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In our study, we close out the Book of Jonah by looking at his regrettable response to the repentance of the sinners in Nineveh and God's "mercy rule" found in the final verse, which is part of the case made for the salvation of children who die before reaching the ability to be accountable for breaking God's law.

Also Reference:<br /> John 8:23-24<br /> 1 John 3:4-5<br /> Romans 4:14-15<br /> 2 Samuel 12:21-23

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The "Died Suddenly" documentary exposing the adverse effects and deaths of Covid Vaccine victims is being banned by the Communist Left tech tyrants. (2) We provide clarification regarding the "25 Day Supply" of diesel fuel. (3) Misinformation (and LIES) continue pouring from the Biden Administration regarding the Covid Vaccine. (4) And we have a few moments of levity and a reminder that Christmas is only 31 days from the time of this study!

In our study, we close out the Book of Jonah by looking at his regrettable response to the repentance of the sinners in Nineveh and God's "mercy rule" found in the final verse, which is part of the case made for the salvation of children who die before reaching the ability to be accountable for breaking God's law.

Also Reference:<br /> 1 John 3:4-5<br /> Romans 4:14-15<br /> 2 Samuel 12:21-23<br /> Matthew 19:13-14

In our study, Nineveh's king calls on all to repent. Even the animals! And the response by the humans is widespread. We will see the Biblical truth about repentance being for sins when applied to lost sinners but NOT about sin when applied to God.

Also Reference: 2 Thessal. 2:3-5, Acts 26:12-20 and Romans 2:2-9.

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The blasphemous "Respect For Marriage Act" is being passed with the help of RINO Republicans and the full Democrat Party, and with the help of the Mormon Cult. (2) The apostate United Methodists continue to appoint Sodomites as pastors, "bishops" etc.. (3) The NASA Artemis Mission to the Moon is exposed for it's Evolutionist, Woke and Globalist purposes.

In our study, Nineveh's king calls on all to repent. Even the animals! And the response by the humans is widespread. We will see the Biblical truth about repentance being for sins when applied to lost sinners but NOT about sin when applied to God.

Also Reference: Acts 26:12-20, Romans 2:2-9 and 1 Thess. 1:8-10.

In our study, we see Jonah preaching on the street in Nineveh. Just like John the Baptist, Jesus, the apostles including Paul.

Also Reference: Jonah 1:1-2, Isaiah 14:24-27, Matthew 3:1-3, Matthew 6:33-34, Matthew 6:7-13.

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: Election Day 2022 overview.

In our study, we see Jonah preaching on the street in Nineveh. Just like John the Baptist, Jesus, the apostles including Paul.

Also Reference: Isaiah 14:24-27, Matthew 3:1-3, Matthew 6:33-34, Matthew 6:7-13 &amp; Acts 9:26-30.

In our study, Jonah speaks prophetically as his time in the belly of the whale speaks of Jesus time in the belly of Hell from which God would save Him from suffering corruption. An amazing study!

Also Reference: Revelation 14:13-17, Revelation 21:9-11 &amp; 22-27, Acts 26:16-20.

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: Mainstream (fake) news is gaslighting non-liberals who question whether the 2020 election was stolen even as they have made the same accusations about election integrity during various past elections.

In our study, Jonah speaks prophetically as his time in the belly of the whale speaks of Jesus time in the belly of Hell from which God would save Him from suffering corruption. An amazing study!

Also Reference: Revelation 14:13-17, Revelation 21:9-11 &amp; 22-27, Acts 26:16-20.

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Sodomite Socialists (SS) LGBTQP activists continue to attempt to outlaw Christianity. (2) "The Chosen" series is as bad as reading a corrupted new version.

In our study, we see that Jesus identified His mission with that of Jonah and Peter in Acts connects David's prophecy in Psalm 19:10 with the resurrection of Jesus. And it's all in Jonah 2:2 and 6. This and other amazing things in God's amazing Book!

Also Reference: Acts 2:25-27, Psalm 16:10, Psalm 139:7-10, Matthew<br /> 16:1-4, John 16:7-14

After Pastor's wife, Jenny, sings, "Go, Brother, Go!" we finish our study of Jonah chapter 1 which ends with Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.

Also Reference: Romans 13:11-12, Ephesians 5:14-16 and Matthew 12:39-40.

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Lifesite News is a conservative news source but it's Roman Catholic producers promote idolatrous Mary Worship and encourage their listeners to invite DEVILS into their lives. (2) The Democrat (Demoncrat) Party DEATH CULT advertises it's goal of "protecting abortion rights" so the people can murder unborn children.

After Pastor's wife, Jenny, sings, "Go, Brother, Go!" we finish our study of Jonah chapter 1 which ends with Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.

Also Reference: Ephesians 5:14-16, Matthew 12:39-40 and 1 Thessal. 5:6-8.

In our study, we introduce the Book of Jonah and the Prophet Jonah. We see the basis for accepting Jonah as the inspired words of God upon the testimony of Jesus Christ and we look at the discovery of Nineveh which silenced many Bible critics in the early 19th Century.

Also Reference: Psalm 50:16-17, Matthew 12:38-41, 2 Kings 14:23-25

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The Islam Terror State in Iran beings murdering protestors, especially in Kurdish territory. (2) Liberal Communists at Chase Bank, PayPal and elsewhere punish their political opponents.

In our study, we introduce the Book of Jonah and the Prophet Jonah. We see the basis for accepting Jonah as the inspired words of God upon the testimony of Jesus Christ and we look at the discovery of Nineveh which silenced many Bible critics in the early 19th Century.

Also Reference: Psalm 50:16-17, Matthew 12:38-41, 2 Kings 14:23-25.

In another type or shadow of the life of Jesus in the account of Joseph in Genesis, we see them both falsely accused and arrested but also both maintaining Biblical character throughout.

Also Reference: Proverbs 7:22, Genesis 19:15-18. Matthew 26:60-61, John 2:19, John 2:20-21, Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:4, Matthew 26:50, James 4:10 (see also Matthew 4 and Luke 4)

Jesus is a blessing to all nations and He was given to the world THROUGH the nation of Israel in fulfillment of one promise found in the Abrahamic Covenant that through his seed all nations would be blessed.

Also Reference: Genesis 21:2, Genesis 28:13, Genesis 32:28

When we read in several Scriptures that "Pleasant words are... health to the bones", we might not realize that this is literally TRUE. And the constant barrage of unpleasant words can "drieth the bones"!

Also Reference: Proverbs 15:33, Proverbs 17:22, Nehemiah 8:10

While laying down the reality that not every situation calls for "pleasant words" we should have a balance in our lives and should speak pleasant words when the situation calls for it and when others show kindness and care for you or others.

Also Reference Proverbs 6:24, Proverbs 15:26

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) We look at the various examples of further apostasy in professing Christendom. (2) The non-Christian, rightwing media is all too often guilty of printing lies and deception that is as bad as the leftwing media and all too often conservatives go along with it and don't care about TRUTH.

In our study, we finish our expository study of the Gospel of Luke with the final words of Jesus, His ascension and the response of worship by those who were eyewitnesses to the event.

Also Reference: Genesis 1:3-5, Psalm 104:1-2, Psalm 48:1-5, Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:10, Revelation 3:7-13

The fallout from the rebellion of the ten spies as we saw in the previous chapter will play out in this chapter as God pronounces judgment on all who rebelled and grants mercy and grace upon Joshua, Caleb and all those (most likely 20 years and younger) not responsible for the rebellion.

In our study, we are warned that the day of the Lord comes "as a thief in the night". We address the question of the imminent Rapture, the Day of the Lord running from the moment of the Rapture to the Great White Throne Judgment, etc.

Also Reference: John 20:19-22, Acts 2:42, 1 Timothy 3:15, Ephesians 2:20, Revelation 3:3, Amos 5:18, Luke 12:39, 2 Peter 3:9-18

CURRENT EVENTS: Chemtrail propaganda preparing for full admission, as well as headlines including UK parents naming their son Lucifer, a teacher reported to police for grooming her students, Newsmax FAILS to report the real news on two stories and several states shoot down baby-killing bills and pass baby-saving bills.

In our study, we are warned that the day of the Lord comes "as a thief in the night". We address the question of the imminent Rapture, the Day of the Lord running from the moment of the Rapture to the Great White Throne Judgment, etc.

Also Reference: John 20:19-22, Acts 2:42, 1 Timothy 3:15, Ephesians 2:20, Revelation 3:3, Amos 5:18, Luke 12:39, 2 Peter 3:9-18

We continue looking at the planet Jupiter and specifically address the shifting sands of the evolutionary planet formation theories required to cover up the reality that there is NO legitimate "natural" explanation with any empirical evidence to prove these fictional theories. Not even the idea of Jupiter doing as "do-si-do" as claimed by NASA scientists!

Our mouth and lips ought to be ruled by our heart. And if we are wise, then our heart is ruled by God's word. We then act and speak with Biblical wisdom.

Also Reference: 1 Thessalonians 4:4

The wise child of God will not sit under and accept the instruction of fools, nor should we be responsible for teaching the instruction of fools. That is to be expected from the unsaved world, but not among God's children.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

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