Dana Wefer- Seed of Fire

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Dana Wefer- Seed of Fire

Dana Wefer- Seed of Fire


In this video attorney Dana Wefer answers your questions about responding to employers' intrusive questions about your medical status, employer rights and ability to track your medical status through weekly testing, how to submit a religious exemption to your employer, whether you can collect unemployment if you are fired for not taking the experimental injections, and more.

In this video Attorney Dana Wefer updates listeners on her 2 mask cases, shares excerpts of a transcript from a case of a man who was charged with violating lockdown orders, explains the Indiana University case, updates on the case she is putting together against TCNJ, and answers some questions she received through email. Attorney John Coyle shared upsetting information about his recent battle against Valley Hospital who refused to treat a patient with Ivermectin despite her daughter's request and physician's orders.

It's hard navigating a world where reality is so unreal. Here are 10 habits and values to keep you grounded even when it's hard to tell what's real. You may want to share this video with people are just waking up now.

In this video I share my personal experience of realizing I had been disinformed by the media and I explain how the Default Filter perpetuates disinformation among people on the left.

I spent 15 years as a Democratic Party Activist, running for office, founding a social club for Democrats, serving on Democratic Committees, and even running a phone bank for Hillary Clinton on election day. Today I am a Republican committeewoman. In this video I make the case that my friends on the left should subscribe to this channel and hear me out as to why I underwent this drastic change.


Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

5 videos

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Free speech & litigation attorney with an M.S. in Biotechnology.

Former leftist, current dissident.

Talking about technology, privacy, gender, race, and culture.

Personal stuff on motherhood, homeschooling, and gardening.