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Are The Jesuit Order the secret controllers behind The Great Reset?
Yes they are. Want proof? Watch this video until the end.
I follow the bloodline from Charlemagne and the opposing Hapsburg's, Jesuit Order and Rothschild's. You will see how the two branches oppose each other. These two branches are mirrored in our modern day left right politics.
"All the World's a Stage"

From Charlemagne to Skull and Bones. We continue to follow the gnostic Royal bloodlines as they infiltrate Rome. A secret society within secret societies is formed, to ensure their New World Order. Hegelian Dialectics and Revolutions are employed in their plan for World domination.

Continuing from Part 1, we trace the families of Seth and Cain through history. We follow the Gnostic family of Cain and their connection through Moses to the Templars and the Dragon Kings.

An in depth analysis of ancient mythology reveals a royal hybrid bloodline that rules over humanity to the present day.
This parasitic sub species has exploited mankind for thousands of years.
Adam from the Bible was the first Sumerian King.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

4 videos

Category Education

Adam from the Bible was the first Sumerian King.
We can trace this Royal bloodline through to the present day.
This family is united but divided.
Humanity has had to suffer their wars and exploitation for thousands of years.
This bloodline is also obsessed with Kabbalah and the third eye (all seeing eye).
Some might call them the illuminati or illuminated ones.

This video is an in depth analysis of history comparing ancient mythology with the Bible.