and one tail.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
It's Odin riding Sleipnir.2

Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace, the steed's toil.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
With three eyes and one tail.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
It's Odin riding Sleipnir.

Glaðr, Gyllir,
Gler, Skeiðbrimir,
Silfrintoppr, Sinir,
Gísl, Falhófnir,
Gulltoppr, Léttfeti.3

The Æsir ride these steeds every day
when they come together to the council,
by the ash Yggdrasil.4

The Æsir ride these steeds every day
when they come together to the council,
The Æsir ride these steeds every day
to the ash Yggdrasil.

The Æsir ride these steeds every day
when they come together to the council,
The Æsir ride these steeds every day
to the ash Yggdrasil.

Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace and the steed's toil.
Riding is the rider's joy,
the swinging pace, the steed's toil.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
With three eyes and one tail.

Who are those two?
They have ten feet and three eyes.
Who are those two?
It's Odin riding Sleipnir.

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!


Alone I sat outside
At the foot of the mountain
At the day’s end, it visits me
It is called shadow

I stared straight ahead
Shadow, straight back
In my innermost being
In my outermost exterior
Keep your eyes peeled

With screaming muffled
I asked the way
But shadow silenced me

But screaming silenced
I asked for meaning
But shadow silenced me

All light flowed
Shadows in
In the rock disappeared

With beating heart
I went to hell
With dwarf tongue speech
Cloud-shadow from mountain

The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go

The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go

The fire forces you from me
The fire forces you from me
Traceless into the night you go
Traceless into the night you go
Then you watch deep inside me
Then you watch deep inside me
If you want to dance, two become one
If you want to dance, two become one
If you want to dance, two become one

Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth alone! (Alone!)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)

Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth alone! (Alone!)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)

Shadow, can you answer? (Reply)
The whole truth on its own! (Own)
When I follow, why are you in a hurry? (You)
I find you, I find myself (Myself)

Answer yourself
(Answer yourself)
(Answer yourself)


This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!


Far away over the sea
Are you
On your journey

Looking for a land
Behind those waves
Cold and grey uphold

Then when you come to shore
Look upon the sky
Stars still shining bright for you

Then when you come to shore
Look upon the sky
Stars still shining bright for you

Then when you come to shore
Look upon the sky
Stars still shining bright for you

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Eldrim (Dream) Lyrics

I dreamed of a beach
Where many hundred came ashore
I dreamed of a beach
Where houses were set on fire

Many young, proud men
They will never turn home to their country

What became of all those
Who sailed over great oceans
Odin, hear my prayer
Where are my brother and son

Many young, proud men
They will never turn home to their country

I dreamed of a voyage
I saw the shining, sharp swords
The fjord was colored red
My beloved, he lay dead

Many young, proud men
They will never turn home to their country

They went to foreign lands
The winter, it was hard and long
I long for peace
I miss those who left

Many young, proud men
They will never turn home to their country

Many young, proud men
They will never turn home to their country

Winter Solstice 21 December

The Shaman: The Shaman was deemed responsible for seeing to the return of the Sun at Midwinter. When the Winter Solstice appeared and the Sun dipped below the horizon, it was the Shaman that used the language of the elements to guarantee its rebirth.

The Shaman of the North is a holy man who consumes plant entheogens to trigger a hallucinogenic, out of body type experience. In this case, the red and white Agaric mushroom. The Shaman was believed to enter the house providing for a forthcoming ritual through the house's roof, carrying with him a bag of dried mushrooms. Through this ritual, the Shaman was responsible for overseeing the birth of the new born Sun.

The Red Deer: Liminal creatures, symbolic of belonging to both the wilderness and the settled world. The red deer is also considered to be representative of the newly born Sun at Midwinter

The Raven: A symbol of existence before creation. It exists outside the parameters of time and has been suggested, in some cultures, as being a symbol of the theft of the Sun. In other cultures, the raven is suggested as being unclean and is associated to the constructs of death, loss, and war.

The Wolf: A valiant, courageous warrior who could also be ferocious, greedy, cunning, and cruel. In Nordic tradition, the wolf is representative of chaos in the form of Fenris, and is thought to be responsible for swallowing the Sun at end of the world. As an extension of Norse tradition, the wolf, as chaos, is required to be imprisoned; the ordered universe can only exist with the chaotic and destructive elements inherent to the cosmos bound in captivity.

The Bear: Representative of a "brutal primitive force," or a deity of war and strength. It is also referred to as being a Lunar and resurrection symbol, given the bear's life cycle dependent upon hibernation.

The Solstice Evergreen: A symbol representative of everlasting life; proof that despite the death of the Sun, life continues to exist in the form of the evergreen tree.


Shaman: Stretch out your hand.

Stretch out your hand.

Don’t you have a greeting for me?

Today, of all days?

Ending and beginning day?

The day of death and new birth?

Merry Solstice!

Or, Solstice Greetings!

You have forgotten me, haven’t you?

Shaman: Your children tell sweet tales of me, and you laugh behind their backs. But I tell you, your children are wiser than you...

You still don’t remember me, do you? Think back…think back to the very beginnings…back to a time when the long darkness brought hunger to your fireside…a black stranger to live with you…the dull pain of famine.

Think back…think back to the times of the pounding heart, the ache of the chase, the madness of the kill, the smell of blood hot on the snow, the Red and the White. Red and White. When a dulling eye and the ebb of breath meant an easing of hunger…for a while.

Do you remember me now?

Your children draw pictures of me, an old man in a red suit with a white beard squeezing down the chimney with all they want most in the world. Lord of the reindeer, keeper of the game, as old as mankind. I am the shaman, the magician, the priest. When your heart beats fast in the dead of night, I am there. When you whistle or sing in the face of danger, I call the tune. I am your ancestor and your child. I am your guest tonight. And you will be mine.

Here is my invitation to your house: a green tree from the northern forests. See? Some things you still remember. An evergreen tree hung with lights and mirrors, sparkling gold like the glimmer of Solstice Fire through the forests branches. Red and White, blood on the snow. And today, the day of endings and beginnings, of death and rebirth. The birth of the sun. The Solstice.

Come with me…back to the beginnings…stretch out your hand to me. Stretch out over a thousand generations. Come and understand once more.

Shaman: The running of the deer. The rising of the sun. The song and praise of the woods, and the forests, the beasts, and the seasons.

And then one day the Christ people came, turning their backs on what is, and demanding what should be, as if they were Lords of it all. They took that song, and made it theirs, just as they took my Solstice festival for their own.

The sun.

The birth of a sun, as it always was, for as long as mankind has gaped at the sky and questioned the light and the darkness. Birth of our sun…

Birth of a boy child….

Their festival is trick of words, a fashion of the last few seconds of the history of man.
But while they try to drive me back into the shadows before their new born godling, the Christ people still feared me. For the shaman was their ancestor too. The blood on the snow…

So, they tried to tame me, contain me, cage me, turn me into a tale for little children.

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Tyr Lyrics

Tyr he is hailed
The one-handed god
Feeder of the wolf
Ruler of the shrine

Tyr he is hailed
The one-handed god
Guiding star
Stray not from his path

When I go to battle
In pursuit with long-time friend
Under the edge of the shield I scream
And they advance with power

Healthy to battle!
Healthy from battle!
Healthy they go, wherever they come

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Gra Lyrics

Old Grey…
I recall the ring before it broke…

Your song stirs something deep within
Like chords pulling straight from memory
I can’t find the words, they still remain veiled
Yet I know it is old, I know that it’s forgotten

I remember when you roamed freely
I remember when we roamed together
I remember us before our paths got separated
I remember the ring before it broke

Always wary about you, and you about me
Always wary about me, and I about you

You may run to my forests
Roam freely in my mountains
Lead your pack to my valleys
Let us restore the ring
I shall sing you safe on your way
I shall sing you safely home

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Runar Lyrics

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Raido Lyrics

Dark clouds drift within
The longing lures
Pulls my mind
Will you carry me?
I want to go

Fair foal, I bid you
Sacks rich with gold of the fields
Fare swiftly on flying hoofs
Carry me, and I promise you
Ride out

The storm is stilled, the mind it flies
The drum of hoofs lay the beat
The heart, it follows, two are one
Sets me loose with speedy feet

Wild I rode and ran
Fair foal I spent
The ride is for the horse the worse
Pleasant and swift for the sitting

If I ride you
I ride more
As one is two
Where knots are tied
In bonds are bound the whole world
If I bond you I can journey

If you carry me
You carry more
As one is two
Where chains are forged
In bonds are bound
The whole world
If you bond me
You can journey

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Vanner och frander (Friends and kin) Lyrics
Friends and kinsfolk met to deliberate
To whom would they marry their kinswoman this year

Rosy youth
They deliberated
To whom would they marry their kinswoman this year

We want you to wed the king's son
Who has more gold than poor Roland has land
Wed the king's son
Who has more gold than poor Roland has land

On Saturday and Sunday the bid was set
Monday and Tuesday we shall see what she gets
The bid was set
Monday and Tuesday we shall see what she gets

On Wednesday and Thursday the wine was made
Friday and Saturday they drank to honour the day
Wine was made
Friday and Saturday they drank to honour the day

They drank for days, they drank for two,
But the bride wouldn't to the chamber go
They drank for two
But the bride wouldn't to the chamber go

They drank for days, they drank for three
But the bridal bed she refused to see
They drank for three
But the bridal bed she refused to see

Then entered in a poor ship's hand
Dressed in a blue blouse both tattered and torn
Poor ship's hand
Dressed in a blue blouse both tattered and torn

He stood at the table and he spoke
I see only masts and the places they go
And he spoke
I see only masts and the places they go

And the maiden went up to the high loft
And ran down the path to the broad sea shore
Went to the high loft
And ran down the path to the broad sea shore

She ran on the rocks, she tiptoed
But took great care to mind the blue waves below
she tiptoed
But took great care to mind the blue waves below

And she was invited on board the ship
And there they lavished her with both mead and wine
On board ship
And there they lavished her with both mead and wine

I see I see on your small white fingers
The wedding ring has not been there for long
Small white fingers
The wedding ring has not been there for long

I see I see on your golden hair
That the bridal wreath was not there before yesterday
Golden hair
That the bridal wreath was not there before yesterday

I see I see on your snow-white breasts
That small children they have not yet consoled
Snow-white breasts
That small children they have not yet consoled

And now the maiden lays at poor Roland's side
She feels neither sorrow nor anguish
Rosy youth
At poor Roland's side
She feels neither sorrow nor anguish

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!


White Raven
Into twilight
Lure you in
White raven
Veiled and dwelling

Let me ask!
Lend me a feather
I will turn it
into white wings

Let us fly,
wide on winds
With hunting minds
and sorcerous songs

Let me ask!
Lend me your wide-sight
Let me espy,
in fumes of fog

Let me ask!
Teach me the song
that allures you… that allures me
that finds you… that finds me

Will you follow me
throughout my time?
Will you watch over me
throughout my time?

Gave me wings
White raven
Gave me foresight
Gave me the song
White wings
Follows me

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Norupo Lyrics

Wealth cause dispute among friends;
the wolf lives in the forest
Slag comes from bad iron
the reindeer often races over the frozen snow.
Giant causes women's sorrow;
few are cheerful from misfortune
River mouth is way of most journeys;
but the sheath is the one of swords
Riding, one says, is for horses the worst;
Regin forged the best sword
Ulcer is fatal for children;
death makes man pale
Hail is the coldest of grain;
Herjan shaped the world in olden times
Need leaves you little choice;
the naked freeze in the frost


Ice we call the broad bridge;
the blind man must be led
Good year is a blessing for men;
I say that Frodi was generous
Sun is light of the land
I bow before the holy
Tyr is one-handed among the Æsir;
often the smith must blow


Birch is the limb greenest with leaves;
Loki brought success of deceit
Man is increase of soil;
mighty is the hawk's claw
Water is what falls from the mountain;
but of gold are the jewels
Yew is the greenest tree in winter;
it often singes when it burns

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

UruR Lyrics

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

I travelled in the memory
Back to the ice that gave birth to me
Feel the warmth from the breath that melted me

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Lyfjaberg (Healing mountain) Lyrics

Saddle your soul and let it ride
With blind eyes, you’ll surely find the way
Draw your breath in – let your thoughts fly
Let it out slowly – on winds you’ll bide*

The spindle spins, the thoughts entwine revolving sight
The enchantment song lures the soul from its shape
Out through the door, through the cobweb-veil
Out borne on bare feet, a heavy burden

Out in your innermost, a steep trail ahead
High upon Healing-Peak, nine maidens await

At the first stop where paths cross, you pause
Leave clothes behind and all you own
Where you are heading, they’ll be of no use
The burden lightens, but heavy is the trail ahead

At the second stop where paths cross, you pause
Leave time behind, and weighty thoughts
Where you are headed, they’ll be of no use
The burden lightens, but heavy is the trail ahead

At the third stop where paths cross, you pause
Leave fears behind, let fall all masks
Where you are headed, they’ll be of no use
The burden lightens, but heavy is the trail ahead

Naked at the top, the mountain knows you
North waves an eagle-wing, the wind it draws
The shadow-women dance about you
They sing for you, chanting powerful runes

Wounds and sickness
Of marrow and blood
Of meat and bone
Of flesh and skin
into weather and wind
you fade
I summon you into the mountain blue
Where neither sun nor moonshine can reach you
I summon you into the forest where no one dwells
and out to the sea where no man rows
Deep beneath an earthbound stone
out of harm’s way
Run through the rivers
and roll with the ocean tides

Into weather and wind you fade
Neither sun nor moonshine can reach you
Sink in the sea where no man rows
Run through the rivers
and roll with the ocean tides

Healing-mountain stands for eternity
It comforts the sick and the sore
Each and every one who assails that rock
Will find their lifelong ailment cured

Leave it behind on Healing-Peak
Where the rivers and streams
dance northwards and down
That mountain mends all those who climb

This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Helvegen Lyrics

Who shall sing me
into the death-sleep sling me
When I walk on the Path of Death
and the tracks I tread are cold, so cold

I sought the songs
I sent the songs
when the deepest well
gave me the drops so touched
of Death-fathers wager

I know it all, Odin
where you hid your eye

Who shall sing me
into the death-sleep sling me
When I walk on the Path of Death
and the tracks I tread are cold, so cold

early in the days end
still the raven knows if I fall

When you stand by the Gate of Death
And you have to tear free
I shall follow you
across the Resounding Bridge with my song

You will be free from the bonds that bind you!
You are free from the bonds that bound you!

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You yourself will also die
but the word about you will never die
if you win a good reputation

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You yourself will also die
I know one that never dies
the reputation of those who died

Long before the modern Jewish corruption called Halloween the Ancient European Celts were celebrating Samhain a great druidic festival that marked the boundary between our world and the spirit world.
In druidic times Samhain marked the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. The Celtic New Year’s Eve was a mysterious moment which belonged neither to the past nor the present. Samhain was considered the third and last harvest of the growing year. Fruit and nuts were the last gifts of nature to be gathered and the apple in particular was the symbol of this harvest.

Traditionally great bonfires were lit at Samhain upon which in druidic times animal sacrifices were offered to ensure that the winters reign was not unending.

FEILE NA MARBH - the dead walk abroad

At Samhain the spirits of the dead sought the warmth of the fireside and communion with their living kin. This time was also known as Féile na Marbh (the Feast of the Dead). As the veil between worlds thinned, all manner of spirits walked abroad at Samhain, including those of loved ones passed on. An empty chair by the fire was often left free along with a candle in the window to guide the ghosts home for comfort and seek their blessing for the coming year. In time the candle was placed inside a turnip lantern upon which a demon’s (Jewish) face was carved to scare off unfriendly spirits.

The tradition of wearing of costumes and masks at Samhain developed to deceive these same unfriendly spirits lest they recognised you and called you to the Otherworld before your time. Nervous living folk would attempt to appease the wandering spirit with gifts of fruit and nuts.

Samhain was also a time for divination and apples were predominant among the tools used to tell the future. Bobbing for apples or snapapple (duck apple) was used as a race among unmarried contestants – the winner who took the first bite of the apple was destined to be the first to wed, alternatively the winner was destined for good luck in the coming year. An unmarried girl would attempt to peel an apple in one long strip and cast the peel over her shoulder. The peel would reveal the initial of her future husband. Before the stroke of midnight a person would sit in a room in front of a mirror lit by only one candle and cut an apple into nine pieces. With their back to the mirror they would ask the question they wanted answered and eat eight of the apple pieces. The ninth would be thrown over their left shoulder. Then they would turn and look over the same shoulder into the mirror where they would see a symbol or image that would answer their question.

A fruit loaf called barm brack was baked at Samhain with tokens wrapped in greaseproof paper. If you found a token in your slice of barm brack this also foretold your future. The type of tokens varied by family but common examples were:
A ring – marriage within the year
A silver coin – riches
A rag or pea – poverty
A stick – an unhappy marriage
In some areas Colcannon, a dish of mashed potatoes, cabbage with either ham or bacon, was cooked with similar tokens placed into the dish.


With the coming of Judeo-Christianity to Ireland in the 7th century Pope Boniface IV introduced All Saints Day, a time to honour Jewish saints and martyrs, to replace the native European festival of the dead. It was originally celebrated on May 13th but in 834 Pope Gregory III moved All Saint’s Day to 1st November and it became the opportunity to remember all Saints who had died and all of the dead in the Judeo-Christian community. October 31st became All Hallows Eve (or Hallow e’en)

Jews are all descendants of Neanderthals.


Created 6 years ago.

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