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The FBI wants everyone to believe the information that was leaked from the DNC server to DC Leaks was a job by "Russian Hackers." They are DESPERATE to contain the truth. Well, I am here to TELL you the truth about this, and my involvement.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for live discussions and to keep updated:

🚀 I live in Moscow, Russia after fleeing the FBI in 2016, so if you like my videos, please consider being a Patreon at

😥 My company laid everyone off because of Coronavirus. Please consider donating to my PayPal with the button on my website,

This video, speaking about how New York State nursing homes were forced to take patients with Coronavirus, resulting in the deaths of thousands of elderly, was deleted from YouTube.

🚀 I live in Moscow, Russia after fleeing the FBI in 2016, so if you like my videos, please consider being a Patreon at

😥 My company laid everyone off because of Coronavirus. Please consider donating to my PayPal with the button on my website,

Even now, various news outlets are reporting that the compromise of the Florida voter registration systems of 2016 were the work of Russia and Russian hackers. It was not, and it was done by an American. How do I know? Because it was ME. The FBI raided my house for it. They sent surveillance teams of people to watch me and I had to flee the country for it.

I am going to walk you through EACH step of HOW and WHY I did it, where the flaw is located, why it can never be properly fixed, and then we are going to discuss the FBI's motivation for lying about it and why they are telling news agencies that the details are "CLASSIFIED."

Watch this episode, because it's going to blow your socks off in many regards. When you see how far the FBI will go to pin the actions of Americans like me (not to mention the complete incompetence of government workers) on Russia to justify why they are needed, you are GOING to be SHOCKED!

🚀 I live in Moscow, Russia after fleeing the FBI in 2016, so if you like my videos, please consider being a Patreon at

😥 My company laid everyone off because of Coronavirus. Please consider donating to my PayPal with the button on my website,


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

4 videos

Category News & Politics

I am John Mark Dougan, A.K.A, BadVolf. I was a Marine and a cop, who left the force to expose criminal activities in the police force. Once I started doing this, the Sheriff investigated me for six long years. In the process, I drove the police and FBI absolutely crazy, chasing a phantom Russian hacker named BadVolf. In 2016, I fled the United States of American to, coincidentally, Russia, where I sought political asylum. I still reside here, and I am still very much an active dissident, informing and helping people fight the Deep, dark government of the United States.