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Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of the Armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

Dealing with a bit of grief on our end here and doing this helped. I pray you find solace and maybe even smile a little with this.

Avast ye matey's! We set sail in Matthew 6 and learn how a pirate should view his booty and ill gotten gains. NIV translation provided for those that can't talk proper pirate speak

Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

We've been studying the Great Commission in Church lately and I wanted to hear it in the Pirate Bible Translation. What do you think of the Great Commission? How does it affect your life?

Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of the Armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of the Armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

Aargh ye scallywags! Today we're reading of the Armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18. We have that NIV translation written out fer those that don't speak proper.

What a fun way to hear the Word! Not a sanctioned translation and it was translated by an AI so there may be some less than accurate passages. But still so fun!

My friend bought me the Pirate's Bible translation and it's so awesome! Translated by A.I. so while the spirit of the message is in there it shouldn't be considered Cannon. But it's fun

A short from my video, inspired by some Drone Footage I took with my DJI Air 3.

This time-lapse drone footage inspired me to share Psalms 8:3-9. Enjoy it and consider God in your life.

To help the firefighters up and down the west coast, see these links:
Washington State Council of Firefighters
Washington state Fire Fighters Association provides hot food to emergency workers while they save lives and property.
California Fire Foundation
There are many others including GoFundMe's that are set up

We used the hottest day of 2020 to go on a group ride on our Electric Unicycles along the Foothills Trail in the Orting Puyallup area of Western Washington. I was on my Ninebot Z10, Julian was on an Inmotion V5F, Wei was on his Gotway MSX and Ozzy was on his Gotway Monster. Here's a small section of the trail. We went 15 miles and turned around, Julian's V5F just doesn't have the range capacity for that and my Z10 was at it's upper limit. I wish I had done more camera work for you but the heat was affecting it a bit.

We went out and hit a section of the White River Trail in Auburn, WA. I was on my Ninebot Z10 Electric Unicycle and I met up with Jason on his Tornado Electric Skateboard and his dog, Arry (guessing on the spelling there). I even have a minor spill on this one, caught on camera

My first time taking my Electric Unicycle Ninebot One Z10 on the Green River Trail. I'll definitely be going again, this is a really nice paved trail that can handle the 20 mph mark very comfortably. Always check your local laws before you take a PEV on a trail. Technically I should keep my speed down to the 15 mph mark.

This is the other half of the previous lunch ride on Interurban Trail on my Ninebot Z10 Electric Unicycle. This is without the Pandora Radio and just some YouTube copyright free music. I like the funky stuff, hope you do too.

Have the copyright crazies made it here yet? I was out for a ride on my EUC and had Pandora streaming through the speaker on my Z10. Pretty sure it's going to have issues on YouTube

Out on the Interurban Trail again for a lunch time ride on my Electric Unicycle. I broke this video into two parts because I'm pretty sure this one is going to get flagged. Not worried if they just place a copyright claim on it but they could tell me to take it down. I have Pandora Radio playing through the speaker on my Z10 that I have no rights to. But I don't make money here anyway so I'll leave it up to them

Can you run your errands on an electric Unicycle? Sure you can! I needed a few things from the store and I figured this was a great way to go pick up a few things and practice a bit of editing with my 360° camera.

Can you run your errands on an electric Unicycle? Sure you can! I needed a few things from the store and I figured this was a great way to go pick up a few things and practice a bit of editing with my 360° camera.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

57 videos

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