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This video gives an overview on encryption and how it is used on Gab's new chat platform

This video will demonstrate how to accept an invitation to a chat room

This video will demonstrate how to create a new private message, view who's in the chat and how to leave the chat.

This video will demonstrate how to enter a public room, create one of your own and invite users.

This video will demonstrate how to log into Gab's new chat service

This video will demonstrate how to access the new Gab Pro website and how to sign up for a Pro account. I also introduce the merch store

Este video demostrará cómo administrar a las personas que está siguiendo y a las personas que lo siguen.

La edición posterior ha sido actualizada recientemente. Este video demostrará cómo editar una publicación en Gab.

Post editing has been recently updated. This video will demonstrate how to edit a post on Gab.

Este es un tutorial simple sobre cómo crear una publicación Gab

Este es un tutorial simple sobre cómo crear una publicación grupal de Gab

This video will demonstrate how to manage people you are following and people following you.

This video demonstrates how to quote a post on

This video demonstrates how to join a group on

This video will demonstrate how to make a post on Gabby for Android. I will write a simple text statement, attach a photo, and make use of a hashtag.

This is a brief overview of the new Gab Android app Gabby. I had a few moments on my commute to work this morning to throw something together. If you want to see a more in-dept review of this application please let me know in the comments section.

This video demonstrates how to clear browsing history/cache on an iPhone to circumvent the problem logging out on

This video will demonstrate how to log out of your account on

This video will demonstrate a couple methods on how to post a message when you cannot see the publish button on

Until groups have been fully implemented, many users have been using this method as a workaround to stay in touch with their favorite groups on

This video demonstrates how to pin a post to your profile on

I created this video using a combination of Gimp and OpenShot. I used an image created by Gab's @ROCKintheUSSA (Thanks Rock!) as part of my outro.

This video demonstrates how to edit a post on

This video demonstrates how to change the site theme on

This video demonstrates how to enable and add to your Bookmarks toolbar


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

45 videos

Category None