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WATER is The Key element for survival! Make sure you have an independent water source! An Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) is an option worth exploring. Join us with Rodney Loehr, one of the founders of Aquaviable, to learn more about AWGs and whether this would be a viable strategy for your situation and LOCATION! For more info on Aquaviable water generators, go to:

This must see interview with Dr. Drew Miller that could save your life, or the life of someone you love. An expert in threat analysis, Dr. Miller of Fortitude Ranch exposes the vulnerability built into our society, and how quickly it will all come crashing down as well as a great solution that ANYONE can afford! For more info on Fortitude Ranch:

Asaro Architecture specializes in Strategic Off-Grid and Secure Home Design with over 30 years experience as a licensed architect:


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

3 videos

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Are you ready to go Off-Grid? Time to prepare for the cyberattack, EMP, HEMP or solar flare. We can give you the tools you need to survive and thrive in a grid down scenario.

Paul and Candice Asaro are a dynamic design duo and the creators of the customized, interactive Strategic Off-Grid Report:

30 years experience as a licensed architect. 20 years experience as a licensed general contractor

Asaro Architecture specializes in Strategic Off-Grid Design.

Create the optimal environment. No matter what your situation is, there are solutions to fortify your home and better protect your family.