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Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry has said an Israeli air strike killed at least 70 people in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the centre of the strip.

A spokesman said the death toll was likely to rise given the large number of families living in the area.

The Israeli military told the BBC it was looking into reports of the strike.

Global supply chains could face severe disruption as a result of the world's biggest shipping companies diverting journeys away from the Red Sea.

Attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen on commercial vessels in recent weeks have resulted in many firms deciding to avoid one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.

The Houthi group has declared its support for Hamas and has said it is targeting ships travelling to Israel.

But who are the Houthis? What are their motivations? And what are their links to Iran? The BBC’s analysis editor Ros Atkins explains.

In October 2022, Russia sent men from its elite 155th Marine Brigade, the “Black Berets” to take the town of Vuhledar in Ukraine.

In a rare protest letter, the Black Berets claimed that “inept” commanders cost them 300 men in just four days, and that the same commanders called them “meat”.

The Russian authorities denied the number of losses. But who was right?

Piecing together online testimonies, death records and battle footage BBC Eye found evidence that glaring tactical mistakes caused one of the highest concentrations of losses for a single Russian unit since the beginning of the war.

Israel's ambassador to the UK has said the country will not accept a two-state solution after the war in Gaza ends.

The two-state solution is the idea that establishing an independent Palestine alongside Israel would create a way for the two peoples to co-exist peacefully.

Meanwhile, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is on his way to Israel, where he's scheduled to hold talks with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu about a need for more precise strikes against targets in Gaza.

The health ministry in Gaza, which is run by Hamas, says 18,600 people have been killed in the enclave since the start of the war.

Dozens of people have been injured in a wave of missile strikes on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv overnight, authorities say.

Fifty-three people were hurt in the attacks, including six children, Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko said.

Kindergarten and hospital buildings were reportedly damaged by debris as authorities said 10 Russian ballistic missiles had been shot down.

The strikes happened after President Volodymyr Zelensky left the US.

Allies of Israel have condemned a sharp rise in attacks by armed Jewish settlers on Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.

Religious jews in illegal settlements on territory that is occupied by Israel claim the land was given to them by God.

The war in Gaza has led to an intensification of violence in the West Bank, with the heavily-armed settlers attacking Palestinian communities.

Palestinians say the settlers have been armed by Israel and are protected by Israeli soldiers. The settler's leaders claim they are protecting themselves.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Jeremy Bowen.

Two Palestinian boys have been shot dead in the street in Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, during a raid by Israeli forces. They were 8 and 14 years old.

With war in Gaza, tension and violence have been rising in the West Bank, which is occupied by Israel but run by the Palestinian Authority.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Lucy Williamson in Jenin.

Analysis by the BBC has revealed that Hamas held multiple training exercises in Gaza, ahead of their deadly attack on Israel on 7th October which claimed 1,200 lives.

BBC Verify and BBC Arabic have established that Hamas held military exercises over three years and posted the evidence on social media.

They practised hostage-taking, raiding compounds and breaching Israel's defences during these exercises, the last of which was held just 25 days before the attack.

Several armed Palestinian groups joined Hamas in the assault on Israel. The groups carried out joint drills in Gaza, including at a site less than 1km from the barrier with Israel.

The Ocotober attack on Israel provoked retaliation which has led to the deaths of more than 14,000 Palestinians in Gaza, according to the authorities there.

Fiona Bruce presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Jonathan Beale.

There are strong signs that the four-day ceasefire agreement in Gaza may be extended. Hamas has released a third group of hostages and Israel has freed more Palestinian prisoners.

Both Israel and Hamas have indicated that they are considering extending the truce with the possible release of more captives. The United States has said it hopes the ceasefire agreement will be extended. However the Israeli government has also indicated that its military operation in Gaza is not over.

17 more hostages were in the third group released by Hamas, including Israeli women and children, a Russian national and three Thai citizens. Israel released 19 Palestinians from prison.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Orla Guerin and Lucy Williamson.

Israel and Hamas have agreed to extend the four-day truce in Gaza for another two days, mediator Qatar says.

A Palestinian source also told the BBC that the truce had been extended.

The truce had been due to expire after today.

As part of the Israel-Hamas deal, 39 Israeli hostages in Gaza have been released so far with 117 Palestinians freed from Israeli jails.

Hamas has released 17 more hostages, including 13 Israelis and four Thai citizens. It’s the second group of captives to be freed in an agreement that includes a four-day truce between Israel and Hamas.

The hostages were transferred by the International Red Cross through the Rafah border crossing from Gaza into Egypt where they were handed to the Israeli authorities.

It’s understood that 39 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel are being released in return for the latest hostages being freed.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Orla Guerin and Lucy Williamson.

Twenty-four hostages have been released by Hamas and are now back in Israel.

Among them are 13 Israelis, 10 Thais and one Filipino, says Qatar, which has been mediating negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

The Israelis include four children - aged two, four, six and nine - as well as an 85-year-old woman.

Palestinian women and teenagers held by Israel have also been released to the West Bank as part of the deal.

The Red Cross says it has begun the transfer of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas, with vehicles seen crossing into Egypt.

The organisation describes the work as a "multi-day" operation which will include the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Israeli media are reporting that a group of 13 Israeli hostages have been released by Hamas in Gaza and are now in Egypt.

Twelve Thai hostages were also freed by Hamas.

The group are expected to be flown to Israeli hospitals for medical checks before being reunited with their families.

Ireland's police chief says over 30 people were arrested during riots in Dublin on Thursday, following an earlier knife attack in the city centre which left four people injured.

More than a dozen shops were damaged or looted, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said, and several police vehicles and three buses were destroyed.

One police officer was seriously injured in the rioting and many more were hurt, Harris added.

The Commissioner described "huge destruction from a riotous mob", which police have blamed on a "lunatic, hooligan faction driven by far-right ideology".

Earlier on Thursday, police said a five-year-old girl was in emergency care following the knife attack.

A woman in her 30s and two other children aged five and six were also injured.

A four-day pause in the fighting between Israel and Hamas has come into effect, with both sides saying the pause is temporary.

Under the deal, 13 Israeli hostages who were taken by Hamas are due to be released later today, with 50 being released over the four days.

As part of the agreement, Israel will release 150 Palestinian prisoners.

A 5-year-old girl is in emergency care after five people were injured in a knife attack in the centre of Dublin, Irish police have said.

In a press conference, gardai added that a boy and a girl were also hurt, less seriously - along with two adults.

Officers added that a "person of interest" - a man in his 50s - had been detained after the attack, and they were not looking for anyone else

They said they were not treating the incident as terror-related, but that it remained under investigation.

Geert Wilders, a veteran anti-Islam populist leader, has won a dramatic victory in the Dutch general election, according to the latest forecast.

After 25 years in parliament, his Freedom party (PVV) is set to win 37 seats, well ahead of its nearest rival, a left-wing alliance.

"The PVV can no longer be ignored," he said.

His win has shaken Dutch politics and it will send a shock across Europe too.

A vehicle has exploded on a bridge that connects the US and Canada near the Niagara Falls, according to the FBI.

The incident took place on the Rainbow Bridge one day before the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, one of the busiest travel days of the year.

According to the city of Niagara Falls, the vehicle was attempting to enter the US when it exploded.

All crossings are currently closed until further notice, officials said.

A camera has captured footage of the 41 workers trapped in a tunnel in India's Uttarakhand state for the first time in nine days.

The video was filmed using an endoscopic camera that was slipped inside a new pipe drilled into the tunnel on Monday.

Rescuers also used the pipe to give the workers their first hot meal in days.

The under-construction tunnel caved in after a landslide.

The US President Joe Biden has confirmed that he believes a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas is close. It's believed that it would involve Hamas releasing captives in return for pauses in the fighting in Gaza, to allow deliveries of humanitarian aid.

Around 240 hostages were taken on 7th October when Hamas gunmen raided southern Israel.

The White House says they are closer than ever before to freeing some of those who were seized and taken to Gaza.

Meanwhile a group of 28 premature babies who were trapped by fighting around the the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City have arrived in Egypt for medical treatment.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Orla Guerin and Frank Gardner.

There are hopes that a deal may be reached soon to release some of the Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza.

Israel's ambassador to the United States said he was hopeful that a "significant number" of hostages could be released "in the coming days”. A White House spokesman said that negotiations to free hostages held in Gaza were at a ”very sensitive stage” with “significant progress in recent days”.

Hamas gunmen seized more than 200 hostages when they raided southern Israel on 7th October, killing 1,200 people.

Israel launched its offensive in Gaza in response to the attacks. The Health Ministry in Gaza which is controlled by Hamas says more than 13,000 people have been killed there.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Orla Guerin in Jerusalem.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has described al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City as a "death zone" after a visit to the site.

A joint UN team led by the WHO assessed the hospital for one hour following its occupation and evacuation by the Israeli military. The team said they saw evidence of shelling and gunfire and observed a mass grave.

Following an evacuation which the hospital director said was ordered by the Israeli army but which the army said was requested by the director, 300 critically ill patients remain in al-Shifa.

The WHO said it was trying to arrange the urgent evacuation of remaining patients and staff to other facilities in Gaza, and repeated calls for a ceasefire.

BBC's Lucy Williamson goes inside Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital with the Israeli army and views a small cache of weapons and other items they say were found there.

The Israeli army is continuing to search the Al-Shifa hospital - which it says is used by Hamas as a military base; something Hamas denies.

Doctors at the hospital say they have been working without power, food or water for days now - and that critically ill patients have died as a result, including newborn babies.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group - separate from Hamas - says its fighters are still involved in "fierce clashes" with Israeli forces near the hospital complex.

SpaceX launched its massive Starship rocket in Texas, US, but lost contact after eight minutes of flight.

The top part of the rocket - the most powerful ever developed - successfully separated from the booster which then blew up. Contact was then lost with the main rocket.

Elon Musk's company still hailed it as a success and the rocket flew further than the failed first attempt in April.

There was an unexpected distraction for Professor Robert Kelly when he was being interviewed live on BBC News about South Korea. But he managed to keep his composure and complete the interview successfully.


Created 7 months, 2 weeks ago.

68 videos

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