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When you know you know.

See zero constitutional processes required for a problem that was never real. Mockingbird called the election and they squawked the whole idea that Biden is president; the effort and energy that is needed to make the lie stand up should show that someone needs an excuse hence the effort. And that means they are making something that should not truly exist in first place rather than the collective making it and not knowing because that is where truth originated always and abstract to you because you don’t control it still doesn’t explain how your focus and energy facilities your goals. If you quit you did not try or you did not succeed because you chose to quit. Ain’t that always been exactly how things work? Different but acceptable truth savvy? And often since things be so sumo most of life she you know that you have that because you don’t get what you were not focused on properly. See how lying here will get you more occasion to introduce another negative lie? When you think comedy it can not really be funny until it’s TRUE. Same thing essentially because fuck your complicated needs I want and operate well at my simple and easy pace and I don’t get gray hairs or any ugly wash off my face, mean face is a tool like your brain heart and gut. Only those are separate but also somehow connected electrical activity centers that electricity seems to be a tool coming off Or proper living makes it useful all you have to do is use these things. Knock and door shall open, ask and you shall receive, literally seems like. I noticed timeline collapsing way back and all manner of wild as hell eventful shenanigans and I didn’t even leave my couch to arrive there. When you know you know, and finally actually live. Watch the topknot.

Just use FMJ or something akin to armor piercing like hard casts, and aim for the dome. Picture dogman bone density relative to strength; cannot punch your own skull in, but they are stronger than grizzly with a 1/3 that weight, savvy? And the hide thicker than a sasaquatch. Now sasaquatch will take far heavier caliber, .375 H&H is about moat common and the absolute smallest projectile I would trust. They are way stronger than you can imagine at 1200 pound and they get far bigger than people have reported it’s just those 15 foot plus either stay hidden or they obliterate witnesses and tend to live way off alone, Portsmouth Alaska were reported overly aggressive and murderous and at 14-15 foot mark too. Mountain Giants that eat complex carbs like spruce trees etc, like a moose eats only water plants and specialized diets, don’t have to eat as much to maintain the mass.

Yes. The natural ascension process has occurred in or around 2012, Julian calendar is OUR real calendar, and the sun left as scheduled. The work around is possible because humans never had a fair chance here, although nobody will ever get a free ride in the Upside Down Universal Game or Universal D Game. The collective of consensus has to prove good over evil. Demons and Old Scratch were one tough enemy but the summoning of LAM by the likes of Crowley and Barbara Bush ugly ass brought mostly malevolent beings who are not exactly 3D and they broke the universal laws. Thus God woke up. And the ascension WILL happen and it is all told. Words of God must be immune to suppression in some form otherwise they would have hidden the entire Bible, I reckon but I ain’t got nary reason for WHY I believe this, that book has it pegged straight and true comparatively though! Watch your topknot! And when you know you know.

The devil is a lie. Old Scratch is ruling by fear and confusion caused by fear. Top brass in military say STOP BELIEVING FALSE REALITY. Stop demanding outside physical SEEING because you think that is verification. All truth starts within; you are connected to God and God is the truth and source of all. The whole Socratic method and critical thinking application like Q is encouraging, yes this meager PSYOP is also that psychological operation but you fools who say Q IS A PSYOP ain’t understanding that YOU are who these PSYOPs are targeting now you know and when you know you know and can stfu and learn something if time allows, there is an imperative far more important than that what you think is true or have seen so you assume it true. The border stories are all FAKE. Deadly shots wreaking havoc THAT IS FAKE. The Delta FAKE. NASA and Mars landing FAKE. Covid(Divoc=Demon in Hebrew) FAKE. Two things are said certain 1) always about the children 2) Military was the only way. Fear don’t come from the Lord. Watch your topknot while still time; stop obsessing over WHAT to believe and pick a truth, if you pick wrong so the fuck WHAT, you are speeding up your learning so and the lie was always a lie and unverifiable, to know that after means you found indisputable evidence of the opposite, TRUTH. Shit or get off the pot! Truth is discernible because you can use logical RATIONAL deductions to rule out most falsehood, that is what you are wired to do and intuition is far better at this than any footage or picture or some asshole mockingbird media channel citizen or not.

LOL! He is saying MY BUTTS BEEN WET! Probably asked him why he walks like he is shitting himself after the chopper ride!

There’s only one damn truth; it can not be both! Since the appearance of 9400 pervert pedo press releases on DOJ.gov site and them hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments and the 9 bipartisan legislative bills that combat trafficking and over $30 million in Executive Office allocated funds and a whole lot more SAYS OTHERWISE THAN YOU WEAL WILLED DENSE FOOLS STUCK IN YOUR HATE AND FEAR MATRIXES can why don’t y’all STFU and step aside and let the man be what his fake character and position set him up to be: THE FUCKING TIP OF THE SPEAR. That be the lizard varmint killing spear, the pedovore killing spear! Goddamn I ain’t never heard such nonsense and belly aching afore: TRUMP IS BAD GUY TOO! AND THAT BELIEF MEANS MY NOT DOING ANYTHING TO HELP IS VALID BECAUSE I AM A SELF DEFEATIST WHO CAN NOT POSSIBLY BELIEVE IN ANYTHING EVEN AFTER I GOT ADULT SIXED AND POTTY TRAINED MY LEFTIE ASS AND DENOUNCED JEFFERY EPSTANK FATHER OF ALL ANTIFA BITCHES AND LIVED A 25,000 year reincarnation cycle stolen by dark forces for last 16,000 but oh no God wouldn’t have a plan for His creations to prosper and thrive and ADVANCE/ASCEND! Yep, see how well being LUKEWARM gets you dumbass. The biggest sign y’all are being lead by Old Scratch besides the guilty propensities to discredit others to conceal their own shame, those who scream loudest and Trump haters never stfu nary do those paid misinformation agents wink wink nodding cause I SEE you dipshits, there is ZERO PROOF. Lies are only things UNVERIFIABLE in this fantasy of Trump being globalist tool that they just happen to try and kill and don’t publicly show that fact that is obviously a clever ruse, NOT, y’all tit turds are thinking yourself right outside your own heads! Bold of you idiots to assume that shit is THINKING!

It attacked Middle East forces from UNDERGROUND, DUMBs and weather warfare wth else y’all want to know? I’ve seen the actual dogman here close to Taylor Mississippi. Way bigger head, claws specifically for killing think extended and anchored with a swipe capable of severing adult shin bone, and TWO ROWS OF NEEDLE POINT TEETH; double row teeth. I used to think them false lizard relative and might have laid eggs. I ain’t sure what this is, the science of how they cross genetics with Gene Decode sounds right given what I knew about current hurdles mostly how to select traits expressed, that chemical reaction energy release is instantaneous and molecular level shit. This got me kicked off YouTube and y’all should understand they don’t delete things that are fake or hoax or lying, information matrix is built on this false reality norms. Watch your topknot!

Only way they could tell people is my guess. Censorship and the Democratic Party who needed the plague to hurt Trump were harming people doing right thing and exposing lies.

I ain’t. Hate y’all getting lied to, WE are the point. The government and mockingbirds ain’t important beyond our needs and will. Politicians talk in opinion, but journalists DO NOT SPEAK TO YOU HONESTLY IF THEY HAVE ONLY THE SAME OPINION. Even lefties who don’t watch CNN STILL ADHERE TO EXACTLY ONLY WHAT CNN BELIEVES. The problem isn’t about the parties they are SAME PARTY THAT IGNORED CORPORATE FIAT GOVERNANCE AND THEREFORE ALL COMPLICIT WITH THAT ITSELF WHICH IS PROVEN UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so you republicans can go shit on the walls too! They are not on your side, still I’ll agree Democrats ONLY VOTE ONE WAY OR YOURE A RACIST. That is neither democracy or diplomacy so there is zero question about who’s more illegitimate; but at least we always know where demoncrats stand, damn republicans balk and switch allegiance at oddest times and thus progress isn’t achieved. Incompetent lawyer/ politicians ain’t incompetent, THEY ACCOMPLISH EXACTLY WHAT THEY WISH TO ACCOMPLISH, every time. Because they can always obfuscate and the media will be little mockingbirds for that purpose. Ask yourself this though: If Q be dangerous and disruptive WHY HASNT ANYONE DEMANDED FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AND THE IDENTITY OF Q? Pretty important according to the mockingbird media, and it can’t be BOTH, either bad or acceptable/good. I can say that Socratic method and critical thinking took a hit and Q polished those up, but you that ain’t realized there’s no PLAN in the drops alone ain’t getting the whole point. It’s about YOU and what power YOU as a lawful citizen have. Also, very simple, National Defense Law forbids the exposing of details in a military operation; Q intelligence maps are the same grade as AI plotted intelligence maps, no civilian crafted those. The NSA was due to legally disclose as they MUST from time to time, seems like they were waiting for this opportunity, and putting military intelligence with NSA makes sense for security reasons. Remember too now that only honest disclosure is legal disclosure, and EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY isn’t classified legally EVER, read 1947 National Security Act if you doubt that evidence part. Shocking new evidence surfacing NO NO NO they just had run of the entire internet and were trying to drag destruction of America across the finish line before the public got disclosure we are legally entitled to because we have no security clearance. WWG1WGA. NCSWIC. I don’t think the EVENT will happen, I think they are exposing and disclosing by warning you the event could happen any second. Whole point was to lower shock and fright. Cause FEAR doesn’t come from the Lord.

Apparently this IS REAL. Good morning, such a beautiful Sunday morning! Remember that shit? Must be out of the Russia Russia Russia VODKA.

I don’t relish my kinfolk that mocked and degraded me and when that didn’t work FORCED me with ultimatums and threats FINALLY LEARNING THE TRUTH. I saw dogman 30 years ago and they ain’t learned that yet neither even though we live next to the migrational hotspot in NA for dogman, close to Taylor, Mississippi. At least they keep them aliens and devil worshipers away, and I count that LUCKY. I can handle few dogman, but this attack from my kinfolk while they refuse to even consider what it means their goal posts keep being moved truly insinuates. The longer y’all doubters doubt the longer the truth will continue to force itself out, how truth works. Do not bother holding them kinfolk accountable, they fear that the world isn’t this bad and rotten and never was, BUT FEAR DOES NOT COME FROM THE LORD. Apply that to ANYTHING INCLUDING DOGMAN IF YOU WILL, awareness and scared for your life isn’t the same, fear porn is Old Scratch himself might as well be speaking on the tel lie vision!

The YouTube has deleted 5 channels of mine with no warning or strike and 3 with no notification email;,do you think that was for your protection?

This is the first and only meme I’ve made, I’m old and stove plum up; but I get down on them damn plogs on the MyFace page, I don’t Twatter through, damn yeah straight out on that. But I been known to get jiggly with it cools cats! Y’all watch ye topknot! Shit clinging to the air like that? Shit winds is blowing, shit hawks get to their shit roosts, before the shit storm blows in. Be easy!

Well smoke we’ll call this un a beta/max test, good luck everyone else!


Created 3 years ago.

17 videos

Category Education

CRY HAVOC! And let’s loose them hogs of war!