Apocolypse Chow

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Apocolypse Chow



More evidence that vaccines do not help and in fact do more harm than good.

Our alliance of over 500 independent Canadian
doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners is
committed to providing quality, balanced, evidence-based
information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that
hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our
country safely restored to normal as quickly as possible.


Christopher Walken from Poolhall Junkies.
Videos from You Tube, spliced together!

A Documentary revealing the connection between Covid-19 >> Vaccines >> Masks >> The Banking System and The Great Reset

There is a lot of people out there who believe that our situation that we are in is struggle to prevail as the white race is hopeless. That we have no fighting chance. That we cannot survive. That this is the end. That the white race will die out.

Smoke, Mirrors, and the 'Disappearance' of Polio by Suzanne Humphries, MD

"We have to base it on truth, not profits. We have to also lose the fear and trust our own bodies. We are perfectly designed as is all nature. Germ theory is not natural. It doesn't follow any of the rules of nature. It's a man made dogma within a cult. Mother nature, or God, if you believe in him, didn't make any mistakes....WE DID!" Tracey Northern speaks about germ theory.

The Matrix was a documentary! Stock up on tin foil and sharpen your origami skills...YOU WILL NEED IT!

The best video I have found that explains exactly what is going on and what has been going on!


Man destroys the narrative in a nice 13 min package for you! Share far and wide!

Just as Dr. Andrew Kaufman and others have been saying this whole time, we have more evidence stating this sars-cov-2 virus has not been isolated.

Good video to show your normie friends and fam!

Aajonus Vonderplanitz was an American nutritionist and creator of the Raw Primal Diet. One of the more controversial things he stipulated was the notion that all parasites, bacteria and viruses are in fact beneficial for people's health. However for the sake of this video being simple and easy to understand, I'm only going to be focusing on the latter. In relation to the topic of viruses, Vonderplanitz claimed the only to get the so called virus was to be injected with it. It is understood that all viruses are non living, dead protein structures, Aajonus' theory is that they are all naturally occurring in the body and perfom a special role of being able to dissolve toxic of deadly tissue from the body in order to heal.

Get the Jab! Trust the science! BIGOT!

Based Turkey actually reporting the truth.

Take notes. It is your responsibility to know your rights!

There is no conspiracy here folks, just get your damn vaccine!

The Matrix resets every 100 years.

Corporations and celebrities are on an orchestrated campaign to sell us the vaccine, but on what basis are they promoting it?

When it comes to controlling and perverting a nation via the public, the best means of doing so, is controlling the media they consume.

Part 2 of #SaveOurChildren goes behind the curtain. It reveals the origins of sexual degeneracy and child abuse. It also exposes those that are the enemies of (our) children, from religious preachers to (political) elite. Strongly suggest you watch it all, as stomach turning as it is. TRUTH is uncomfortable.

What our children's enemies fear most is us taking action. We have to share it. Even beyond telegram, everywhere. Warn your children!

What does this look like in the classroom? Some people might be watching this right now and saying, "children in grade 1 or 2 are too young to be learning about sexual orientation." How do you talk to children about this, what does it look like?
"I don't think the children are too young in grade 1 or 2 or kindergarten. I think that children actually are very resilient and completely open minded and non-judgemental."
The day of the rope is coming!

If I was the prince of darkness I would want to engulf the whole world in darkness and I would have a 3rd of it's real estate and 4/5ths of it's population, but I wouldn't be happy until I have seized the ripest apple on the tree.

MIRRORED FROM SPACEBUSTERS: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/spacebusters/

Once Were the Living..the story of the 4th Industrial modified reset man. What's been put up your nose in nano dust "test swabs" and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it's all in there.

Follow us on Odysee as well: https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9

This documentary sums it all up - self-styled 'elites' are planning to displace humanity with Artificial Intelligence, robotization of every job possible, starvation of small businesses, installation (without the consent of the people) of lethal and/or sickness-inducing 5G networks that will also displace many jobs and the impoverishing of most everybody. Welcome to the 'useless class' of 'hackable animals!


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

130 videos

Category None

Learn what is true in order to do what is right.

Please note that I am just uploading videos I think hold important information. I did not produce any of these videos and cannot take credit for such works. I hope one day to produce my own type of documentary and upload it here!