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Created 4 years ago.

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Sanatate si Viata - Pentru un Stil de Viata Sanatos si o Viata Fericita

Interese: Stilul de Viata Sanatos, Sanatate pentru Corp (Trup), Minte si Suflet (Psihic, Spirit)

Adevarata sanatate nu inseamna absenta bolii.
Adevarata sanatate inseamna starea de bine emotionala, fizica, mentala si sufleteasca (psihica, spirituala).

Veti cunoaste adevarul, iar adevarul va va face liberi.

Health and Life - For a Healthy Lifestyle and a Happy Life

Interests: Healthy Lifestyle, Health for Body, Mind and Soul (Psychic, Spirit)

True health is not the absence of disease.
True health means emotional, physical, mental and spiritual (psychical, spiritual) well-being.

You will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.