The Ascended Bastards

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The Ascended Bastards



Wifi Router and Cress Experiment.
This experiment was undertaken by children in a school, I think. We need to do more of these.

I have also read of one where a "smart" phone was placed in a bee hive, switched on, and all the bees left, and wouldn't return until the phone was removed. Also, a blood study done by Lena Pu in California, showed that a day's exposure to wifi causes blood coagulation. when are people going to realise that they are actively colluding in a quiet frequency war against all life? And take responsibility? Watching the human race slowly kill itself due to ignorance and laziness is not much fun.

By the courageous invocation of Article 61, the Committee of the Barons have provided us all with a peaceful remedy against the systematic deconstruction of our ancient laws and customs by imposters within Westminster. It has not since been revoked publicly by the barons which means that Britain and the entire commonwealth is in a state of open rebellion i.e., the law demands that ALL British and Commonwealth subjects rebel against the crown in order to protect the British constitution, whilst doing so we are protecting our god given rights and freedoms that the constitution defends (our individual and collective sovereignty).


In this live stream Robin will be interviewing
Simone and Jacquie who will dive into the article 61 movement - all that it means and what is happening today

Jacquie Phoenix
Simone was the organiser of Event 202

Dr. Bruce Lipton : "I will teach you how to never get sick again"


Talk given by Barrie Trower, Totnes, UK, Dec 2019


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

5 videos

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