Joseph Gruyter

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Joseph Gruyter



Give your body the best:
What Youth - From 2022-07-21 Last hour.

GINNEY ALMIGHTY finally gets the truth about the first moon landing from iON!

An excerpt from the weekly 12-hour long, 'Payday...I'm In Charge!' radio show with Bob 'Dobbs' Neveritt on Achieve Radio - 2019-07-20/21

Bob 'Dobbs' Neveritt gives an impromptu State Of The Music Address explaining why rap music persists in today's media environment. Edited excerpt from
Broadcast on 2019-02-17 @ 12.00am

Perhaps iON's Greatest Poem - July 16/22, 5th hour of last Saturday's PAYDAY show:

1. Cross in the Ground = Chromosome 14 - "RnA Drops” (2011)

2. Crown of Thorns/Rose of Sharon - "Three New Amino Acids" Carolyn has made (2022)

3. Nails in wrists = Synovial Fluid replaces Spinal Fluid

4. Nails in feet = Iron into Chromosome 14 - "Bread of Life” (2019)

5. Spear piercing the Heart = "Living Water” (2019) spills out

6. Stone blocking the Cave/Burial Spot = "White Stone" (our “iBlock" that makes the "Living Water” {2019})

Give your body the best:
An excerpt from the weekly 12-hour long 'Payday...I'm In Charge!' radio show with Bob 'Dobbs' Neveritt, Dr Carolyn Dean and iON on Achieve Radio - 2022/07/17


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

6 videos

Category Education

Sharing the Truth.

iON and Bob are some of the last bastions of real intellect. I hope some of you find it enlightening.