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Biden Likes Kids!
So Much so this video is Banned from being shared on Twitter and YouTube keeps trying to wipe it out!

Wow! 9 News Denver's newest Promo is a little over the line!

This is the recording of the City Council Meeting in Full-
So it doesn't get memory-holed by the media and back-ups are avaialble.

Something a little different.
Hope to learn through the process and improve as time goes on.
Also hoping to get in a groove of creating things on a regular basis.

Just another video about how we see others and what we don't look at right in front of us.

As always, thanks to Miss Tea for visuals and music and sound editing.

Support my Patreon:

A little video collab with Test-To-Eruptuion and MissTea.
For enjoyment

Same stuff, different day.

Re-upload of the original with fixed audio (I Hope)
With all the Talk of Demonetization going around - It falls upon all of us to help.


"Stages of Grief" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

New video about something I've been seeing on-line and a little disturbed by it- so ... gotta stir up shit.

I've been asked why I chose "BrokenWrd."

This is why.

Many thanks to MissTea for the editing and visuals!

Feedback is welcome. Please like, comment, subscribe.

Something I wrote about issues with sleep and other things.

I hope in sharing it might help someone to know they are not alone or to at least give insight to others.

Special "Thank You!" to MissTea for the editing and sound work!!!

Feedback is Welcome.
Please Like, Subscribe, Comment, Share.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

11 videos

Category Entertainment

The purpose of my videos-

-Clean out the attic of my mind to make space for a happy life.

-Help others like me who have broken pasts and issues from that.

-Reach a the younger generations who may need to hear from someone older- that its not all bad and there is hope.