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Agenda 47 sounds fucking amazing


⚡️ In 2014, the late far-seeing politician Zhirinovsky took (https://t .me/inessas1992/6167) the crowd by storm.

Many in the room found what he said funny ...10 years have passed. And what do we see? Everything has come to light, almost verbatim...

00:01- Friendship with the West is questionable, befriend the Muslim world instead...

01:15 Question of the Russian flag - is the Red, White & Blue legit?

01:33 "Emperor Putin" should be a title & bring back the "Save the Tsar" anthem.

02:17 Going into Afghanistan, while invited by the government of the day [against American funded Mujahideen], was a mistake...

03:20 "Release the prisoners!" - Zhirnovsky predicts penal battalions that will go all the way to Odessa, South Ukraine & Transnistria (Moldova.)

03:40 Europe & especially Poland needs to be extremely careful...

05:08 We need a Minister of Propaganda (where Russia currently fails miserably).

05:20 Let's turn to the Muslim world...You are all going to recognize the Taliban (Afghanistan) with a 15 year delay - they used to fight the drug trade (unlike occupying Americans).

06:10 Due to the amount of NATO weapons in the Baltics, we cannot guarantee their continued existence...

06:45 "Everything said here today is Zhirinovsky's personal opinion & doesn't always correspond with the official position of the Kremlin..." - Putin. 😅👌

Thank me later 😁 Subscribe here (http s://

00:01 - About NATO expansion, and a changing world order
05:00 - Lawless interventions in Belgrade, Iraq, Libya & Syria
09:45 - Western support and funding of terrorism in the Chechen wars
10:30 - Imposition of unnatural pseudo-values and the degradation of society
12:00 - Unpreparedness and lessons of WWII, "We won't make the same mistake twice!"
15:30 - A red line was crossed with Ukraine
16:15 - Donbass Genocide: attempt to rectify the situation peacefully for 8 years
17:30 - Neo-Nazism and the threat to the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine
18:15 - Nuclear weapons for Ukraine are only a matter of time
20:00 - Announcement of Special Operation
21:15 - Victory in WWII is sacred and Russia will protect that freedom
22:30 - Address to the Ukrainian people
24:50 - ❗️ Important words for anyone who seeks to intervene externally
25:30 - Our future is in reliable hands...
Source / Translation Inessa S

'Колыбельная Тишины' Женя Любич
'Lullaby of silence' by Zhenya Lubich

PS The movie is definitely worth watching! (English subtitles are available)

#sing_it_🎵 Listen and practice!


🟠 Subscribe to @learnRCRussian
https://t. me/learnRCRussian/1573

It’s Free, Swipe Yo’ EBT Lyrics
Chapter Jackson:
It's free!
Swipe yo' EBT
Swipe yo' EBT
It's free!
Swipe yo' EBT
Swipe yo' EBT
It's free

You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)

The state of California
I need to warn you
Free welfare, free dental, free food
Mama say's she can't take me to school
Why am I hungry and we get free food?
Free housing, free day care, free clothes
This is where the tax payer money goes
Oh, a bugger in my nose
We all share chonees and socks
Did mamma's check come in the mailbox?
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Lose Yourself
The Real Slim Shady
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck

It's free!
Swipe yo' EBT (free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (it's free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (it's free!)

You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)

California wake up
If they don't get they're money
They're going to kick yo' butt
At the county building standing in line

It's too late
They're not passing out anymore vouchers for section 8
It's too late
They're not passing out anymore vouchers for section 8
They turned me away
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you're getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck

It's free!
Swipe yo' EBT (free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (it's free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (free!)
Swipe yo' EBT (it's free!)

You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me to get it all (free!)
You had me ..

There’s Something So Similar About All These Videos But I Can’t Quite Figure Out What It Is…

https ://

OP https://
Ну вы сами понимаете, что парень немного заблудился. Дело не в его политической или военной позиции - это ребенок. Одно дело - забрать на срочную службу, другое - закинуть на войну. Искалечить психику. Сломать жизнь.

Их зверинец уже потихоньку иссякает живой силой, обученной, крепкой. Они теперь набирают себе детей.

Промытый до мозга костей. Ну само собой, в самом начале он «ничего не знал, он просто медик» - после заговорил, да так, что их командование засуетилось, как мыши в коробке.

По определенным причинам, мы не можем раскрывать всего, но персонаж очень важный оказался. Папе привет)

P/S: А его подельник, с кем брали, нечаянно вмер, оступился. Кстати, именно его записочки от подружки (https :// на русском языке мы выкладывали ранее. Вот и закончился их бесславный путь в бесславном «полку».

Архангел Спецназа. Подписаться. (https: //

Mob looting a bakery in Compton, CCTV footage

Такой ролик в католическом храме в Новый год показали на Украинском телеканале «24».

Ментальная война. Запад против России


🇺🇸🇺🇦 "We don't care how many Ukrainians die - not civilians, not soldiers. It's become a great football game." - Richard Black, US senator.

The military-industrial complex has become incredibly inflated with tax dollars. But I think Russia will prevail.

Putin made a desperate effort to stop the march towards war. He made peace proposals with NATO - as Ukraine was amassing troops to attack the Donbass.

The Russians were outnumbered by the Ukrainian forces, showing this was not a pre-planned invasion. Military strategy suggests the attacker must outnumber the opponent 3:1. But this was designed to get ahead of Ukraine's attack.

❗️Russia thinks of the Ukraine as brother-Slavic peoples. When civilians walked out on a road in front of a tank - that tank stopped. I can tell you [an American] tank in Vietnam would not have stopped.

Russia carries out its Operation humanely - but Washington will fight until the last Ukrainian.

#Ukraine #MilitaryIndustrialComplex

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No context / sic:
http s://
Based AF


How to get the military to pay for your Transition and change your Gender

Not only pay for their transition but pay them while they do so and when it's surgical - that means being unable to work for protracted lengths of time.


h/t Valery

sic: "Stunning four-minute video from Ben Swann in Georgia, USA:
“WOW — Pascal Najadi, the son of WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, is calling for the arrests of Bill Gates, WHO leadership, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Big Tech and Pfizer.

He says he and his mother are now dying from the (Covid) “vaccine”, which he calls “poison”.”"
Original Post -

Kristall Scheiße rumored to be in talks about album,

Gen Z explains how he will not be drafted.

War Department Special Service Division propaganda.

Sharon Tennison and 40 citizen diplomats visited many cities in Russia, Including Crimea, where they visited Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta and well as many of the infrastructure projects like the Crimean Bridge.

The is an except from the groups debriefings that took place in September 2019.

here is the flyer from the trip

You can see the entire video, including an introduction by Sharon Tennison on their youtube channel.

Learn more about citizen diplomacy on the CCI's site

Як умру, то поховайте
Мене на могилі,
Серед степу широкого,
На Вкраїні милій,
Щоб лани широкополі,
І Дніпро, і кручі
Було видно, було чути,
Як реве ревучий.

Як понесе з України
У синєє море
Кров ворожу... отоді я
І лани і гори —
Все покину і полину
До самого бога
Молитися... А до того —
Я не знаю бога.

Поховайте та вставайте.
Кайдани порвіте
І вражою злою кров'ю
Волю окропіте.
І мене в сім'ї великій,
В сім'ї вольній, новій
Не забудьте пом'янути
Незлим тихим словом.

25 грудня 1845 в Переяславі

Шевченковский национальный заповедник

Since he's a Liberal comedian he has just blocked anyone and Comedy Central is deleting comments.

Http:// is the last free comment section..


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

23 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith