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A glimpse into how AMAZING God is.

This wonderful promise of God is set to music and easy enough for children to learn. Start the day right by hiding God's word in your heart.

(From the archive, reposted from 2013) - The story of a 13 year old boy, diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 2012 and some of the research and treatments that his parents discovered in their search for the cause and a cure. Good information for anyone fighting cancer.

(From the archive, reposted from 2013) - The story of a 13-year-old boy, diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 2012 and some of the research and treatments that his parents discovered in their search for the cause and a cure. Good information for anyone fighting cancer.

From the ARCHIVES --A live presentation from about 10 years ago on the wonders contained in the use of water internally and externally. Testimonial of how the simple act of drinking more water changed our lives. Answers questions like how much water should I drink? Also has simple, no-frills demonstrations of a cold mitten friction and hot and cold treatments that anyone could do at home.

Our youngest daughter was recently privileged to sing in the choir during the Sabbath service at a Christian Youth Conference. "If God is for Us" (based on Romans 8*) is such an encouraging song we wanted to share it with those of you who missed it. May God bless the efforts of young music missionaries around the world who seek to glorify Christ through heavenly harmonies in song. "...let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." Hebrews 13:15

*Note: While this song includes some words of scripture, it is not a "scripture song." Therefore its words do not match any known Bible version but are written to match the meter of the song.

A closed-captioned copy of this presentation is available on our YouTube Channel here.

Testing to see if YouTube "shorts" can be posted on Bitchute. A short holiday Timeline.

Looking for that blessed Hope!

An insightful presentation exploring the word "Wine" as used in the Bible. It answers many common questions such as; "How was wine preserved in Bible times?" "What does wine represent?" "What spiritual lessons can God's people learn from the physical health effects of proper or improper use of 'wine'?"

This verse is the climax of the three angels' messages. It is one everyone should take the time to memorize. May it be an inspiration to you as it has to us through the years.

This scripture song is one of my favorites. I have often used it to sing myself to sleep when life was tough. We recorded this years ago when the kids were little, but I recently ran across it and decided it was worth adding video to. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

This is an older presentation that still rings very true. It carefully investigates how the human mind works, the origin of Hypnotism and mind-control, and exposes some of the subtle methods that are used, both in society and in the church, to gain control of human minds today.

This is an older presentation that still rings very true. It carefully investigates how the human mind works, the origin of Hypnotism and mind-control, and exposes some of the subtle methods that are used, both in society and in the church, to gain control of human minds today.

A brand new scripture song from "A Joyful Noise" that is perfect to cheer you up on a day when you feel rather unattractive. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

Are you new to the King James Bible? Is English your second language? Or would you just like to better understand the meanings and reasons for many of the words in the King James Version? This video is for you. In just about 10 minutes you can unlock 50,000 King James words opening more treasures of truth to your understanding.

For the hearing impaired, this Video is available with Closed Captioning on YouTube here

Does what we watch on TV affect our society today? Where did drama originate? Is subliminal messaging something real, or just a conspiracy theory? Is there a better replacement? These questions as well as many others are answered in this revealing documentary republished from our Invading the Castle of the Dragon Series.

Exploring the subtle and sinister origins and goals of our modern holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and more).

Exploring the subtle and sinister origins and goals of our modern holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and more).

Ever wonder about all the alternative health treatments---where they came from and whether Christians should use them or not?
Part 3 of Counterfeit CUREncy continues the quest for biblical truth. This section covers hypnotism, biofeedback and several other alternative treatments. WE RECOMMEND WATCHING PART 1 AND 2 FIRST SINCE THIS VIDEO BUILDS ON THOSE BEFORE IT.

Ever wonder whether certain "healing modalities" are real, bogus, or spiritualistic? Using true science and the Word of God, Part 2 of Counterfeit CUREncy documentary unmasks even more subtle deceptions in health and healing. You may be surprised to learn that one of these clever deceptions has already been easily unmasked by a nine-year old. Note: Part 2 builds on concepts explained in more detail in Part 1, so we strongly recommend watching Part 1 first.

With so many methods of healing available today, have you ever wondered which one to choose? Are some of them counterfeits for the true Bill of Health? This documentary will educate and inform you about several of the most popular methods of healing today. You may enjoy a trip through history, scientific facts, as well as solid Biblical truth. Part 1 includes methods like Homeopathy, Acupuncture, and Ayurveda. (This video has been published before, but has been remade and republished due to a copyright claim and shut down on YouTube by BBC several years ago)

We hope that this scripture song will help you not to forget what God specifically asks us to "Remember."

Everyone wants to be healthy, but not everybody has time to research. The Capability of Cayenne is the first of our series -- "The Gospel in Remedy." These short presentations (made especially for busy people) teach some of the ways to utilize God's Amazing Natural Remedies.

What do the experts and the science really say about masking the populous? Is it good for our health? Is there a hidden mask agenda? This documentary is a condensed compilation of some of the most compelling evidence that we've found. Please share this video with those you love.

Does somebody you know have health problems and they don’t know why? In the last few years, there has been an exponential rise in disease. Chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, memory loss, brain fog, and depression; as well as even more serious problems such as autism, diabetes, and cancers. Find out what a growing number of scientists, doctors, and even countries are acknowledging as an increasing cause of disease. Investigate into the previously unknown, but now rapidly swelling, pandemic of EHS that is making people sick worldwide. If you are on a quest for health, this informative documentary will help you to determine whether you are being exposed to an Invisible Danger that most people never suspect.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

32 videos

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CitizenoftheRealm seeks to provide planet earth with an inspirational and uplifting alternative to the corrupt and sinister media so often pushed on mankind today. We also aim to expose the false by revealing the true and lifting high the bloodstained banner of the King of the Realm!
CitizenoftheRealm encourages other citizens of the Realm to be faithful Bereans and test ALL information by the Realm's manual - The Bible - The eternal Word of God!

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