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Chris Pinto points out the symbolism and the ideas of the supposed utopia that is Atlantis that can be seen in America. Which explains why a Christian nation has so much paganism hidden in plain sight.

Here is another good lecture on the events surrounding 9/11 and how they tie into a greater agenda. And if you don't understand the importance of 9/11 then you wont understand what kind of people run this world, they managed to create a disaster and sacrifice people on air and then made up a false story about "terrorism"

But once you understand that there are people in charge capable of of such horrors, then everything else falls into place, the unusual cruelty, the constant wars, the endless push for deadly vaccines. We are not living in a world run by good people so to simply survive this world you need to have faith in Jesus Christ for protection.

9/11 was no accident, nothing surrounding this day was unexpected. The official story is still a lie and it was in reality a perfectly executed plan by the Illuminati and their agents in the secret societies.

I do feel it's relevant to go back to the conspiracies surrounding this event to better understand what kind of people are on this earth and that those people do not care for you or me, they have sold out to Satan and are pushing his agenda for a new world order.

Norm Franz explains how the whole ufo phenomenon is nothing but a ploy to introduce a false messiah. All that alien stuff that is being pushed these days is nothing but parts of that ideology, such as the recent "Ancient Aliens" nonsense. It's rewriting history so that people will accept the false messiah.

A brief explanation by Kent Hovind on why you should read the King James Bible rather than pretty much any other version

Gail Riplinger exposes the changes to the bible and the occultism behind it.

Dr. Russell talks about the various chemical and food additives that can cause various types of mental illnesses or affect brain functions in a very dangerous way. And how discovery of such dangers has been largely covered up.

Les Garret goes through the history of the NIV the men behind it and the occult influences on the new greek text which is now promoted as the word of God but it is in reality barely comparable once given close inspection.

This movie exposes in some parts how mk ultra mind control works and if you are familiar with Fritz Springmeier you will see obvious references to adrenochrome.

A lecture by David Ayoub on the subject of vaccines and the potential harm they do to children, which then become adults with various types of mental illnesses or physical sickness due to the vaccination and the exposure to the chemicals in the vaccine at a formative age.

An in depth explanation of how dangerous it is to have chemicals overstimulate the memory receptors of the brain, it leads to autism and various mental illnesses such as depression. And the chemicals in question are common in vaccines.

A deliverance prayer by Win Worley, don't listen to this while driving.

Russell Blaylock explains how vaccines are the cause for autism and schizophrenia because when a child is vaccinated early and also by the types of vaccines being used. It harms and limits brain development.

I believe that we are seeing the effects of the vaccinations today in the overwhelmingly high numbers of autistic people right here on the internet, you will notice that there is a generation of people that simply cannot grow up to become functioning responsible adults.

To the point that there is now being created a new term for this generation "neuro divergent" but in reality they are victims of vaccines that should never have been injected into them to begin with.

The illuminati has managed to create a generation of self absorbed autistic people and then continue to deceive them telling them that "their brain just functions differently" well of course it does it has been hindered since childbirth from functioning normally. And then they of course divide these people from the normal population by calling those that are not autistic "Neuro typical" and these unfortunate souls now have to somehow survive among normal people.

Meaning they will never adapt to normal society and then will start to rally for society to adapt to them, which they have already begun doing. And all this nonsense can be traced right back to the childhood vaccines.

This goes beyond medical malpractice, this goes beyond making money, this generation was made on purpose like this, to be docile and easy to manipulate by the hands of the Illuminati and you can see the results of this in the increase in irresponsible,nearly useless, depressed, broken down generation of people that care only about themselves and no one else, who eat up any propaganda a lies like it is the truth and they are unable to even discern if they are being lied to.

You think it's be mere chance that warnings about vaccines causing autism have been ridiculed to death or that the defining characteristic of an autist is to not be able to understand or relate to other people, the very people that most harshly mock the idea are the victims of the vaccines.

Because they CANNOT THINK or CARE or UNDERSTAND it's been taken from them.

Barry Smith explains that the only way to escape this present evil world is to be transferred and adopted to the Kingdom of God through faith in Lord Jesus Christ

An interview with Ted Gunderson back in 2005 where he briefly goes over everything he has uncovered about the various coverups that have been done and are being done to this day.

Derek Prince explains historically and biblically what has happened to nations that turn against Israel. Now this is no way meant to push an idea this is simply an account on what has happened through history,

My two cents on this issue is stay neutral rather than go on cursing Israel or Jewish people, that being said i do know there are a lot conspiracies surrounding some of them but i would say in those instances the men in the conspiracy just happen to be Jewish there are evil corrupt men in EVERY nation and of every nationality.

And by labeling all conspiracies as Jewish is ignoring all the hidden societies at work in this world such as, freemasons,oddfellows, rosicrucians and the damnation that has come to the this earth that is the Illuminati.

What you must eventually become aware of is that the most obvious villains in the news are usually nothing more than a distraction from the real evil work being done in secret.

Will the mark be injected? Is it a question of changing the very DNA structure of a person? In any case the mere fact that vaccines can be connected to that is a cause for concern.

You can get delivered from devils, demons and evil spirits by simply listening to the prayers in this video and agreeing with them, if you do at all feel uneasy about the idea do take note that it is most likely not you that is uneasy but the spirits within you that are getting restless because they MUST obey when they are commanded to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.

Title says it all and if you follow the steps given you wont go wrong.

Cathy O'brien tells of her experience as victim of MKULTRA mind control and the things she was made to do and the people behind it.

A quick interview with some of the more well known people that exposed MKULTA mind control, and bear in mind just because there are not recent examples of mind control victims coming forward DOES NOT mean that this practice has at all stopped if anything it's become more common.

Brice Taylor also known as Sue Ford talks of her experience as a mind controlled sex slave and exposes the people behind it.

This one is quite the surprise but Al Neal shows here that words in hebrew have a numerical value and that number then leads to a book and chapter where that word is either directly in the text or descriptive of the chapter in question.

This would indicate that there is a definite design and logic both to the hebrew language and the word of God.

Catholicism has never saved anyone, will never save anyone and is the absolute opposite of born again Christianity. It is a cult and a deadly one at that.

Ted Gunderson explains how the FBI and CIA are no longer working for the public good they are in fact working against the public and are driven by the Illuminati. He cites multiple cover ups and gives information on how when people know to much or can expose the truth are disposed of.

Also worth noting the speaker in the introduction mentions how the O.J trial was used in the media to pull attention away from the Oklahoma City bombing, meaning if that has been done before it is still being done. Be aware every time one event is on the news every day for a good length of time.


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

148 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

An archive of various videos exposing the system we live in.