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Baltimore Key Bridge Steel Under Extreme Stress DOES NOT WARP OR WILT OR EVEN BEND -- This is because the Directed Energy Weapons that intially superheated the steel girders and made them wilt like hot taffy are not present during cleanup and salvage. The steel was melted in order to take-down the bridge as the most cost-effective means to allow more shipping into Mega-Port Baltimore. An 80-part series delves into the many, many anomalies surrounding this Mega-Event.

Examining similarities of the DEW attacks in Gatlinburg TN USA, Madeira Portugal, and Spontaneous Human Combustion --

Telling a lie in reverse is difficult.

Here is the "North Pillar Fireballs" part of the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse played in-reverse.

Check out the Directed Energy Weapons attack creating massive fireballs on each side of the North Pillar.

That's what melted the structural steel girders and left them draped over, drooping from the North Pillar like wet noodles or taffy on a hot summer day.

That horrible fact indicates very dire consequences ahead.

51-part series on DEW used to take-down Baltimore Key Bridge

Massive fiery outbursts. Disappearing "dustifying" solid steel girders evaporating in mid-air. Molten beams left draping, wilted, drooping from North Pillar. The extreme anomalies add up to bridge take-down. The bridge could not be made taller, and its supports, already constricting the max-width of the shipping channel, could not be widened. A replacement was politically and economically impossible until Directed Energy Weapons inverted reality. offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

It's hard to tell a lie in reverse. We can see a lot when the Key Bridge collapse is played backwards -- including 5-story fiery outbursts and solid steel apparently turning into dust. offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

Brightened, half-speed video "clearly shows all three major firey outbursts (one appears 5-storys tall) plus “dustification” of some steel girders. Watch fullscreen: Left-side of left (south) pillar, then both sides of right (north) pillar. Fiery outbursts appear at 1 second, 9-12 seconds, and 13-15 seconds. Dustification appears clearest mainly to the upper-left side of the right (north) pillar at around 4 seconds. Dustification is suspected and somewhat visible at various other points along the steel support trusswork, including at the top-most girders. There is far more to this event than simply collision and collapse. See for yourself." ((Saved from in case it goes away; they are already reporting youtube censorship.)) offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

Brightened, 1/4-speed slowed video "clearly shows all three major firey outbursts (one appears 5-storys tall) plus “dustification” of some steel girders. Watch fullscreen: Left-side of left (south) pillar, then both sides of right (north) pillar. Fiery outbursts appear at 1 second, 9-12 seconds, and 13-15 seconds. Dustification appears clearest mainly to the upper-left side of the right (north) pillar at around 4 seconds. Dustification is suspected and somewhat visible at various other points along the steel support trusswork, including at the top-most girders. There is far more to this event than simply collision and collapse. See for yourself." ((Saved from in case it goes away; they are already reporting youtube censorship.)) offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

Brightened, 1/3rd speed slowed video "clearly shows all three major firey outbursts (one appears 5-storys tall) plus “dustification” of some steel girders. Watch fullscreen: Left-side of left (south) pillar, then both sides of right (north) pillar. Fiery outbursts appear at 1 second, 9-12 seconds, and 13-15 seconds. Dustification appears clearest mainly to the upper-left side of the right (north) pillar at around 4 seconds. Dustification is suspected and somewhat visible at various other points along the steel support trusswork, including at the top-most girders. There is far more to this event than simply collision and collapse. See for yourself." ((Saved from in case it goes away; they are already reporting youtube censorship.)) offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

Brightened video "clearly shows all three major firey outbursts (one appears 5-storys tall) plus “dustification” of some steel girders. Watch fullscreen: Left-side of left (south) pillar, then both sides of right (north) pillar. Fiery outbursts appear at 1 second, 9-12 seconds, and 13-15 seconds. Dustification appears clearest mainly to the upper-left side of the right (north) pillar at around 4 seconds. Dustification is suspected and somewhat visible at various other points along the steel support trusswork, including at the top-most girders. There is far more to this event than simply collision and collapse. See for yourself." ((Saved from in case it goes away; they are already reporting youtube censorship.)) offers much more in an 11-part detailed series

EXCELLENT 48-year arborist analyzes 7 years worth of microwave-attacked "wildphyres", showing consistent hallmark (and otherwise "impossible") damage. In the 1980s Pres. Reagan revealed the "STAR WARS" microwave weaponry initiative and so many citizens laughed; nobody is laughing now. MIRRORED from someone who mirrored from BlossomInnerWellness channel.

Excellent, deep, succinctly- and well-presented info from Aug 2012 -- truth and solid info with sources is evermore relevant and vital -- copied from archive at

Here is a substantial re-examination of American History touching on all major aspects, but this time including the missing/vanquished Jesuitical / Vatican influence and intrigue whose absence severely taints and skews all modern understandings.

What was 'deadly boring and never made sense' becomes suddenly riveting and absolutely sensible. Religion has Always underlain War. This thorough documentary enlightens and collates more than any other I've yet seen after many years searching. This 3-hour video could literally replace the many years I was misled to waste looking into fabrications, falsehoods and fairytales called "history" -- Jesuits have been in-charge of "higher education" for far too long; otherwise, clarity would reign and misunderstanding would be consecutively diminshing not growing. The chaos of their lies and omissions gives them cover.

Presidents Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln -- alllll warned against the Vatican's "sinister" Jesuits which are sworn enemies of Protestant heretics and America.

Note that all hung Lincoln assassination conspirators were Catholic; Catholic escapee John Surratt was given asylum in Vatican - consequent diplomatic break lasted over 100 years until President Reagan re-established ties with Vatican; America's decline has only hastened since.



This is mirrored/reposted from someone, somewhere.

Jesuit Mockery -- Gates can't get Windows virus-free; put him in-charge of getting you virus free

Father headed Planned Parenthood

Grandfather financier for Rockefeller

Repost of BetsyLee McGee work -- They put it on the money. Gematric encodings. Numerology. All hallmarks of the matrixed evil.

Repost of BetsyLee McGee work -- Revelation of the method. archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #114 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #113 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #112 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #111 -- in Dresden, the "firestorm" was a cover-story hiding use of DEW. All corpses photographed have clothing intact, flammable hair totally unburnt. Moreover, railways immediately operational and zero bomb craters appear in any photographs. See for yourself -- archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #110 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #050 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #091 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #103 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #108 archive of APlaneTruth video series PARADISE LOST #101


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

133 videos

Category Education

Vatican Jesuits have for too long been "in charge" of "higher learning". Counter-Reformation (anti-Protestant) Jesuits are sworn ("fourth vow") to "extirpate" all non-Catholic heretics who refuse their Pope as God on Earth. Any real suprise that They have been teaching lies, omissions, misleads? ---------- Trump, Biden, Newsom, DeSantis, Pelosi, Fauci ALL trained, funded by Jesuits / Vatican. Half US Supreme Court Catholic, other half Zionic. Current Pope is first-time admitted Jesuit. Jesuit founder historically noted as Converso / Marrano Jew. Different names, cloaks to cause our misunderstanding, infighting; meanwhile, They all share depopulative, tyrannical agenda against us. ---------- Jesuits also control Raytheon, per ERIC777 youtuber research; Raytheon major maker of DEW weaponry (ultra-intense fires, dustified buildings, "toasted" vehicles -- used in 911, Paradise Cali, Lahaina Maui and many, many other attacks, including the thousands of food production facilities otherwise inexplicably cremated down into white ash just in the past few years). ---------- GMO seeds / food also involved, poisoned (Bill Gates; Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto) Water. Air / chemtrails soil toxin. All "press" / media, edu. Weather warfare via HAARP and more, per youtuber DUTCHSINSE. ---------- See for who controls what, public sources only, irrefutable. and Johnny Cirucci, ENGOODZ, ERIC777 convey much fact, truth. ---------- Look into "black nobility"; Switzer "Octagon". More at Until you recognize the religious war (and ultra-extreme zealotry) long underway beneath allllll of our reality, you will remain hapless just as They want you. ---------- Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you suffer or commit atrocities. #catholics #jesuits #vatican ---------- More accurately re-understand history by deservedly scrutinizing Jesuit intrigue and subterfuge all along ---------- THOSE WHO RULE WILL NEVER GIVE EDUCATION FOR THEIR OVERTHROW .. we must autodidactically learn.