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Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. This was a stunning admission of truth but the television network that did the interview is now trying to hide the interview. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured. Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson joins us to discuss.

U.S. officials now admit Ukraine can't possibly win the war but that's never been the plan. The plan all along is to use every last Ukrainian as a proxy to degrade Russia's military while enriching America's defense contractors. Only one part of the plan has worked.
The US and NATO have now openly admitted this is a proxy war. It was created years before Putin invaded and the Ukraine military admitted early on that they wanted to be part of this farce. Now that it has failed spectacularly Zelensky knows he will be a scapegoat which is why he is preventing elections from proceeding.

Russia just released a dire message to Ukrainian men to put down their weapons and surrender or you will end up dead. This is not an ambiguous statement which comes as reports indicate Russia is gearing up for a massive offensive against what remains of Ukrainian forces.
Ukrainian army has been decimated, with over 400,000 dead and 2 million casualties.
Wahington and the mainstream media blatantly ignore the state of the Ukraine military failure, and even demand more suicide missions from the Ukrainian army. Meanwhile, various sources including US General Cavoli confirmed that Russia military is not degraded at all, and may be enhanced.
From Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris:

The US doesnt really care about Ukranians or Russians. Adam Schiff openly admits “we help Ukraine fight Russia there so we don’t have to fight Russia here”. From Redacted.

The Health Forum NZ, supporting vaccine impacted New Zealanders, placed posters along the waterfront in downtown Queenstown, NZ on 16th September 2022.

Dr Kory calls out Craig Kelly for his tremendous work in getting out the message that repurposed medicines are highly effective. "He is on the right side of history and the right side of science".

“There wasn’t any sort of targeted warning. You didn’t get a sense … that you suddenly needed to get everything to high ground. There wasn’t that messaging that I know of, this time around. We certainly had some alerts… about taking some sort of preparation, but there wasn’t that targeted messaging about you’ve gotta get your gear out, get it out quickly and move to high ground; And we’ve heard that all morning from residents, I lot of people have been saying….”

Transcript of Dr. Tedros Press Conference, December 2021:
"There is new evidence emerging now of its [booster vaccine] benefits, especially with elderly groups, senior citizens, especially above 65 and above 60. So if it's going to be used, it's better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe disease and deaths rather than,
As we see, some countries are using to give boosters to children, TO KILL THEM.
Which is not right.

Queensland MP, Stephen Andrews MP for Mirani, caused visible discomfort during Health Committee's Public Hearing yesterday (30/11/2021), when he asked whether adverse reactions to the Jabs might have something to do with the mystery of Queensland's overflowing hospital problem - the Chief Health Office and Director General of Health rushed to tell him 'the short answer is NO', although no information or details were provided to indicate why there had been such a surge of Emergency presentations in 2021, or what conditions these presentations were being treated for.
The MP stated on his FB page:
There were a lot of blank looks on Monday, when I asked Director-General John Wakefield a couple of questions about Queensland’s overflowing Emergency departments.
What I wanted to know was:
Even from my office in Sarina, I could feel the disapproval emanating down the telephone line at me in response.
I thought it was a reasonable enough question, particularly as the DG had just given an Opening Statement giving figures that had showed a big jump in the number of people presenting at Queensland’s Emergency Departments and requiring critical care.
According to Dr Wakefield, there was a 15.4% increase in Public Emergency presentations in 2021– despite a population growth of less than 2% - and an “11.2% increase in patients requiring resuscitation or critical care – so the more severe end of Emergency Care”.
Clearly therefore, SOMETHING must be going on out in the community to cause such huge numbers of people to turn up at Emergency.
And yet no-one in the government or our public health office seems the least bit curious about finding out ‘why’.
Aside from referring me on to the TGA website, all the DG or Deputy DG would say, was that any impact on the public hospital system was “negligible”.
This seemed their main concern - making sure I got the message that the increase in numbers had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the reports I was hearing about people presenting complaining of adverse reactions to the vaccine – END OF STORY.
I also noticed that neither of them offered up any information, data, statistics or evidence to substantiate their denials.
Seems it must be all just some huge coincidence or imponderable mystery.
We heard the same from Premier McGowan in WA when he confessed to being mystified as to why WA’s Hospitals were overflowing:
Surely hospitals keep detailed records on all their patients: including what symptoms they have, what tests are run, what doctors are diagnosing them with, what age group they are.

Sky News host Peta Credlin says Victorians refused to allow an Andrews “dictatorship” to “trump democracy” at protests against proposed new pandemic laws over the weekend.
Ms Credlin said the protest on Saturday 13th November 2021 against the Andrews government’s proposed pandemic bill attracted people from “all walks of life” and “political affiliations”.
“Ordinary Victorians, many of who have never protested before, but who said over and over again, that these laws were a tipping point for them, and they couldn’t stay silent any longer,” she said.
“To me, it was the moment, when Melbourne got some of its self-respect back.
“Honestly, after the humiliation of going from most liveable city in the world to the most locked down, it was as though ordinary citizens said enough, not in my name.”
“These laws are the worst I’ve ever seen…. Victoria’s Bar Court President calls them “Stasi-like”

New Zealand’s One News reporter Logan Church, explains that a death due to homicide had to be recorded as a covid death, in accordance with WHO guidelines. What a joke.

Nurse of 19 years says the hospitals are full of patients with adverse reactions.
Protest in Melbourne. “ICUs are full of vaccinated people with adverse reactions. They’re saying it's Covid and the Delta variant, guess what your delta variant is an adverse reaction. 19 years of nursing. I will not have the jab. I would rather lose my job and walk away rather than inject that poison into my body.”

Back in July 2021 the NSW Govt announced the state recorded 141 new locally-acquired cases of COVID-19, of which 38 were in the community while infectious. Two people died overnight, including a woman in her 30s with no underlying health conditions.
At first the Spokesperson misspoke and said that of the 141 cases, 42 were in the ICU, and 41 of those were vaccinated. Here he corrects it and says that all 42 people in the ICU were unvaccinated plus one with only one dose.

Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and homeschool before he gave them this vaccine. Risch is one of the most academically cited American epidemiologists alive today.

Airline passenger demands that the air hostess moves the unvaccinated passenger then gets evicted from the plane by the pilot all to cheers from other passengers

Kyle Warner was a professional mountain bike rider whose career was cut short due to an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. He developed pericarditis and other side effects. People from all walks of life who have suffered adverse reactions, including doctors, are coming together as a grass-roots movement.

This is how you interrupt a live interview.

Membership of the United Australia Party (UAP) now exceeds 70000, which exceeds that of all other political parties in Australia. Craig Kelly has been a firm critic of the lockdowns and supporter of medical freedom and advocate for the use of alternative therapies including Ivermectin.

The cardiologist advised strongly advised against a second Pfizer vaccination. Cardiologist admitted they had 30 to 40 other people, mostly young men, with similar condition following the Pfizer vacc. Then an Infectious Diseases Specialist tried to advise him that the risk was low, but the patient himself had to explain the risks put forward by the cardiologist; then the specialist googled and had to admit he was wrong, the risks are too high!

Welcome to the Covid memorial just some of the people who have died after receiving the vaccine. Children dead within 4 to 8 weeks after being breastfed by a vaccinated mother, otherwise perfectly healthy children; people dying on the same day or within days of the vaccine; This is just under a 100 people here, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Patient describes how his girlfriend had chest pains 3 days after getting Pfizer vaccine. They went to hospital and it was confirmed she had myocarditis. At the same time he got checked out for shoulder pain and also chest pains, being 3 weeks after his Pfizer jab, and was told he had pericarditis and he was lucky it was diagnosed immediately; Doctor said “it could have killed me”.

Apologies - this is the first part of the set of 3.
New leaked footage from Project Veritas shows multiple Pfizer scientists admitting that natural immunity offers equal or better protection against COVID-19 compared to the vaccine.
Nick Karl, Pfizer Scientist: “When somebody is naturally immune -- like they got COVID -- they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”
Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “You’re protected for longer” if you have natural COVID antibodies compared to the COVID vaccine.
Croce: “I work for an evil corporation…Our organization is run on COVID money.”
Rahul Khandke, Pfizer Scientist: “If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up.”
This brings into question the reasoning behind the mass vaccination of the young and healthy. If these cohorts are very low-risk, and natural immunity provides equal or better protection, then what is the purpose of vaccination for this group if the vaccines do not block viral replication (rendering any argument about herd immunity invalid)
New leaked footage from Project Veritas shows multiple Pfizer scientists admitting that natural immunity offers equal or better protection against COVID-19 compared to the vaccine.
Nick Karl, Pfizer Scientist: “When somebody is naturally immune -- like they got COVID -- they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”
Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “You’re protected for longer” if you have natural COVID antibodies compared to the COVID vaccine.
Croce: “I work for an evil corporation…Our organization is run on COVID money.”
Rahul Khandke, Pfizer Scientist: “If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up.”
This brings into question the reasoning behind the mass vaccination of the young and healthy. If these cohorts are very low-risk, and natural immunity provides equal or better protection, then what is the purpose of vaccination for this group if the vaccines do not block viral replication (rendering any argument about herd immunity invalid)

New leaked footage from Project Veritas shows multiple Pfizer scientists admitting that natural immunity offers equal or better protection against COVID-19 compared to the vaccine.
Nick Karl, Pfizer Scientist: “When somebody is naturally immune -- like they got COVID -- they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”
Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “You’re protected for longer” if you have natural COVID antibodies compared to the COVID vaccine.
Croce: “I work for an evil corporation…Our organization is run on COVID money.”
Rahul Khandke, Pfizer Scientist: “If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up.”
This brings into question the reasoning behind the mass vaccination of the young and healthy. If these cohorts are very low-risk, and natural immunity provides equal or better protection, then what is the purpose of vaccination for this group if the vaccines do not block viral replication (rendering any argument about herd immunity invalid)


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

29 videos

Category Health & Medical