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A Livestream Presentation by: Aman Jabbi
With Kate Mason (Central Coast. Australia)
Whats covered:
How Facial Recognition Works
The Carrots
Big Brother meets Big Data
The Narrative
What Is Not Said
While the world was sleeping (locked down)
24-7 Monitoring of every single part of your life
Drones to be the new aerial police.
Smart Lights and Poles
LED Incapacitator
Digital ID
We are given ZERO trust
The FINAL Lockdown.
Call to action: Look UP! (Observe (Camera’s Lights 5G)
Parents: School Action (Cameras - Parking, hallways, laptops)

On March 20, 2021 thousands gathered in Brisbane, Australia as part of a WORLDWIDE Demonstration for Freedom & Human Rights.
These monumental events keeps getting bigger and louder each time. When tyranny becomes law, disobedience becomes duty!
#therevolution #worldwiderevolution #thepeoplesrevolution #thegreatawakening #awakenwithlove #worldwideprotests #freedom #unityconsciousness #man #woman #love #peace #togetherness

What you didn't see on any of the Australian lame-stream media channels.

I attended the protests in Melbourne today and contrary to what the fake lame-stream media has portrayed, it was a peaceful affair all 'round (that's until the police got nasty) with well over 1000 people in attendance. Not bad for a first since the plan-demic hit. This was the highlight speech of the day covering all bases. Bless everyone for turning up and standing up for what is right. Fascist, tyrannical and treasonous governments have no business governing any country. Rise Up.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

4 videos

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