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Free Speech Oasis


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Work-to-Rule & Peaceful Protest Method: A 14-Year-Old's Insightful Perspective

Join us on a journey back in time with this vintage video from 14 years ago, where a young activist shares a method of work-to-rule and peaceful protest. Delve into the wisdom of a teenager who passionately advocates for change through strategic and non-violent means.

Έχει πέσει γραμμή να γραφικοποιήσουν το θέμα της ηλεκτρονικής σκλαβιάς και να απομονώσουν τους πολίτες που λένε όχι στις ταυτότητες ως οπισθοδρομικούς και ακροδεξιούς προερχόμενοι από συγκεκριμένο πολιτικό χώρο.

Αλλά λαμόγια σας μάθαμε δεν μασάμε!

Published on Oct 22, 2019

Is there an imminent financial crash near? Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says, “Yes, right, exactly. I think this explains the near panic move, not only by the European Central Bank (ECB) . . . but by Powell and the Fed when everything was fine in September to all these emergency measures now. . . . So, there is some pretty nasty stuff brewing out there. There is some real liquidity monetary tightness that is pushing things to the verge of collapse, really. They are doing everything they can to stave it off. . . . The curtain is being pulled back on central bankers, and it reveals them to be charlatans. . . . They are not these all-knowing masters of the universe looking out for the world. No, they don’t know what they are doing. They are just trying to maintain this illusion. . . . The demand for all the massive amount of money from the central banks and the Fed leads to a crisis of confidence in their ability to keep things going. Why would you not want gold and silver? There is a global awakening to that, and that is why prices have hit new all-time highs in 70 currencies around the globe, and we will see new all-time highs in dollar terms, too, next year.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes one-on-One with Craig Hemke of

When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hours. Oliver resides in Farmville, VA with his 3 dogs and a plot of land he plans on turning into a small farm to raise livestock. We have a whole mess of songs set to release of Oliver for your viewing and listening pleasure, he is truly special and notes his biggest influence as Hank Williams Jr. Oliver wants to give hope to the working class and your average hard working young man who may have lost hope in the grind of trying to get by.

Contact Oliver at [email protected]

Λιάνα Κανέλλη για long covid: Με θορύβησε ο βήχας ενάμιση μήνα μετά τη νόσηση

He can't stand the corruption and tyranny especially against Children.
(Subtitles are auto generated)

I really think it can't get any worse anymore

Francis Boyle Interview from Alex Jones (May 12, 2021)

Rand Paul Exposes Dr Fauci's Warcrimes In Sentate Hearing

Mainstream media are losing the war. And we enjoy it!

A film by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!

This meme will extend your life expectancy for at least 10 years. Enjoy!

People in Germany protesting against lockdowns, masks and the overall Covid insanity.

Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

16 videos

Category News & Politics

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