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In the first half, Lindsey has Cole on to tell his quirky story about adulting in college, phone hacking and a trip to the insane asylum in Prague. In the second half, they talk about generational homosexuality, simulation theory, giving guys a break and other random stuff.

Lindsey Zimmerman this episode is joined by Craig Stadler. Here they talk about Big Tech, online privacy, and the idea of choice in the ever changing world of online information.

Join Lindsey Zimmerman and Bootsy Greenwood as they talk about the inner voice, the Epstein scandal, and more in the first Better Than podcast!
If you want to find more content, check out the talk series on YouTube at the Better Than channel, were almost everywhere, though! Find us on Tiktok @lindseyzimmerman44, Better Than on, Better Than on Vimeo and updated on our Facebook page @originalbt!
If you like what we are doing, like and subscribe of our pages and channels. If you want to support us, you can join our patreon, saving the world is a big job and we have to do it together!

This is the intro if you're trying to figure out what in creation we trying to do!


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

4 videos

Category None

Better Than was created to pursue an idea I've had for the last 12 years. During that time, I have been learning and planning and watching. Really watching. What I see is a need to remove ourselves from the structures of our society that are not serving us. It may be easy to say, but I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

Every aspect of Better Than LLC is orchestrated to create a free, interdependent society that no longer needs or feeds the old constructs that have hurt, abused, neglected, shamed, starved and killed us, for as long as any of us can remember.

We know there is something wrong with the way we are living. We know that if we were to design a society by our choosing, WE WOULD NOT CHOSE THIS.
We are completely capable of caring for ourselves and others with out the systems that cause our pain and suffering in the first place. It is time to stop marching for these psychopaths to give us handouts and start creating a world where handouts aren't necessary, because we already live in peace and abundance.
Better Than is here to teach us how to build community, find our individual life's purpose and care for those who can not care for themselves. Better Than is the blueprint for us to create a new Human Constitution. I've got the plan, but I need help. If you are into it, here's how to help:

1. Subscribe and pledge or tip! This is going to take a team of blockchain programmers, teachers, doctors and many more talented people to get this thing off the ground so I can bring it to you! Your contributions will keep this going and allow me to create more projects and content.

2. Help me find the people I need! Blockchain knowledge and programmers, graphic design people, musicians, people who are already successful on social media, experts in social structures, psychology, economics, financial experts, politically minded people from the left, the right and everywhere outside and in between. I'm still learning and I need to learn more from the people who think about these things everyday. So if you are someone or know someone who would be interested in talking to me, I'm here and I cant wait to talk to you!

Thank you so much and you need to know: We are all Better Than this, together.
Lindsey Zimmerman
Better Than, LLC