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Australia truly has become a tyranny. This person, stopped at the side of the road by traffic police, was forcibly restrained and taken to hospital against his will.

Note that the police explicitly tell him in the video that he is NOT a criminal. Yet here he is, being treated like a criminal.

This could be you.

Learn your rights. Even if you are not religious, try to understand religious objections to medical intervention, and make use of those objections if the time comes.

Welcome to the new Australia, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the new normal.

Google, and other corporations, have mandated that all employees returning to the office to work must provide evidence of vaccination status. This is a violation of one of an inalienable human right - the right to bodily sovereignty.

Once we give this right away, numerous other rights are rendered moot - like freedom of speech, the right to privacy, and a host of others.

We must fight for every single right we have. We must not give our rights away. United we stand.

The covid lockdowns in Sydney have been extended by the witch, the c*nt, the criminal Gladys Berejiklian, and enforced by her psychopathic cronies.

All people in lockdown-affected areas must now wear a mask at all times when outside the home, and may not travel 5km from their home.

This is a crime against civil liberties, and these politicians and their enforcers must be brought to trial.

Never back down. There is only one thing that matters, and that thing is freedom. Without freedom, we have nothing. Everything we have extends from the single principle of freedom. Without freedom health, love, and life itself are irrelevant.

Whenever you have doubts, whenever you feel those around you think you're wrong for defying the lockdowns, always remember that there are people out there just like you who understand the truth - that freedom is a precious thing, and once taken away, it can never be returned intact.

As I had expected, the protests in Sydney, Australia on 24th July are being used as an excuse to propose longer lockdowns. The protests are being branded as a superspreader event, and the protesters portrayed as violent, selfish, and disgusting. The only disgusting thing in the entire debacle is the way the government has completely discarded freedom. The basis of the western world is freedom. Without it we are no better than a third world country. The leadup to all this has been the decades of burgeoning political correctness - the fear of offending others, the fear of hurting others, the fear of the world itself. We have become a nation of cowards thanks to the self-loathing we have developed through the disease of political correctness. Political correctness and the media. This is the true disease.

On 24th July the people of Sydney, Australia, protested the draconian lockdowns imposed by the New South Wales Premier. The protests served as a powerful symbol against the tyrannical leaders of the state that the people will not accept the destruction of their freedom and livelihood.

Earlier in the day, the main stream media hinted at the possibility of the military enforcing lockdowns in the western part of the city. The west is the home to the vast majority if working class ethnic migrants. The LGAs of Fairfield, Cumberland and Blacktown are currently experiencing the harshest lockdowns in Sydney. Residents in these LGAs are not allowed to leave. People who work outside the LGA must submit valid Covid tests every 3 days. THIS IS NOT A FREE SOCIETY. THIS IS TYRANNY.

We must never allow the military to trudge into our cities. NEVER.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

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