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A Cleaved Head No Longer Plots

(Music by Noctulius, May 2017)
(Lyrics by Noctulius, March 2018)

You have brought detriment to our horde
Your treacherous ways have not gone unnoticed

Your head cut off and thrown high into the trees
Will have nothing but the winds with which to scheme
A cleaved head that no longer plots

You have become the opfer
Sacrificial blood for the renewal of our tribe

Your execution will be swift
Your blood will be fertilizer for the strong

You must die now
The reason that my club violently cracks your fucking skull!!!

May your poison never be rebirthed
May your worthless corpse be petrified in the bogs
Deceiving, conniving, degenerate waste of flesh!
Never to return

Alas, Ragnarok

Music by Noctulius (December 2018)
Lyrics by Noctulius (April 2019)

The mongrels of the light
They are right to think us evil
Elitists we are by divine will
It's in our Nordic blood

Oh, how I long to drink mead
From the empty skulls of my enemies
But victory is already ours
With the impending death of civilization

When Nature reclaims what is Hers
All human progess will be undone
With pounding thunder and freezing winds
The sun swallowed by the black to send
This world headlong into the abyss
Their Magian empire is crushed
By the hammer of the heretic

Self-fulfulling prophecies of end times created in ignorance
By those who spit upon and pervert the old ways
Come to fruition
But we embrace the stamping out of the human disease
With a sardonic grin

Wotan mit uns!
We were right all along
The old gods have returned
A new black order will arise
Alas, Ragnarok

"Wicked Child" artwork by Viorica.

Wicked Child (Castlevania cover)

(Original composition by Kinuyo Yamashita, 1986)
(Lyrics by Noctulius, July 2018)

Under the glare of full moon
Adventure to the castle
A wilderness of horrors await
To test your worth

The wicked child
Dwelling within
Wicked child
Seeker of adversity

Rumored to appear but once every century
Castlevania materializes from the mist

Wicked child
Begin the conquest
Wicked child
Enter the fortress

What is a man?
A miserable little pile of secrets
Embrace your inner darkness
Liberate your shadow self

Wicked child
Claimant of the Dark Gift
Wicked child

"A Forest of Impaled Subhumans" artwork by Viorica.

Music by Noctulius (May 2017)
Lyrics by Noctulius (December 2018)

Let us raise the stakes tonight
Up through the bodies of those
Who seek to subjugate
Whose greed knows no end
Their treachery knows no bounds
See how they manipulate
And defile our pagan Europe
In reverence to their Magian god

Death to the scheming dross!!!
Reject their illusions and lies!!!
Desecrate their sanctuaries!!!
Defy their false morality!!!

Under a crimson moon of sacrifice
A grim and grisly sight to behold
A forest of impaled subhumans
A foreign occupation brought to an end
From the labor of endless death
Comes the birth of our shadow kingdom

Our wyrd is one of blood!

"Strigoi" artwork by Viorica.


(Music by Noctulius, July 2016)
(Lyrics by Noctulius, July 2018)

A toast to the moon
To one far away
Communion with Hecate

Blood red wine
I sip from my goblet
Feel my strength regain

My spirit awakens
Draw down the power
From the moonlight

One must have
Choas within
To give birth to a dancing star

Come forth, strigoi
Disturb the peace
Upset the balance

Let us go out this evening for pleasure
The night is still young

"The Sun Wheel Burns Eternal" artwork by Viorica.

Music by Noctulius (May 2017)
Lyrics by Noctulius (September 2018)

Kinsmen fallen in battles
Blood spilled for the greater triumph of our wyrd
Observe their passing
As they enter Death's domain

To Hel they travel
To be purified by the eternal fire

The sun wheel burns eternal...
Eternal return

With this hymn
Tales of their deeds we spread
Their pagan spirits will live on
Reborn in a new earthly body
Entombed with weapons and possessions

To be reclaimed (by themselves) upon rebirth

To continue the fight
Against the Nazarene "light"

The sun wheel burns eternal...
Eternal return

"Through the Crimson Portal" artwork by Viorica.

Through the Crimson Portal

(Music by Noctulius, July 2014)
(Lyrics by Noctulius, July 2018)

As dark soldiers
We have come to infect
This decadent world
Begin ethereal travel
Through the crimson portal

The shadow of the Serpent Riders
We materialize
Presencing the dark
On orders
From our demon lords

Eidolon, Korax, D'Sparil
We will corrupt them all in your names

Your will
Is our command
Deathkings of the Dark Citadel

We will emerge victorious
Upon the grave of civilization

Our blood wyrd takes its course
Our Sphere of Chaos grows
We are the heretics of this society


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

7 videos

Category Music

Album 'Through the Crimson Portal' available on Darker Than Black Records.

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