Death From Above

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Death From Above

Death From Above

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If the j's hate Jesus Christ why do they have so much political influence in the U.S?

j's in Congress, AIPAC, ADL, Hollywood, World Economic Forum

Select Clips from Jim Traficant interview and Murdoch Murdoch The Wanderers Choice

Murdoch Murdoch

The towers perfect free fall demo style and explode into dust from a plane......durr durr. Oh yeah and WTC 7.

Club of Rome interview from 1973

This evil dystopian plan against mankind and the West has been in the works for a long long time.

Source ABC Australia - Computer predicts the end of civilization (1973) | RetroFocus

The end started a long time ago, so be prepared and be ready every day.

Don't be a dumbass.......


FR. JOHN O’CONNOR exposes that militant gays were sent into the church to destroy it.

I promise you, some day soon these militant ga ys will drink from the chalice of the wrath of God

All News Infected By Measles

Yes The Media Is In Step With The Bad Guys

Famous video of George Hunt who happened to stumble into a meeting of the "elite" while they were hijacking the environmental movement and in the process of pushing the NWO through the UN. He was shocked what he heard there. The 1992 Earth Summit was where they created Agenda 21.

The meeting he stumbled into was also where they call regular people "cannon fodder" at 7:24

Stop the NWO New World Order and their dystopian nightmare future if you want to survive. Singularity is the attempt of man to live forever without Christ.



From Numbers USA

America as you knew it is gone forever.

DARPA neuro-war tech will be a living nightmare. What they know now is that man is obsolete.

What is their endgame? Singularity and creating a all seeing, all knowing quantum computer man made god.


Covid Vaccine Will Change Your DNA and includes aborted baby parts.

Think for yourself, nobody is dying from Covid so don't take the chance on this vax. It will alter your DNA. If you are on the fence about getting the vax then DO NOT TAKE THE CHANCE!


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

84 videos

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