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Boom. There's a mic drop if there ever was one. We've all been played. Its no worse than the regular seasonal flu. Now, let's pull back the curtain and see who orchestrated this overblown response and why.

corpses don't go from a morgue to a coffin, they go to the funeral home to be embalmed first.

Deutschland, Bananenrepublik

What would it be like if you stopped thinking for yourself and believed everything the media tells you? Here's what it might look like to be completely brainwashed by the news.

This man is just telling the truth with facts. Youtube & facebook are owed by sick greedy people that don't want anyone to know the truth. There is a small population of so called elite people that are greedy and they are interested in depopulation of this earth. This is actually a battle between good and evil. They want to brainwash the people to the point that nearly everyone wants to take a toxic vaccine just to get their lives back to "normal".

In this outtake, a former Colonel Vladimir Vasilievich Kvachkov of the Russian Centre for Defence & Military Studies states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes:
1) Depopulation initiative
2) Political control over the remaining population
3) Deflation of the current financial bubble
4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors

Who is Colonel Vladimir Vasilievich Kvachkov

Perspectives on the Pandemic - Episode 6: When Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi held a press conference on April 22nd about the results of testing they conducted at their urgent care facilities around Bakersfield, California, the video, uploaded by a local ABC news affiliate, went viral. After reaching five million views, YouTube took it down on the grounds that it "violated community standards." We followed up with the doctors to determine what was so dangerous about their message. What we discovered were reasonable and well-meaning professionals whose voices should be heard.

Be brave. Share this video far and wide! Should this video be removed from this platform, download your own copy at:

Das Schweizer Privatfernsehen QS24 in einem kontroversen Gespräch mit dem Wissenschaftler und Arzt, Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt zur aktuellen Covid-19 Situation und deren Vorgeschichte. Die Sendung zeigt eine oppositionelle Sichtweise, welche sowohl zur offiziellen – wie aber auch zur Mainstream-Sichtweisen abweichen. Der Zuschauer soll bitte diese Sendung kritisch betrachten und als „weitere Sichtweise“ zur weit verbreiteten Darstellung, nutzen. Die Sendung ist eine oppositionelle Darstellung, was es aber auch zu einer Demokratie braucht. Eine Demokratie lebt davon, unterschiedliche Sichtweisen darzulegen und frei zu diskutieren. Diese Sendung mit dem Arzt soll eine kritische Sichtweise darlegen.

Zu Gast: Herr Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt, Arzt, Wissenschaftler und Ausbildner
Moderation: Herr Alexander Glogg

BITTE VIDEO SOFORT RUNTERLADEN UND ÜBERALL REUPLOADEN & TEILEN! Youtube begeht Beihilfe zu Massenmord, indem sie die Täter schützt und somit Massen an potentiellen Opfern das Recht auf Wahrheit und Aufklärung entzieht. Alles aus finanziellem Interesse. Backup auf Telegram!

Hi! Love to know your thoughts on John Robert's hot mic claim that the case fatality rate is .1% and that everyone at The White House is Vaccinated? Super weird!! Links to all sources and more below!

Transcript of what was said:

Fox News reporter John Roberts was caught on a hot mic in the White House briefing room discussing the Coronavirus mortality rate.

John Roberts walked into the press briefing room and told a technician to take off his mask because according to a recent California study, the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is only 0.1% to 0.3%.

“Everyone here’s been vaccinated anyway,” Roberts said.

“USC and LA public county health came out with a study that found that there’s 7,000 cases in Southern California but they really believe that there are between 221,000 – to 441,000 people who are infected,” John Roberts said to the Doug Mills (NYT Photographer).

Mills was surprised to hear the truth about the low mortality rate: “So it was a hoax?”

“No, I don’t believe it was a hoax,” Roberts said.

To John Roberts’ credit, he asked Dr. Birx about this California study during the press briefing and she dodged his questions.

In the first large-scale study of adults tested for COVID-19 antibodies in their blood, initial results show researchers found that 4.1% have the antibodies, an indication that they have already been exposed to the virus.

“That translates to roughly 221,000 to 442,000 adults who have recovered from an infection, once margin of error is taken into account, according to the researchers conducting the study,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “The estimated infection numbers are 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases L.A. County had reported at the time of the study in early April.”

The study, conducted by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, tested more than 860 people deemed representative of L.A. County, the researchers told The Times.

“It is believed to be as many as 442,000 people in LA County may have been infected, which suggests two things — it suggests that you have a lot more people out there who could be spreading the virus, but it also suggests that the case fatality rate is more in line with the 2017-2018 flu than what we’ve seen in other areas of the world,” Roberts said.

Birx continued to dodge questions about the fraudulent Bill Gates-funded IHME models she used to suggest virtually the entire US economy be shut down to ‘slow the spread of COVID-19.’

I'm not saying there's no coronavirus cases but let's be honest people how many Physicians doctors and so fourth have to speak out before we listen or pay attention to what's really going on👏🏽👏🏽 these people are obviously putting their careers in Jeopardy to bring us this information and we don't take heed to it at all🤦🏾‍♀️ like I said before and he's confirmed it and that's anyone that comes into the hospital with any type of respiratory issues or anything dealing with a cold or sore throat they automatically says that it's related to the C virus...WAKE UP...


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

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