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Had this in the cloud for god knows how long (2016)
Enjoy babby Skyward's Skywardness

#Menacanics :D

I'm aware he has the original unlisted, which will be linked for the heck of it, here ya are:

a playthough of the Rooby Run demo, sadly the full version of this game is lost to time, as Byxon Games are no more. This was a remake of Freeart/Fatality's little series of arcade games called Kolobok Zoom, Mast, the composer was actually involved in this. Unfortunately, a majority of the music were uncredited remixes of other ZX-Spectrum chiptunests' works. These include KSA, (In Trance = ZX-ZY1-Transer by KSA) Jaan, (The Game is Over = BewareZandramas) and prolly more. I know Mast at least did the enemy-cleared/item-rush theme, and maybe the awesome title theme, that's it.
Thanks to Fidget on YouTube for showing this game off, ( and this old forum exchange ( for initially showing me that this remake existed. If you want some more proof over Mast's involvement, check this out. (

This is a game I'm dying to remake at some point, (once I learn the skills to do so in Java) and I'm hoping to add in a custom-level editor/creation tool, and make the game more Turrican-like. (for those segments, "get to the end and maybe fight a boss, while accumulating as much points as the player wants" > "killing all enemies in these labyrinths are a requirement to progress") Wish me luck, I wouldn't mind coding assistance! :D

(Video replaced and re-uploaded with a higher-quality file, so 114 views + current view-count. Also, thanks "Hamtaro" on the HCF Discord for the higher-quality file! The original was in 3GP quality for those who care.)

Original YouTube link:
thanks comment history of, "lol." The first time an irrelevant dumb comment did something in its life.

Here's all the Ebichu episodes in one video, happy binging and snickering I suppose. I don't own Ebichu, Ebichu belongs to their (or her) respectful owner(s). Intros and credits have been cut down significantly between episodes for rather obvious reasons, (with the exceptions of the beginning and ending of the video respectively) and that intro snippet has been added in-between episodes with no transitions in them.

Yeah, I know Episode 11 is 4:3 for some reason, the "Ebichu" YouTube channel had it removed, (along with episode 3, and prolly several others at the time of writing) so I nabbed a copy from I suspect more videos will be removed at some point in 2020, as YouTube tightens their grip on creators and whatever else at this point, marked NSFW for obvious reasons.

Episode 1 [0:00] - My Master and the Useless Bum
Episode 2 [8:51] - Kaishounachi and my Master
Episode 3 [15:51] - It's Spring After All
Episode 4 [22:58] - Maa-kun's Crush
Episode 5 [29:58] - The Camembert Cheese Incident
Episode 6 [37:05] - Ebichu gets Sick
Episode 7 [44:06] - Master Catches a Cold
Episode 8 [51:13] - Ebichuman 1
Episode 9 [58:13] - Ebichu in Heat
Episode 10 [1:05:15] - Maa-kun, Whoooa
Episode 11 [1:12:17] - What Soap-Bubbles Men Are
Episode 12 [1:19:20] - Cavities and Hearts Both Throb
Episode 13 [1:26:25] - Mother comes to Visit
Episode 14 [1:33:26] - Maa-kun, Whooooa
Episode 15 [1:40:31] - To the Beach
Episode 16 [1:47:33] - Ebichuman 2
Episode 17 [1:54:14] - Hairs of Happiness Stand on-End
Episode 18 [2:01:17] - Maa-kun, Splurt!
Episode 19 [2:08:18] - The Newlyweds have Arrived
Episode 20 [2:16:37] - A Thief has Come
Episode 21 [2:22:41] - Shopping with the Newlyweds
Episode 22 [2:29:43] - Ebichuman 3
Episode 23 [2:36:25] - Definitely, her P____ is... her P____ is...
Episode 24 [2:43:28] - You can Drink Whatever you Want

Originally uploaded on August 6th, 2018.

"Today is the day we'd most likely get answers, at least in Pacific-land. This video was made a day prior.

Update: are you fucking shitting me?!"


Retrieved from before it went defunct surprisingly recently. To quote the site on the videos' content, "Bung advertisement shown on Hong Kong TV as MPEG." (in this case MPEG-4)
You can find the source here:

segment 1: 0:00
segment 2: 0:35
If someone could translate what the videos are saying, that'd be highly appreciated, thanks. :3

Streamed via Periscope on July 26th, 2017. Amateur, I know.

Game: Kolobok Zoom 1
Platform: Color GameBoy
Year 5/1/2000
Genre: action-platformer
Developer & publisher: FREEART / Fatality Demogroup
Status: freeware (loose port of ZX-Spectrum game by them)

Played by: bsdims - excuse the minor audio de-synchronization :-)

Had this on my hard drive ever since last year, I intended to do a commentary on it, but I just didn't get around to that last year. I don't really intend to do it now, because I have things to work on, so I'll lay back on that until later, until then I'm just going to upload this here.

Long live Mumkey Jones, rumor has it that he's still infected with the Hamtaro syndrome to this very day in one way or another... :)


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

10 videos

Category None

Some Hamtaro fan guy thing, the latter is debatable.