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Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Watch the official public release of Matador Films new "Uninformed Consent" documentary, presented by and Vaccine Choice Canada.

An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who's controlling it, and how it's being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet.

Please consider supporting the filmmaker by pressing the SUPPORT button below.

The film explores how the narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss.

Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.

"This film reveals that we have been massively deceived by our own governments, public health, and mainstream media." - Ted Kuntz - President - Vaccine Choice Canada

"Can't wait for this movie to come out. Crude propaganda "crisis of the uninjected" followed by censorship, reprisal and totalitarian brute force on the people. I say bring it on!" - Dr. Peter McCullough - Internist & Cardiologist - Professor of Medicine

"Todd is a brilliant filmmaker who has a unique way of exposing the devastation to families from the mandates." - Odessa Orlewicz - Partner -

"Uninformed Consent is the most scientific and factual TRUTH to come out of Canada in the last 3 years. If you are a parent, this should be on the TOP of your viewing list. It is TRULY an eye-opener. Everyone needs to see this film!" - Amanda Forbes - Children's Health Defense

"This is the most powerful documentary of the Covid era." - Sherri Strong - Children's Health Defense Canada

Share this film - Our future depends on it!

2020 / 2022 - For the past two years, the world population has been under the spell of the coronavirus. Emergency regimes have been established, civil liberties have been dismantled, surveillance programs were being installed and an unprecedented global vaccination program has been rolled out.

Are we doing the right thing, or did we make a deal with the devil in exchange for a benefit? Through critical voices from various areas of expertise, PANDAMNED attempted for the first time to paint the whole picture and shed light on the darkness. It has become a relentless stocktaking of our time, which global organizations, governments and big tech companies would have preferred to prevent.

Documentary maker Marijn Poels takes the viewer on an enlightening journey through the emerging absurd world of the "New Normal" and how we can still prevent it.
Subtitles: German, Englisch, Dutch, Polish, Serbian, Portuguese and French

Director statement Marijn Poels:

The same network that brought you “Watch the Water”, up next is a deep investigation into the dark underworld of child trafficking, satanic sacrifice, pizza'gate, adren'o'chrome, CPS, & Weiner’s laptop. “These Little Ones” coming soon, exclusively to the Stew Peters Network. I will be updating information as it becomes available so make sure you subscribe, ML God bless those who love him!
Please share!

“The vaccines have done damage to the immune system such that it makes people more likely to get COVID—over a longer term, not the short-term vaccine benefit period, but after that—more likely to get COVID infections, more likely to get other respiratory infections.”

I sit down with Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health.

We discuss why vaccinated individuals appear to be getting COVID-19 infections at higher rates than the unvaccinated, and how much of our policies over the last two years were based on flawed science—from lockdowns to the vaccine rollout for children.

We also reflect on the recent passing of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who pioneered the use of early COVID treatments. Doctors all over the country are now prescribing these sorts of treatments—mostly quietly, for fear of losing their medical licenses.

“I’m sure by now, there’s a quarter of a million Americans who have been treated successfully with these medications. They know that they were treated with these things. And they worked,” Dr. Risch says.


Created By The Team Behind The Game-Changing, Plandemic Documentary From Mikki Willis, Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits, That Went Viral And Was Banned On Every Major Social Media Platform For Exposing The Truth About Covid-19, This New Feature Length Piece Promises To Be The Most Revelatory Film On What Is Driving The Vaccine Agenda, The Various Roles Of The WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci And More.

Going Deep Into What Is Really Happening With Mainstream Media, Silicon Valley Tech Giants, Big Pharma, And Our Health Protection Agencies, Mikki’s New Film Finally Connects The Dots…

🔗 All Credit To officialplandemic:

🔗 Watch Plandemic - Interview With Judy Mikovits Here:


Wat hebben een nieuw geldsysteem en het vaccinatiepaspoort met elkaar te maken? Alles, zo betoogt Melissa Ciummei, een onafhankelijk financieel investeerder. Het vaccinatiepaspoort zal leiden naar een toekomst waarin vrijheid niet meer bestaat. Het is een valstrik waar we niet in moeten trappen. Glashelder zet ze uiteen waarom het vaccinatiepaspoort niets met gezondheid te maken heeft. Ze legt uit wat er achter de druk zit om ons te laten vaccineren, en waarom men ook kinderen wil vaccineren. De oplossing is er ook – zowel voor het behouden van ons geld als onze gezondheid. Maar dan dienen we wel massaal mee te doen. Deze video was binnen een paar dagen verdwenen van Youtube. Dat zegt over het algemeen dat het om belangrijke informatie gaat…

Première World War C, the Big Picture in 90 minutes…

Pathé Tuchinscki Amsterdam was “the place to be” for anyone who wants to understand more about the “Big Picture”. A 1.5-hour documentary from Dutch soil premiered for a select group in the form of a sneak preview, framed by a colorful program, hosted by televisionhost Flavio Pasquino.

Documentary About The Hypothesis That HIV May Have Been Caused By Mass Vaccination Against Polio, In Congo, Between 1957 And 1960.

Did Scientists Inadvertently Cause The AIDS Epidemic? More Than 20 Years After The AIDS Epidemic Started, We Still Do Not Know Its Origins. Many Believe That The Answer Is Hidden In The Research Undertaken To Find A Cure To The Polio Epidemic. As The Scientific Community's Ethical Responsibilities Are Called Into Question, The Debate Over The Origins Of AIDS Rages On.

A documentary exposing the dogmatic religion of virology and the myth of germ theory.

TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory. This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm. TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent.

Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time.

Headwind: ‘s Werelds meest gecancelde doctoren in een unieke dialoog over de toekomst.

In deze derde aflevering van Headwind schitteren maar liefst twee iconische coronacritici: dr. Robert Malone en dr. Geert vanden Bossche verkennen samen de toekomst.

Robert Malone is een van de grondleggers van de mRNA-technologie en uiterst kritisch ten aanzien van de coronavaccins. Geert Vanden Bossche waarschuwt al sinds de start van de vaccinatiecampagne voor de mogelijk desastreuze risico’s van massavaccinatie tijdens een pandemie. Nu ontmoeten de twee elkaar voor het eerst om van gedachten te wisselen over wat er voor ons ligt.

De twijfelachtige rol die de WHO en Bill Gates spelen in de pandemie nemen zij stevig onder de loep. En hoe zal het virus zich ontwikkelen? Wat zijn de te verwachten reacties daarop van overheden? Is de voorspelling van Vanden Bossche uitgekomen dat er meer besmettelijke en ziekmakender varianten zouden komen? En is Malone het eens met die analyse? Uiteraard bespreken de twee wetenschappers ook wat de consequenties kunnen zijn van het onafgebroken boosteren met vaccins.

Speciale aandacht is er voor het vaccineren van kinderen en wat we daartegen kunnen doen. Beiden noemen dit een ‘misdaad tegen de menselijkheid’. Malone richt zich direct tot iedereen die kinderen heeft: “Beste ouders, deze dingen kunnen gaan gebeuren en jullie moeten de verantwoordelijkheid opeisen. Die verantwoordelijkheid kun je niet in handen leggen van de staat.”

Al deze onderwerpen komen aan bod in dit tweegesprek tussen Malone en Vanden Bossche, tegen de achtergrond van het wonderschone Andalusië.

Zowel Robert Malone als Geert Vanden Bossche was al eens te zien in Headwind:


The First Flat Earth Documentary covers the basic understanding of our true cosmology and the heavy censorship involved on discovering this truth. Join the Level crew as they expose NASA and others in this awakening film.

Ukraine, the 'borderlands' between Russia and 'civilized' Europe is on fire. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and Russia's access to the Mediterranean.

The Maidan Massacre in early 2014 triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych, spurred Crimeans to secede and join Russia, and sparked a civil war in Eastern Ukraine.

Russia was portrayed by Western media as the perpetrator, and has been sanctioned and widely condemned as such. But was Russia responsible for what happened?

Ukraine on Fire provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which led to the 2004 Orange Revolution, the 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically-elected Yanukovych.

Covered by Western media as a 'popular revolution', it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by ultra-nationalist groups and the US State Department.

Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how US-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 1980s, replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad.

Executive producer Oliver Stone gained unprecedented access to the inside story through his on-camera interviews with former President Viktor Yanukovych and Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaliy Zakharchenko, who explain how the US Ambassador and factions in Washington actively plotted for regime change.

And, in his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Stone solicits Putin's take on the significance of Crimea, NATO and the US's history of interference in elections and regime change in the region.

Now, at last, the full exposé is available in the West. Though, of course, everyone is encouraged to purchase a copy to support Stone's important work.

A humorous documentary looking at the animal life over the course of a year that gather around an oasis situated in a desert in Eastern Africa. Highlights of this being the period when the fruit from the trees surrounding the water hole. Fall into the water and ferment. The animals that drink there end up being rather intoxicated, including the hangover the following morning. All together a good, if now a bit dated, piece of documentary making. The documentary covers all aspects of life around the water hole as the waters change from being in almost flood like conditions. To the water drying up into a large muddy puddle during the dry season. The animals that are featured being as diverse as warthogs, elephants, tortoises and monkeys. The cinematography is excellent considering the conditions endured and the length of time spent in the field shooting the footage. The resultant film is refreshingly devoid of computer and other special effects, instead relying on the editing and narration to convey events to the audience.

A crash course in the professional and scientific work related to the field of venomous herpetology. The film covers diverse topics, including biochemistry, biology, law and public policy, conservation, venom collection, animal husbandry, antivenom production, emergency medicine, veterinary medicine, toxicology and toxinology. The film follows the personal and working lives of prominent experts in the field, beginning with their childhood interest through their professional careers, with particular emphasis on the sciences related to their work.

An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.

Maak kennis met de groeiende, wereldwijde groep theoretici die ervan overtuigd is dat de aarde plat (flat earth) is, maar leeft in een samenleving die dit idee stellig verwerpt.

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is een Amerikaanse pseudowetenschappelijke propagandafilm uit 2016 waarin wordt beweerd dat de Centers for Disease Control and Prevention een vermeende link tussen het BMR-vaccin en autisme in de doofpot stoppen

Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza levert in zijn nieuwe documentaire 2000 Mules hét bewijs dat er gefraudeerd is bij de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen.

Film yapımcısı Dinesh D'Souza, 2000 Mules adlı yeni belgeselinde Amerikan başkanlık seçimlerinde sahtekarlığın kanıtını sunuyor.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

25 videos

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