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Interview of the infamous Otto Skorzeny - Hitler's favourite commando.

Mirrored from youtube in case it violates some bullshit policy


"We must subordinate our appetites, our passions and our egoism to the wholeness of the National interest. This way we will be a really free people, otherwise anarchy and indiscipline will reign over us under the false mask of freedom" - Ioannis Metaxas

From the weekly newsreel from nazi-Germany.

This is a mirror from the youtube channel 'American Krogan.' His video has been censored by country a day or so after it was published and also it was flagged heavily so it is only viewable in a limited capacity (no comment section and such). He encouraged his subscribers to mirror his video, so here I am.

In this video Jordan Peterson is exposed for being intellectually dishonest. He attributes the jews' succes to their high IQ, but their IQ of 115 (which Peterson uses as the foundation of his argument) is highly questionable and only pertains to Ashkenazi jews. Even accounting for their one SD (Standard Deviation) above the mean IQ of 100, they are still highly over-represented in areas of entertainment, politics and academics. Evidence is presented that jews show strong signs of displaying nepotism and in-group preferences and that they merely inhibit upwards social mobility of out-groups once they attain power and influence. The base of their power, but also in why they are so despised, lies in their unwillingness to assimilate, extremely high ethnocentrism and high IQ, but not IQ alone, like Peterson asserts.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

6 videos

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