Beardman Truth Chronicles

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Beardman Truth Chronicles



If the Earth were in fact a globe there should be roughly 24 time zones matching the pathway of the sun in relation to the rotation of the earth, there should be 24 time zones in the north and 24 time zones in the south. In reality however there are 19 time zones in the north and 32 time zones in the south.

Was the Challenger mission a hoax and are the astronauts still alive?

Why is it the very idea of Flat Earth triggers people so much?

The Secret Land, a polar exploration documentary filmed by Admiral Richard E. Byrd during Operation Highjump.

Antarctica forbidden to all thanks to a treaty negotiated and agreed upon by all the nation's of the world.

Antarctica, is there more lands beyond? Outer lands beyond?

Captain Robert Scott 1912 archive photos from beyond the Antarctic Icewall

This is Beardman Thoughts Episode 9, this weeks episode investigates the teacher that was arrested and fined for teaching his students the Earth was spherical in the year 1900, also looks into the teacher that was arrested and charged for teaching Evolution in 1925.

Beardman Thoughts this week covers the 'Inverse Square Law of Light' and poses the question how is it possible we can see the stars from such great distances.

This weeks episode we cover 2 stories, Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how tides work and coverage of the latest Space X Launch/failure also a bonus at the end.

There is a conceited effort behind the scene's to censor this discussion, to flood the search results with misinformation. One must at some stage begin to ask WHY? If Flat Earth is JUST a wild conspiracy theory, why would they need to censor the results and spread misinformation?

The Moon unfortunately has been subject to a lot of foul play at the hands of human beings. All shenanigan's aside however and we begin to see that the Moon and her workings make for an interesting and still somewhat unsolved phenomenon on this Earth.

Institutionalized Conformity Part 2 Plato's Cave. Mankind the majority of which who have only known the shadows on the cave wall appear to be more transfixed by illusions than ever before. Unfortunately for this majority, even after being told about the outside world (reality) they continue to believe that the shadows are all that is and may never in fact venture from the cave.

This is a smaller edited part of Taboo Conspiracy's revised version of "Our Flat Earth Journey" presentation where he introduces the idea of ' Institutionalized Conformity' and talks about 'Pavlovian Response' 'Group Conformity' & 'The Expert' being 3 components that play vital roles in the lead up to 'Institutionalized Conformity'.

This week on Beardman thoughts i give a reaction/review to a youtube video called "Debunking Flat Earth in 60 seconds"

Groovy song with a clip that shows examples of space being fake af.

Original source:

Welcome to Beardman Thoughts episode 5, this episode covers my response to a presentation called Flat Earth "Science" Wrong but not Stupid.

The Big Bang is a Masonic Lie, a look into the absurdities regarding the Big Band theory and its unsupported claims.

These 'elite' clowns and their perception of themselves, this guy appears to be so far removed from reality its as though he is a comic book villain.

A look into Satellites and what they actually are

Officials such as Obama, Astronauts among others volunteer that we have yet to breach Earth's orbit and they are currently working on the building block components that will eventually allow them to explore beyond this point at the same time as arguing that man has landed on the moon.

William Shatner apparently goes to space but like everything space related there are as usual glaring anomalies and questionable aspects that can not be ignored.

Details relating to the Firmament which was public knowledge before the year of the Antarctic Treaty now confirmed by amateur rocket analysis.

This is part 4 in a 4 part series which could be regarded the most important presentation one could view. If you have ever asked the question "What is the meaning of life?" then this presentation could potentially explain what it is and what it proposes.

This is part 3 in a 4 part series which could be regarded the most important presentation one could view. If you have ever asked the question "What is the meaning of life?" then this presentation could potentially explain what it is and what it proposes.


Created 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

41 videos

Category Education

Beardman here, black belt in the arts.... The no Bullshit arts that is. My 7 Kicks of TRUTH will leave any nonsense
narrative or false ideology defeated and begging for mercy..

This channel has been created to challenge DOGMATIC ideas and detect DOGMATISM within an opinion or explanation expressed by a DOGMATIST and to further dismantle narratives that are void of factual evidence and rely solely upon the investment of ones faith in order to accept it.
Britannica Dictionary Definition of DOGMATIC: expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted.

Merriam Webster Definition of DOGMATISM: the expression of an opinion or belief as if were fact : positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant 2: a viewpoint or system of ideas based on insufficiently examined premises. https//

Cambridge Dictionary Definition of DOGMATIST: a person who believes too strongly that their personal opinions or beliefs are correct. https//

"Any and all who neglect to perform their 'Due Diligence' are nothing more than talking monkeys, my purpose is to educate in hopes of assisting said talking monkeys in evolving into intellectual human beings, free and independent to think for themselves without the need to rely upon an "academic superior" or "governing entity" for guidance, assistance or validation"