Code Green: Holistic Living

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Code Green: Holistic Living



Dr Faiez Kirsten, Dr Stefan Lanka and Ricardo Maarman discuss the Sars-CoV2 Virus Isolation Court Case, the sad state in which the scientific world finds itself and non-existent viruses!

Mirrored from:

Stefan Lanka's website:

Upcoming film project:


Dr. Stefan Lanka has conducted the same exact experiments that virologists use to prove a virus, WITHOUT introducing a virus, and achieved the same exact results!

Viruses are ASSUMED to exist and not PROVEN to.

The first control experiment that disproves virology:'s-latest-control-experiments-on-the-cytopatic-effect-refute-SARS-CoV-2-and-all-other-viruses:f


Stefan Lanka's articles:

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -


Interview with Die Wurzel (July 2020) -

Interview with DSalud (no. 249, June 2021) -


Some links introducing the scientific research of German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer.

YouTube Channel -
Website -

Note: The creator of this video compilation of public domain content, protected under the Fair Use doctrine, grants free and unrestricted license to anyone who wishes to republish it. We do request that the notes below, including this message, be included in their entirety with the rebroadcast of this video.
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In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV=AIDS industry.

This is the story they would have us believe:

A deadly new virus is discovered...there's no treatment or's highly contagious...everyone is a potential victim...the world is at risk from asymptomatic super clusters of cases reported daily...

Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable...positive antibody tests are called "infections" and "cases" even when the patient has no symptoms...every politician gets hysteria in high gear...activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma...

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...

Covid 2020?
AIDS in the 1980s.

Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.
Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you see this film.

This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.
Share widely.
Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.

00:04:38 Mr. SIRI asks about human samples tested before 1959; the witness says he's not aware that existed
00:08:03 An article entitled Vaccination with CHAT Strain Attenuated Poliomyelitis Virus, showing that there were samples of the polio vaccine used in the Belgian Congo, and periodically sent to the Wistar Institute
00:11:40 Statement by the FDA in 2014 "Although individuals immunized with an acellular vaccine may be protected from diseases, they could still get infected with the bacteria without getting sick, and they might even spread the infection", Warfel Study
00:14:14 The witness admits that a large proportion of the adult population is not immune to pertussis
00:16:33 The witness states that immunosuppressed people could refuse to get vaccinated
00:16:59 The witness states that generally speaking adults can make their own decision in not getting vaccinated, but not for their children because of public health reasons
00:17:42 The witness corrects his affirmation by specifying that if one works in the healthcare system, one should get vaccinated without a choice
00:17:59 Discussion on poliovirus and associated vaccines in the USA; there has not been one case in the USA since 1979
00:18:40 The witness states that people who received the inactivated polio vaccine used in the USA could still get infected by the wild virus without getting sick and spread it
00:20:47 Mr. SIRI asks if the IPV vaccine immunity in childhood last forever, the witness answers that he thinks the answer is yes, but he cannot confirm it
00:21:16 Mr. SIRI asks if after 30 years vaccinated people would be still immune; the witness answers that he's not sure about it
00:22:20 Mr. SIRI asks about the immunity and efficacy of mumps vaccine shortly after vaccination; the witness answers that it's high but that it diminishes with time
00:23:29 Mr. SIRI ask about the immunity and efficacy of rubella vaccine; same answer from the witness
00:25:17 Mr. SIRI asks if it is important to get the tetanus vaccine, vaccine introduced in the USA around the end of the 1940s when there were only four cases in a million people, not deaths, as stated in the CDC Pink Book
00:26:25 Mr. SIRI asks if the number of serious adverse reactions caused by the tetanus vaccine is known; the witness answers that he doesn't think it causes serious reactions
00:27:11 Mr. SIRI introduces VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) maintained by FDA and CDC
00:27:45 Exhibit 46, a printout of all VAERS data for all adverse reactions reported in the last ten years after a tetanus vaccine, 985 deaths reported in the last ten years (98 per year ca.) and 23,981 emergency or ordinary visits following a tetanus vaccine in the last ten years, and 1,256 permanent handicaps (125 per year)
00:36:51 Mr. SIRI outlines that the study says that less than 1% of the adverse reactions are being reported
00:37:09 Mr. SIRI points out that there are several other governmental reports with similar estimations to VAERS
00:38:16 Hypothetical calculation of a full 1% of the reported reactions would give 98,000 deaths associated to a vaccine
00:43:35 Mr. SIRI points out that the Vaccine Safety Datalink is not accessible to independent researchers

00:02:30 Discussing about 2-phetoxyethanol being present in the childhood vaccines and its safety levels
00:03:35 polysorbate 80 in vaccine schedule
00:03:50 Exhibit 40, FDA official vaccine excipient, paper showing that WI-38 human cells is present in the final vaccine product unlike what was declared by the witness earlier
00:05:51 Discussions about the aluminum adjuvant binding to the byproducts and impurities of the vaccines' production process, too, not only to the target antigen
00:08:50 Human albumin, protein structure, can bind to alum as well as human DNA (MRC-5, WI-38 or other cellular debris); alum could bind also to pigs' gelatin, eggs' protein, casein present in vaccines
00:12:26 Fetuses used during the witness work related to vaccines
00:13:10 Exhibit 41, a study run by the Wistar Institute, one of the authors is S.A.Plotkin, showing how many fetuses - 76 - have been used to make the vaccine
00:15:41 Reading through Exhibit 41: 3 or more months old fetuses, normally developed, fetuses aborted for social and psychiatric reasons; harvested organs (pituitary gland, lung, skin, kidney, spleen, heart, tongue: a whole range that was then cut up into little pieces, cultured. - The witness keeps declaring that he only worked on two fetuses in his entire career
00:19:16 Mr SIRI asks if some fetuses came from abortions of women being in psychiatric institutions
00:20:18 Mr SIRI asks the witness if he's ever used the mentally handicapped individuals to study an experimental vaccine. An article shows he used 13 handicapped children
00:22:02 The article entitled Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella Virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cells

00:00:32 Exhibit 32, alum found in dissected mice brains injected with aluminum
00:01:14 Exhibit 33, studies showing that aluminum travels to the brain of lab animals and discussion on whether it is possible to assess the same for humans
00:10:28 A letter from the British Columbia, Department of ophthalmology and Visual Science, Professor Dr Shaw running the group, an expert in aluminum adjuvants' studies, addressed to HHS and NIH, to FDA and CDC
00:12:51 The witness reads out loud, on request, few sentences from the above letter, where the author states that CDC claims, via website, that vaccines do not cause autism, are totally unsupported
00:15:14 Exhibit 39, a study entitled Aluminum in the Brain Tissue in Autism; standout observation of aluminum in the brain (immune cells) of prematurely died children with autism
00:18:54 Mr SIRI asks about the amount of antigen present in the vaccines sold in the US and if there are any harmful substances for the human body and cells
00:20:06 Questions on the presence of monkey kidneys cells in the childhood vaccine schedule
00:23:05 Questions on the presence of bovine or calves blood serum in vaccines
00:24:37 Exhibit 40, by FDA, Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary, Calf serum as an ingredient, as well as cow's milk, casein, eggs protein, pigs' gelatin, cow gelatin, animal products or byproducts. MRC-5 human diploid cells
00:31:10 Mr SIRI asks about the MRC-5 in vaccines, aborted fetuses’ cells
00:32:53 WI-38, Human Diploid Lung Fibroblast in vaccines
00:34:07 Human albumin in vaccines
00:36:48 Human recombinant albumin in vaccines
00:38:25 The witness admits that there are reactions to vaccines components
00:39:05 Human DNA in vaccines
00:43:40 Simian monkey viruses, or SV40, in vaccines, contaminating the people who received that vaccine

00:00:15 Still looking for difficult co-factors in an eventual retrospective study: wild polio, diphtheria. These are easy to control
00:03:49 Such retrospective study has been requested from different groups: advocacy groups and institutions
00:05:58 Exhibit 24: Pilot Comparative Health Study on Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children, Jackson State University
00:07:55 The witness admits that money influences the publications on scientific journals, but only if the reports are against vaccines
00:08:46 Odds ratio section of the study with total health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children
00:12:50 Exhibit 25: another study from the same group of professors at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Jackson State University: association between vaccinated and preterm children
00:17:59 Exhibit 26: Peter Aaby’s study on African community where children getting vaccinated have ten times higher death rate
00:27:16 Discussions about the whole-cell DTaP vaccine analyzed by Peter Aaby in his study, a vaccine largely used in developing countries
00:28:06 Exhibit 27: 1994 IOM report; the committee identified little information on the reasons why some people suffer from serious adverse reaction after getting vaccines
00:29:25 Exhibit 28: an excerpt from a study on the genetic predispositions to adverse reactions from vaccines
00:34:54 A group of researchers from the University of Columbia is looking at the aluminum adjuvants in vaccines
00:36:53 Antigens of inactivated vaccines are too weak, so extra alum needs to be added to them
00:37:19 Aluminum can be recovered months and years later from the vaccine injection's site
00:38:37 The witness confirms that the alum absorbed by antigen can bind to macrophages and dendritic cells
00:39:31 The witness admits that injected aluminum can travel to the brain
00:40:10 Exhibit 29: A study published in Vaccine journal showing that injected aluminum into rabbits can travel to the brain
00:42:01 Another study from 2009 using mice, found that they got several adverse reactions in their CNS, brain damage

00:00:55 Examining the IOM's report causality relationships
00:03:51 IOM's conclusions on causality relationships: INSUFFICIENT to determine causality or rejection
00:05:40 INSUFFICIENT data to prove a causality relationship between influenza and hepatitis B vaccines and serious reactions; a placebo-controlled study would be necessary to determine it
00:07:54 DTaP vaccine's reports of adverse serious reactions
00:08:52 IOM's conclusion on DTaP/Tdap vaccines from the 2011 report
00:09:35 Exhibit 22, IOM's report abstract on whether DTaP/Tdap can cause autism
00:11:49 The Witness mentions one study showing a causality relationship with autism, but evaluate the authors as anti-vaccines
00:13:07 The Witness asserting that in the absence of evidence one cannot determine that there is any causality
00:14:06 Mr. SIRI replying that for the same reason one cannot say the opposite
00:14:20 IOM's report on MMR vaccine causing autism; rejecting causality after one study showing it doesn't
00:15:02 Mr. SIRI underlines that it is indeed possible to make studies in order to determine causality, but for TDaP that has not been done
00:15:29 Mr. SIRI begins questioning the fact that one should not declare a vaccine doesn't cause a condition if there's no study proving it
00:17:03 Mr. SIRI asks the witness if, as a scientist, one can affirm that a vaccine doesn't cause autism in the absence of evidence
00:17:59 Again Mr. SIRI has to repeat the question because the witness doesn't answer directly
00:18:55 For the fourth time, the question has to be repeated
00:19:55 For the 5th time the question is asked
00:20:04 The witness admits one cannot say that a vaccine doesn't cause autism in the absence of evidence, but that one can make decisions as a physician
00:21:28 The witness now starts saying that one cannot say that a vaccine causes leprosy, even though IOM never reviewed reports on leprosy
00:22:26 Mr. SIRI asks again, for the 6th time, if one can affirm that a vaccine doesn't cause autism even in the absence of evidence
00:22:46 The witness now turns everything around saying that in the absence of evidence one cannot say either way
00:24:42 The witness affirms that the absence of evidence proves nothing
00:27:24 Mr. SIRI asks again, for the 7th time, if one can affirm that a vaccine doesn't cause autism in the absence of evidence
00:28:27 Beginning of questioning whether a study has ever been made comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children
00:33:36 The witness talks about 3 deaths and 24 cases of encephalitis
00:35:27 Mr. SIRI underlining that he is trying to understand the risks of vaccines
00:36:40 Pharmaceutical industries yearly revenue of about 20 billion dollars
00:38:44 Exhibit 23, diseases codes
00:42:10 Mr. SIRI asks why the witness can easily find the right confounders for safety studies on vaccines, but finds it difficult to examine the confounders for a randomized study, retrospective, between vaccinated and unvaccinated children

00:01:15 Reading Enbrel's insert and the safety study period (80 months)
00:05:19 DTaP vaccine and the comparison with safety studies with no placebo-controlled group
00:09:12 Questions about serious adverse reactions supposedly caused by DTaP, MMR and the flu vaccines
00:13:31 Admitting that hep B vaccine and maybe the flu shot cause fibromyalgia
00:16:51 Admitting that more placebo-controlled studies for vaccines are needed
00:21:58 Exhibit 19, The Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella vaccines
00:29:30 Discussing the possibility of a double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to assess childhood vaccines' safety done on adults
00:34:44 Another report on vaccine safety by IOM in '94
00:41:01 The IOM safety report in 2011

02:40 Beginning of discussions on the lack of a control group
04:40 The lack of control group in MMR trials
08:31 ACT HIB vaccine, only 48 hours safety trials monitoring
12:17 Detailed analysis of the adverse reactions' data (in three years, every child would experience a serious adverse event)
14:44 Randomized placebo-controlled study in China on children receiving flu shots; the subject group had 4 times more respiratory infections
15:34 Another Hib vaccine; the placebo was replaced by previously approved ACTHIB vaccine
16:03 HPV vaccine, GARDASIL, in the CDC's pediatric schedule
19:20 Gardasil control groups (AAHS and placebo): real data
21:26 Description of AAHS commonly used instead of a placebo in the trials
25:13 Discussing the book "Vaccines in Autoimmunity"
36:21 Exhibit N.17, clinical trial data for the saline placebo control group in the GARDASIL trial
37:16 Table showing zero serious adverse events in the saline placebo group for Gardasil's trial
40:52 Statistical data worth reporting on the saline placebo group

00:07:39 The pertussis vaccine killing 10 times more
00:17:45 manufacturers' inserts with only 4-5 days of safety monitoring
00:19:19 No control group for the prelicensure trials
00:24:10 Hep B vaccine, IOM reviews for multiple sclerosis
00:29:41 Hepatitis B insert and the period of safety trial (4 days)
00:38:26 The lack of placebo-controlled group
00:43:11 The duration of adverse reactions' monitoring on IPOL vaccine and subject group receiving another vaccine at the same time

00:24:30 DTaP vaccine efficacy level
00:38:11 The revenues of vaccine manufacturers

The questions in this part are mainly about selling and acquiring of intellectual property rights and royalty interests.

The questions in this part are mainly about vaccine recommendations for children, financial conflicts of interest and profits of vaccine manufacturers.

Please, share this series of videos so that people may make an informed decision of whether or not to vaccinate themselves and their children.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

14 videos

Category Health & Medical

This is an educational channel publishing opinions of trained doctors and researchers. Our aim is to encourage open and transparent dialogue based on scientific facts and not take a dogmatic approach where certain views are shunned without proof.

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