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Told from the inside by the police who were there, this is the true story of Britain's biggest bullion heist.

In November 1983, armed robbers stole £26 million worth of gold from the Brink’s-Mat security depot near London’s Heathrow airport. The nation was gripped as the robbers escaped with 6,800 bars of gold with an equivalent value of nearly £100 million at today’s prices.

For the police it was a race against time before the gold was smelted, disguised and sold back on the open market. That much cash in the hands of criminals had the potential to fuel criminal enterprise on an unprecedented scale.

Speaking for the first time since the robbery, Detective Chief Superintendent Brian Boyce, who headed up the investigation, and DC Tony Yeoman reveal the challenges they faced, discuss the strategy they adopted and reflect on the tragedy that unfolded when they staked out Kenneth Noye, one of the men at the epicentre of the gang.

The trail of the missing gold sent police on a cat-and-mouse chase across borders and continents as they tracked a network of corrupt professionals - lawyers and accountants – who helped launder the money through a complex network of foreign accounts and companies, ultimately returning it to the UK to invest in property and drugs.

The story demonstrates how 1980s banking practice, the desire to rebuild London’s docklands and a lack of money laundering regulations all aided the robbers and handlers as they transformed the biggest gold bullion haul into cash - and in doing so changed our nation forever.

This video has been subtitled in Serb/Croat and audio is in English.

Famous author, writer and researcher David Icke talks about European Union, New World Order, Banking system, Radiation, Food and Energy, 9/11, Middle east crisis , system of control and global enslavement that has came and is coming upon us trough the dealings of few man over many. Ruling Elite, 1% that wants it all.
He talks about the true goal of the hidden rulers.

This video is a compilation of David Icke interviewees given to "Na Rubu Znanosti"- HRT2 - Croation State television in period from 2009 to 2012 connected in one single story that gives the whole perspective and insight into the Big Picture from the words and opinions of David Icke.

What do you think, is this true or not ?
Is this what happens all around us or it is just a "conspiracy theory"?
Is it a fact is it all real or it is a hoax for some purpose and reason?

Look around the world today!

COVID19, Draconian Lockdown Powers, Police State Fascism, Control of Disease Act 1984 - Updated 27th April 2020
Forced Vaccines, Certificates, Passport of Vaccination (Control) - ID2020, Technological Tattoo, Agenda 21 - Agenda 30 "Sustainable Development" to create a
New World Order
Ministry of Control - Food, Transport, Health, Education - All Tyrannical Death Cult Imposition to control more of our lives down to the finest details.
5G SMART Grid, IoT - Internet of Things, Cloud, A.I. - Artificial Intelligence Transhumanism - Transgender

UN Occult World "Peace" Plan - Theosophy Archived Global Religions ideals, beliefs, prophecies which the globalists will use to create a unification event to cultivate political control. A fake phoney World Peace Plan. Plus destroy all religions but the one true slave religion.

Please comment and give your opinion and criticism.

Please Visit and Give support to:
David Icke


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He is EXACTLY who he says he is, a former top Vodafone exec.
I have seen the glowing reports from his Vodafone coworkers. This message is an extremely important piece of inside information.
The pastor speaking here says: spread this message widely. I can only echo his sentiments. I have checked out every single thing he says.
Every single thing he says checks out. This person REALLY knows what he's talking about.
Heed ALL his warnings with utmost seriousness.

Satanic - Rothschild Zionism - Reptilians - Other Dimensional Entites - Secret Societies behind the New World Order - Regime Change - False Flags - War - WWIII - Eurasia - Problem Reaction Solution - Destruction of Nationalism - Globalism - World Army - War on Terror Islam Deception by the Globalist Zionists - Puppet Politicians - Bankers - Elite - Communist - Fascist - Scum Bags - World Stage Conductors - 9/11 - Trigger - Recession - Change, Hope and Something to believe in - Globalist infrastructure...

Research Sabbatean Frankists - the initial invasion of Judaism to eventually Zionism, Islam eventually to Wahhabism infiltrated by the Roman Church, the BabylonianDemonic Death Cult seeking Global Unification via a Phoney peace initiative to carry out a New World Government Objectives - Research Agenda 21/30
The Global Occult World Peace Plan!

Sheep - Pawns - People led with their eyes wide shut - Governed by a blind obedience and worship of Authority - Don't think and don't ask questions! - Music - Canvas
Sheep Dog - Pawns who think they're knights - Policing Society - Instrument - Utensil
Famer - Kings and Queens who think they're Conductors - the play out upon the world stage of an Occult Symbolic, interdimensional gateway, they're an interface for beings of another realm/reality wanting to take over this reality, feeding off of the energetic consciousness of humans, when they're suffering!
Out of sight - hidden hand entity whom all are enslaved to via their artificial wheel upon existence, breeding suffering so the energy it feeds off are like rats in a trap-maze - Entities of an unknown quantity - Origin likely Draco Constellation - Demonic Beasts, Archons Artifical Assimilation of existence, replicas, bad copies!

Problem - People confusing the obedience of authority, with the acceptance of truth.
When authority tells lies, the truth becomes a traitor!
Whistleblowers exposing war crimes, crimes against humanity, invasions of privacy, removal of human rights, are in prison while terrorist war criminals

During the London 2012 - Zion - Olympics, the Globalist Death Cult used the sport platform to symbolically and ritualistically represent the ushering in of a New Era - Technotronic Era as described by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era.
This is a symbolic of their idea of "Zion" a New Jerusalem, their New World Order, bringing about their King Solomon's Temple symbolising a Global Domination of this Empire!
The ushering in of this New Age is an Occult imposition of the story of Noah - Noahide Laws, the Seven Laws of Noah - Symbolised the calm following the storm, the Rainbow.
Then, a Dove will lead us back to a New Cleansed Earth - A New World Order out of world cleansed by this Globalist Death Cult by Poplantion Control - The the Abomination of Desolation!
These are the path to the Globalist One World Government evoked by this Globalist Death Cult, signalled via the UN their Dove World Peace Plan and WHO their Covid-19 Phoney Plandemic to justify great, fsr reaching swift changes and sudden demands upon society!

They also had symbolism galore at the 2012 Olympics of the stadium position along roads all of Occult Significance within a certain gridline pattern energetic vortex.
(Symbolised upon the lined pattern upon event medals)
The layout of the stadium conforms to the Covid-19 "virus" depiction from above!
Demonic entities chasing children, babies head with a slit in it, NHS staff dancing, a Vow of Silence shh Symbolism, moving from the Era of Industry to this New Techtronic Era etc
An artificial rainbow light show flooding the night sky - Symbolic of the False Light bearers of Illumination evoking Lucifer, an artificial technological dragnet upon the world for total control of every aspect of every individuals life and body, acting as an intermediary between yourself and experience.
The Mark of the Beast, signifying your submission and your ownership by this demonic, archontic system!
(We're bejng infected by a mind parasite)

This event also foreshadowed Covid-19 circumstances as a method of the Globalist Death Cult, laughing in the face of all those whom witness this!

Check the Occult World Peace Plan, being carried out upon many fronts, dictated via the direction of the UN and its alphabet networks and this Occult exploitation will be signalled, triggered, by the collapse of the European Union - Tower of Babylon must fall to pursue the same agenda that advances upon a grander scale encompassing the Globe not just the EU. The trigger event for this can be said to be Brexit as this is why the event was crafted by the Cult in the background whom otherwise wouidn't have given us any choice in the matter - and a complete destruction beyond all recognition of the United States, a loss of liberty by the closing up of the heavens, the removal of the Holy Spirit an attack upon Semiramis - Lady Liberty, the destruction of Capital Hill - Hill of the Skull - in the District of Colombia - Semiramis
This is all an Occult Symbolic Ritual by the Globalist Death Cult behind this, to usher in their New Era!

This will be a phoney sense of peace to unify the masses into the submission of a single centralised source of power dictating to the world, revolving around Technology, a technological dictatorship.
Noahs journey is symbolically represented by a calm which followed the storm, the wrath of God, the Rainbow, which is symbolised here during the Zion 2012 event, in 2012 London Olympic animations, the all seeing eye mascot often doing the as above so below opposite hand gestures, depicted near rainbows...

Check my other videos that goes with this information!
Research Zion Olympics

Zion Olympics 🤫 - Covid-19 - Rainbow Country - Occult Rites and Rituals - New Jerusalem - Archon Hidden Hand

#EVENT201 #CoronaVirus A Global Pandemic Exercise- DiseaseX - October 2019 - Globalist Fake Jews

Covid-19: Control of Disease Act 1984 - Detain and Re-education Camps indefinitely - Forced Vaccination - No Rights - Noncompliance i

Police State in need of a Mirror - Thought Crime in Progress - Grass up your Family and Friends - Give us something to do during the Covid-19 Scam

Historical Research context of Palestine to Israel, Zionism and the false Judaism Global Model, the deception official narrative as presented by Lord Rothschild.

Khazars - Non-Semitic group, transitioned to Judaism as historically they found themselves between an Islamic and Christian tyranny take over of their nation, land, people and resources by empires seeking to expand their influence into their region.

These went on to become the bulk of modern Jews we know of today, European Jews/Ashkenazi Jews that also become the bulk of Israeli Jews, breeding out and deceiving upon the roots of historical Biblical Judah, Israelites. It's a complete falsification of history which is the basis of Israel's existence. The Globalist Death Cult engineered this via Zionism with the help of their various Occult groups and societies such as Freemasonry, which they have also infiltrated and use to bring a mean to an end, when it comes to implementing their cause.

These so called Jews behind this Globalist Death Cult Deception are not one in the same as the Biblical Jews.
The historical context behind these Rothschild Zionists whom went onto occupy Israel and create Zionism to do so, are historically rooted within the Sabbatean Frankist Movement/Deception.

They are a Satanic group seeking to invert, pervert and deceive other religious groups on behalf of occult agents embedded secretly within the Vatican, to present other religions as demonic and satanic and their church, their version of Christianity as being the only one, true, virtuous religion.
Making Christianity appear true by way of deception and making those other religions appear as perverse as Christians would like to make them appear. This is an exploitation of various peoples upon the surface to implement Divide and Rule, while at the core of those behind this deceptive agenda, they're truly demonic and satanic. Hence the name, The Globalist Death Cult, often called the Globalists, Deep State, 1% or Illuminati, mistaken as a genuine "Jewish" Plot or as a completely Freemasonic Plot.

Sabbatai Zevi - Infiltrated Judaism as being the "Jewish Messiah" and perverted the values, beliefs and traditions of Judaism to corrupt Judaism as a whole, to suite the interests of the Globalist Death Cult, at the core the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church - this later went underground as being Jewish practises within smaller esoteric groups within the Kabbalah and the Zohar - Illuminated ones, Radiance/"Light of God" and spread throughout Occult Groups around the world, especially through Europe via parts of/at the core of Freemasonry, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism - AMORC - Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis and other shoot off groups that practice exotic religious rites, and symbolic ritual practises of Freemasonry even if embroidered with a certain mystic or alternate religious iconoclasm to various degrees of extremes, such as Sacrifice and Pedophilia to the more traditional, symbolic and publicly acceptable practises that appear as the traditional religious worship, sometimes this is the inversion of those practises.
Like Mother Mary becomes the Whore of Babylon - Woman of the Apocalypse
Christ becomes the AntiChrist etc

Jacob Frank - Infiltrated Islam from supposed Judaism, by encouraging mass conversion, the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi by what would later become Wahhabism - Saudi Arabia - Islamic State - The most extreme concept of Sharia Law comes from here and was attempted to be spread throughout the Islamic World by the British Empire via their use of Tinpot Dictators, creating a constant state of turmoil by a people whom disagreed and stood up for themselves in the face of this tyranny, tribe against tribe, nation against nation.
Then, the British Empire would justify intervention to help out those behind their agenda.
This later was made all the more justifiable by the creation of Israel by the Globalist Death Cult, supposably in the name of the collective World Judaism, made to look sound, credible and legitimate. It's not and it has justified a constant state of perpetual war in the Middle East, so a Globalist Empire can expand it's influence and means...

^ The Dönmeh - Islamic for to turn - More like backstabbing bastards being the more appropriate English terminology and understanding, in terms of the rest of both Jews and Islamists. They're neither, but stab them both in the back, just like Germany's leaders during WWI.

Sumerian > Babylon > Turkey > Europe > Modern Day Israel theft by a Globalist Death Cult, rooted within many religious, political and occult groups, keeping their true objectives and rites under wraps with their Globalist Interests hidden out of sight...

The ideas of Babylon and the worship of their Gods and Goddesses have been kept alive and worshipped by these occult, esoteric groups and are hidden within plain-sight when it comes to institutions such as the Vatican, the Roman Emp


A 2018 documentary about the mysterious substance called "Adrenochrome" and its use for the secret society of the Illuminati.

What is Adrenochrome made of?
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C₉H₉NO₃ produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium. (en.wikipedia.org/...)

Adrenochrome is an adrenaline metabolite that was investigated in several very small studies in the 1950s and 60s. It is supposed to cause mental disorders, derealisation, and euphoria.


The Elites Super Drug: Adrenochrome


Created 4 years ago.

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