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subscribers here is the link. Remember who you are.

These things are just sitting in your ears, waiting to get hacked, to fuck up your mind. And thats what the darkness wants. They always tell...

Welcome to your new reality.

What else do all the haters have to say. I do want to hear it. Let them come. This is not adressed towards the right. Just a little game of chess. Have confidence in yourself. I wont be silenced, Sorry. But besides the dick lipped pieces of shit that just consumed their 19th pepsi before lunch. Come get another one. Its right in my butthole. But to everyone else, happy new year. I will pray for all of us tonight. And please excuse my french it just happens. But... bring on the resistance. I want to hear your argument.

This is it, folks. Good and evil are clashing. Fight fight fight. 19 and stop discounting the intelligence of the men that fought for you. We all knew how wrong it was. Please dont praise me i am not seeking acknowledgement. I just want people to actually listen. Because i really do care

Hit me up man. The end is here

You call it clairvoyance, third eye, whatever you wanna call it. There is a giant shift in the energy were in.

Just laugh at my dumbass, because i do.

Star spangled banner. Come and take it. I dare you.

Im kinda pissed. Never thought id live in these times, but im also apparently going to die in these times, too... because no one will stand up for themselves and god. Nothing will change, unless we change who we are quickly becoming, whoch is evil.

Letting go is possibly the best thing you can do to humble yourself and grow anew. Important lessons are learned from sacrifice and suffering. We are meant to do both, not to be coddled by the conveniences of society. Just let go. If we all do, we can truly be free.

Like i said, it doesnt matter if you believe me, but it would be nice if you did. Let's go home together.

Watch part 1 first.

Start thinking outside the box.


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

18 videos

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