Dangerouz Thoughtz

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Dangerouz Thoughtz

Dangerouz Thoughtz


Discussion with Host Jeremy Poole


Self States, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Bertrand Russell, B.F. Skinner, Technocratic Elite, Class, Caste, Conservative, Labour, WEF, United Nations, Trilateral Commission, Michael Gove, Kier Starmer, Lockdown, Opposition parties, Freedom, Narcissism, Psychopathy, Borderline Personality Disorder, Jesus, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Truth, Fear, Control, UnVaccinated, Vaccinated, Jews, Segregation, Experimental Gene Therapy, mRNA, Phase 3 Trials, Racism, Plato, Aristotle, Governance, Discrimination, Globalism, Nationalism, Local Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Lower Living Standards, Energy, Climate Change, The Great reset, The Happy Breed, Overpopulation, UN 1976 Weather Warfare Treaty, Guiding Principles, Shared Psychotic Space, Rewards, Thalidomide, Vaccine Safety, Cyber Security, Brave New World, 1984, Ray Kurzwell, Deception, Lying and Taqiyya, Vaccine Passports, Social Credit Score, Communism,

Was 3 Weeks to Flatten the Curve, really what was intended by Governments all around the world? A Document from the World Back from 2nd April, 2020 suggests otherwise with a five year funding plan that SAGE have now commented upon tat COVID will be with us for at least 5 years...

Links in Discussion:








Governments such as the UK and USA are releasing their "Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: guidance for healthcare professionals" documents. Now that they have admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines are causing Myocarditis, I feel it is time we discuss what this means, what actions have government taken and what purchases have been made?

I then propose an outcome!

Links in Discussion:







A longer discussion upon the world in which the Omicron Variant has emerged. Why has the World followed the Chinese Communist Model? Who are those involved in making this happen? Why did the MSM push Chinese videos of people dying in the streets?

Has 3 weeks to Flatten the Curve shown you that you cannot ever trust Government? Why did all countries adopt this policy at the same time?

What is the importance of the NHS, and why should we save it when is funded by Tax Payers to save Tax Payers lives! When did an institution become more important than an individual?

Do mutations in viruses mean more lethality?

PCR tests not fit for purpose, as Kary Mullis (its creator) stated.

Vaccine Passports, just a newer version of Tony Blair's ID Card... Digital Tyranny that the Nazi's would admire...

EU Plans for a Vaccine Passport from 2019, before the Pandemic!

Why do Vaccine manufacturers get "immunity" from prosecution? And The UK Government knows that Vaccines can cause serious Disability and Death! They know that Vaccine Shedding is real and they know that Vaccines can damage, disable and kill Babies in their Mothers Womb.

None of this is Conspiracy Theory, as all statements are backed up by the documentation, websites and statements of the experts...

Links in the Discussion:










Directly reading the British Medical Journals Featured Investigation "Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial" (https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635).

This is the document read in full and being discussed, because we have all had to live with the ramifications of policies made by Government on the basis of the "Vaccines safety and testing was not corrupt". This document from the BMJ states otherwise in relation to Ventavia, Pfizer and the FDA.

A clear discussion about Natural Immunity and Vaccine Immunity. In this discussion we rely solely on the facts, on the documentation, on the FDA's own reports, just as much as the BMJ.

This is a questioning of what the FDA has stated on record and my points are backed up by the facts! This is not conspiracy theory, this is reality fact!

A discussion about the article in The Guardian, "Austria to put millions of unvaccinated people in Covid lockdown", discussing the Parallels between this action against a "minority group" the unvaccinated and the Jews in Nazi Germany.

We look at the language, the context, the fear based propaganda and what really are the rights that you have as a Free Individual. Should you be Locked Down because you do not consent to a Medical Intervention? DO you think that people who do not consent to a Medical Intervention should be Locked Down?

Ask yourselves, what persecution did the Jews have in Nazi Germany, and do you think we are seeing these same ideals in Austria?

This video was removed from YouTube

The UK is back into Mandatory COVID 19 Restrictions as a pretence for further Lockdowns with Laws and Legislations being continued to March 2022...

Will this ever end? It is not planned to, as Government never gives up Power!

With the statements of Ursula von der Leyen about Mandatory Vaccination in Europe, this is a discussion asking about the ideals of Diversity and Inclusion in the rights of the Un-Vaccinated to be allowed to exist in Society!

Persecution of a strata of Society never ends well! Have the Public and the World Leaders not learned from History?


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

10 videos

Category None

A channel exploring topics about our world that we are not allowed to know about, or that the Mainstream Media will not show you. There is no speculation on this channel, only the official documentation and only the facts that you don't get to hear. So I hope Youtube doesn't ban me...

Can we, by working together, by sharing ideas actually be the change that we want to see in the World?

I hope so!