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A short audio of a couple of shoutouts to yours truly by James Evan Pilato on Morning Monarchy 09/10/19 (the palindrome date). (

This short audio highlights yours truly given a couple of shoutouts from James Evan Pilato during the Morning Monarchy podcast of 9/10/19 (the palindrome date). Thank you, James.

Rockefeller Education: This video is an excerpt from the Corbett Report documentary "How Big Oil Conquered the World." ( It is specifically related to the origins of our current federalized education system. How the system began and for what purpose. (Which, as you might guess, is certainly NOT to make a well-educated society.)

The facts in the video barely scratch the surface of the massive movement to develop and control an "education" system. Please review the five purposes outlined in the Dodd Report ( page 7. And these Foundations are tax-free organizations. THEY PAY NO TAX.

An even deeper in-depth understanding of the intent of the current "education" system is found in the book, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt (1999).

How do we break the chain? How about digging into how children were educated 100 - 150 years ago, when there was nearly 100% literacy and a solid knowledge of the classics and history? Then, rather than upwards of "15,000 to 20,000 hours of indoctrination via outcome based schooling..." (Richard Grove, Porcfest 2019,, begin to implement those methods from history so that society will have individuals who have been taught to think for themselves, and to question political motivations.

Rockefeller Medicine: This video is an excerpt from the Corbett Report documentary "How Big Oil Conquered the World." ( It is specifically related to the origins of our current medical industry. How the it began and for what purposes. (Which, as you should know, is certainly NOT to have a healthy society.)

You are encouraged to view the entire documentary at


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

4 videos

Category None

My stuff of things that I do and truths discovered.