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The following youngsters are from before the times of cell phones, school holocaust indoctrination, and Marxist common core curriculum, that's attached to federal funds  strings to teach leftist propaganda as education. 

The White Australia policy was based in protection of workers.

Donald Trump believes he's been divinely chosen for these times. Demoralised Americans will overwhelmingly vote for a great defender against evil. Democrats and Trump's enemies are in dire trouble with this perception.

President Marcos of the Philippines goes to Coldplay concert in Presidential chopper and malcontents howel.

Alfred Strom from the National Vanguard

South Africa is what happens when whites relinquish power. Multiculturalism and white replacement is the road to turn whites into minorities in their own lands and then genocide them.

Yuval Harari, is Klaus Schwab's right-hand man. He has called for so-called "conspiracy theorists" to be banned from the Internet because of their "dangerous" belief that a global clique of elites controls the world.

The video is long only because it contains a Juiy 17, 2023 interview between Lex Fridman and Harari. The first four minutes is the commentary on the interview.

South Africa is a lesson for white people.

Vaccine Passports are c9kng to rob you of freedom

Man fails to breastfeed a baby

Mobile gender reassignment trailer

Jews have seized America while Americans slept

The CIA and Israel's Mossad collaborated to kill President John Kennedy.

Kennedy threatened Israeli Prime Minister to cut off Israel over its development of nuclear weapons. Ben Gourion gave Israel's secret Service Mossad, the kill order to assassinate JFK. He could not existentially threatened Israel and prevent it getting nukes.

Kill your TV. Jews control the media. They lie. The great Harry Vox is featured in this video on Jews and their lies.

The CIA and Mossad killed JFK in a joint operation. Trump and Biden have refused to release the classified documents. Trump originally said they were to horrible to release

Yuval Harari describes the end of Israel if Palestinians get smart.

Putin speech October 3, 2022

In the aftermath of WorldWar 2, Australia felt threatened by the yellow hordes of Asia. It proposed a mass extermination plan that included an Influenza Carona virus. Such an attack would happen in 2020 in the form of Covid 19. What's worse is Burnet worked on a rabbit population control myxamatosis vaccine that spread from rabbit to rabbit via spike proteins, killing the Australia's vermin rabbit plague. Both the Carona virus and vaccine killer spike injections were visited upon the world some 70 years later as human population control measures. Someone used the Burnet plan and technology. A Cabal of global eugenicist committing democide.

This is an absolutely must watch video to overcome decades of Jewish lies, propaganda and conditioning. Share this video widely. The world has an escalating Globalist New World Order problem, and it's JEWISH. It's going to need a Final Solution, once and for all. These eternal usurous Shylock parasites have terrorized mankind for millennia. They've been expelled from society after society. It was Jesus Christ who branded them as the spawn of Satan. He was correct as was Adolf Hitler to whom the world owes an apology.

God called Jews, the spawn of Satan. For millennia they've have been parasites. Kicked out of nation after nation. Watch why. Watch what they say in their own words.

The smoking gun. This investigative report unmasks who created Covid as a Bio-weapon. How it was done and what they want.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates need to be immediately arrested. The enablers benefiting feim the criminal spoils need to be neutralised now. The Great Reset of the UN and World Economic Forum needs to me stopped now.

This is the most urgent matter on the planet. The truth needs to come out. Download, repost and share this video widely. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and social media will ban so upload it to yourc censor free Bitchute or Rumbler account and share your or email your link to friends

Contact your Congressperson, Member of Parliament and ask them to cease lockdowns and hold a commission of inquiry, stop masks and the experimental killer gene altering injections called a vaccine. We are facing a human existential threat like no other in recorded history.

America's military and CIA are woke effeminate jokes The nations foes are laughing at America.

Police are abusing their own families, neighbours and communities. They've had enough.

Aussie common sense on the Covid injection fraud

Hitler knew who were the evil ones. History is written by the victors. What this speech by Hitler. It could have been written about today.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

71 videos

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