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Are public health officials and the mainstream media really telling the public scientific accurate and correct information about the Coronavirus and treatment for COVID-19? Was there any scientific or medical basis for governments to impose a lockdown? Are the government-media complex irresponsibly spreading misinformation about COVID-19? Is this misinformation harming the public and causing needless suffering and additional deaths? Apparently, yes.
Computing Forever speaks with Professor Dolores Cahill an experienced biological scientist with over 25 years expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, and proteomics technology development. Dr. Cahill dismantles many of the popular assumptions about Coronavirus repeated by politicians and public health officials. Watch:

Discussion on pedophilia.

This is the child trafficking expose' doc we filmed for 3 years & bring to the public to rip the lid off the biggest threat to our children & one of the biggest kept secrets from our people. Please SHARE the link everywhere! VIRAL reach is needed.

What do #RobertDeNiro #KathyGriffin and #HowardStern have in common? For starters... they all have Trump Derangement Syndrome....

In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations. He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953 - 63.

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer causing virus to Vaccine

Within Hollywood , the dark secrets

Whats wrong with the world

True facts from two Microbiologists

Dr. Judy Mikovits Lays Out Truth about Corona Virus, Covid-19, and their ties to Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield, Bill Gates, and Deborah Birx. Even an Aids Connection.


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

11 videos

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