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n this empowering video, "Breaking Free: Unleashing Professional Growth," we dive into the transformative journey of letting go of limiting behaviors that hinder your professional success.

00:00 Introduction
01:18 How to work with me one on one and check out my VIP Career Services
02:09 Let go of perfection
02:58 Confront and conquer the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone
03:54 Release the shackles of seeking external validation
04:42 Silence the negative self-talk that whispers doubts and limitations
05:54 Networking and mentorship
06:35 Focus on continuous learning and skill development

Unlock your true potential as we explore the strategies and mindset shifts necessary to break free from self-imposed barriers.

We'll uncover the invaluable insights and practical tips on embracing change, overcoming fear, and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Discover how to harness your inner strength, foster personal growth, and propel your career to new heights.

Through captivating stories and expert advice, we provide actionable steps and techniques that will empower you to conquer common roadblocks and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. Take control of your professional trajectory by learning to identify and shed limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome.

With a clear focus on professional development, this video delves into building resilience, cultivating a growth mindset, enhancing communication skills, and fostering effective leadership qualities. We'll help you navigate through challenges, adapt to change, and position yourself for growth within your chosen field.

Unlock doors to new opportunities, tap into your unlimited potential, and establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with in the professional realm.

Whether you're an aspiring professional, a recent graduate, or an experienced veteran, this video is tailored to empower individuals at any stage of their career journey.

Join us on this captivating quest of professional growth, and let go of the behaviors that have been holding you back. Embrace liberation, step into your authentic self, and witness the incredible impact it has on your personal and professional life.

Don't miss out on this transformative experience. Subscribe now, hit the notification bell, and be ready to embark on a journey that will reshape your entire approach to professional growth.

Sabotaging coworkers can make your job a nightmare. They may undermine your work, take credit for your ideas, or spread rumors about you. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

But don't let a sabotaging coworker ruin your career. In this video, I share seven tips for dealing with sabotaging coworkers and winning at your job.

Here are some of the things you'll learn in this video:

How to stay calm and collected when dealing with a sabotaging coworker
How to protect your work and your reputation
How to build a strong support network at work
How to document the sabotaging coworker's behavior
How to escalate the issue to your supervisor or HR if necessary

If you're dealing with a sabotaging coworker, watch this video today and learn how to overcome this challenge and succeed at your job.

Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, you're not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders affect around 30% of the population.

In this video, we're going to teach you the 4-7-8 breathing method. This simple technique can help you to overcome your anxiety and learn to live a more anxiety-free life.

Learn the 4-7-8 breathing method and silence your anxiety today!

In this video, I'm sharing with you an exercise to help unlock true self-confidence. This exercise can help you increase your self-confidence and self-esteem, and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

If you're looking to increase your self-confidence, then you need to try this exercise! It's simple, but it can have a significant impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence. By taking this simple step, you'll be on your way to increasing your self-esteem and self-confidence!


Created 6 months, 3 weeks ago.

5 videos

Category Business & Finance

Career coaching that empowers stressed, busy professional women to overcome impostor syndrome, self-criticism, and doubt so that they can find peace of mind, achieve their career goals, and maintain a fulfilling work-life balance.

With over two decades of expertise, I am an ICF professional certified coach. I am also a disabled service member and my journey in career coaching began during my tenure as a U.S. Army officer, mentoring and guiding our nation's finest soldiers.