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So sorry we were having internet issues on this recording. The sound quality is a little scratchy due to some feedback and Noel's wifi was being sketchy. But this is still an incredible interview, please check it out anyways. Thank you for your support.

Noel Wu is a former Couture Fashion Designer, turned Pharmaceutical Rep, turned disillusioned truth seeker and spreader. His years in the belly of the beast has made him aware of the dark agendas that have been holding humanity back from our true potential to thrive. He lost his mother in a care facility due to the Scamdemic and vowed to help others learn and speak the truth about what's going on. In this interview, we discuss Germ Theory, the brilliant work of Dr. Robert Willner during the AIDS scam, along with his ideas to help women with a new Freedom platform called "Moms for Divinity". You can learn more about this project and how to help get it launched at this link:

**Correction about Dr. Robert Willner. Apparently is died in 1995 at age 65 of a heart attack.

You can learn more about how I support clients with my holistic wellness services and programs that can assist you in becoming the most vibrant, resilient, and joyful version of yourself. Send me any questions our comments through the Contact page or post comments below this video. And sign up for my free gift "The Vibrant Energy Morning Routine". And you can set up a free discovery call with me here:

Noel Wu holds a Roundtable discussion with myself, Ginny Miller, Dr. Robert O. Young, and Bonnie Munz, Legal Nurse Consultant. Recorded on 3-25-22. Look for second half off conversation in Part 2.

Whoops, I forgot to change the view to gallery when I recorded on Zoom. You will only see Paola's beautiful image until half way through, then my image will pop in side by side once I realized my mistake. LOL!

I'm Ginny Miller, Wellness Coach, Vibrant Energy Practitioner and Health Freedom Truth Activist. You can find out how I assist clients in becoming the most vibrant, resilient, and joyful version of themselves at
Sign up on the website for my free gift “The Vibrant Energy Morning Routine” pdf to learn some of the ways I stay vibrant and full of energy every day.
Email me: [email protected]

And to learn about my Health Freedom Group, email:
[email protected]

This is my interview with the magnificent Paola Fejes of Paola Wellness.
She is Wellness practitioner with many offerings to give the world. We also discuss the REAL infection of these times.

You can find Paola on:
Contact her: [email protected]
And sign up for classes and healing circle here:

This is my interview with Jonathan Rogers, digital designer and part of the support team for Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Today we discuss what germ theory is really all about, logical fallacies that can lead to false conclusions, why so many people seem to be sick and dying. and how resilient humans really are when they are empowered with holistic health knowledge and methods.

This is a mini webinar to learn some fun and healthy ways to use therapeutic grade essential oils to enhance your wellbeing.

I tell you how to use Hamama to grow your own delicious sprouts in any easy and clean sprouting tray.

I teach you how to use coconut oil and essential oils to detox your mouth for healthy teeth and gums. SOOOOOO good for you!

In this interview, Bonnie gives us some in depth information about the ingredients in the experimental gene therapy injections. We also discuss the steps the elite have used throughout the centuries to control the population, mass formation psychosis, some of the top doctors to follow in the truth movement, as well as two terrible Senate Bills to be aware of.
[email protected]

BONNIE MUNZ email: [email protected]

In today's interview, I talk to Kristin about her unique and important radio show on a local, Santa Cruz, independently owned radio station, KSCO 1080AM. Her show has been paused for now, and we discussed ways to help get her show back on the air. We also talked about why so many people are wanting to speak up and do something about the violation of our constitutional rights and how we can create new systems for a future life without the tyrannical control from the hidden agendas. We provided information about some horrific CA state senate bills that are making their way through the state legislature and what we can do to try to stop them from getting passed.

To learn how I help my clients become the most resilient and joyful version of themselves go to:

To learn more about my Health Freedom and Truth group, please check out

And to learn more about Kristin and her show, go to

I had a wonderful time interviewing Bonnie Munz, Legal Nurse Consultant. We discuss how she is assisting lawyers and Children's Health Defense in gathering information for their cases against the COVID mandates and evidence that helps prove cases of adverse reactions to the experimental injections.


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

10 videos

Category Health & Medical